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In the sheet selection menu it's named as: '''Advanced 1st Edition'''.
In the sheet selection menu it's named as: '''Advanced 1st Edition'''.
==AD&D 1e Sheet Guide==
[[File:Revised_sheet.jpeg|200px|thumb|right|alt text]]
==AD&D1e Revised Sheet Guide==
===Latest Updates===
===Latest Updates===
* [ AD&D 1E Sheet info and Beta test campaign 1/02/22]
* Please be sure to always read the in-sheet Announcements and/or join the [ AD&D1e Revised Beta Game]<br/>The Beta game includes a forum thread for the latest sheet details and discussions.
* 06/01/24' The AD&D1e Revised sheet is now live!
===Helpful Links===
* Current 1e Forum thread<br/>[ AD&D1E Revised Sheet Beta Join Link.]<br/>Free to join and the best option to discuss the sheet, share tips, ask questions, etc.
* Older 1e Forum thread(included for prosperity sake)<br/>Sheet discussions, beta changes and proposed changes for the Revised sheet:
** {{fpl|8460127 AD&D1e Updates part 1}}
** {{fpl|10354613 AD&D1E Updates part 2}}
*Source Code
** AD&D1e Revised Sheet Code: {{repo|Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/tree/master/ADnD_1E_Revised}}<br/>This is the current live sheet.
** AD&D1e Sheet Code: {{repo|Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/tree/master/ADnD_1E}}<br/>This is the old 1e sheet code.  Although the old sheet is deprecated, this code can still be used for Custom sheets (Pro req). Copy the raw html and css files from the repository and paste them into a Custom game's, "Game Settings" page.
* 11/14/21' v1.59 beta
===Past Updates===
** '''Visual/Background''': continuing to convert sheet from tables(deprecated) to css grid, div, span, label, etc.
{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
* Sheet.json has been updated to allow setting default values for most of the options found on the sheet's settings page. These Game/Campaign options are only available to game creators when using a live sheet template and will affect all future characters/NPC's created in-game.
* Bug Fix; the Initiative roll subtitle was incorrectly referencing the surprise_die selector. Roll was correct, but the title was not.
* Psionics option added. Uncheck Sheet Settings|Hide Areas|Psionics to reveal additional psionic-related fields under Special Abilities. Attack/Defensive Modes and Disciplines can be added as Special Abilities. I may add a Point Cost field to Special Abilities as well.
* Added an alternative Turn Undead roll that groups undead by "adjusted" HD. Expands the turn undead table beyond the MM. See [ #7] e-zine for details.
* Bug fix; missing Damage buttons with attacks when creating a new attack from the Equipment|Weapon|+Add option.
* Made a small adjustment for the attack table output to work regardless of the Sidebar|Text Chat Options 'Enable Chat Timestamps' setting.
* Refined the Turn/Command Undead roll to check a given type of Undead vs all possible Undead. While the Turn Undead roll can be found in Sheet Settings|Misc. you can use the '+Add' to create a unique, non-synced, Special Ability that includes a chat menu button to roll the Turn Undead check from chat.
* Added a Turn Undead roll. Located in Sheet Settings|Misc. Reminder: nearly all the buttons on the sheet can be dragged to the macrobar and/or used in other macros to execute a sheet roll without having to open the sheet.
* Added dice icon to ability row rolls.
* Added Surprise Others roll.
* Added an auto-fill option for the Attack matrix tables. By default, the to-hit tables will auto-fill the table based on the class and level selected.
* Added "Light Greyhawk" and "Greyhawk" to background colors.
* Added "In Use" checkbox to attacks to better distinguish weapons that are armed, and on-the-ready.
* Added a warning indicator if the attack matrix values have not been filled out. to-Hit table values default to all "20's" otherwise.
* Fixed single column checkbox bug that required toggling the box to sync.
* Changed fractional HP field to prevent 'out of range' browser warnings.
* Changed most buttons to plain text.
* Updated repeating_equipment armor to hide meaningless fields in order to match their Armor Details counterpart.
* Added a Language roll button to post known languages to chat.
* Added option to 'Use Lbs' instead of gold pieces when determining encumbrance. Carrying capacities and carried coin weight will be divided by 10. Per-item weights need to be entered as lbs in order for the sheet to properly calculate encumbrance. Leave STR allowance in gp as per Strength table. Strength allowance will be converted to lbs on the encumbrance table.
* Updated Thief Skill migration to better handle existing attributes and normal skill calcs.
* Climb Walls updated to allow decimals. in-turn, checks made when Climb Walls is 99.1 or greater will receive an additional d10/10 added to the roll as a fraction.
* Small darkmode adjustments.
* Added the pc/npc whisper options to image and info buttons. This also applies to clicking the sheet's image directly.
* Fix made to Saving Throw calc logic that would prevent entering "20" as the base value.
* Armor Details rows Other(2-6), AC and AR selectors have been changed from a base value(10 through 0) to a bonus(+0 through +10) to AC and AR.
* Unarmored fix to enable AC and AR calcs to work without requiring a name value for the unarmored row.
* Removed "Roll" from the repeating roll buttons.
* Updated the Special Ability macro to include "0 +" for the inline rolls to prevent a chat error if a non-number is used in the ability_die and/or ability_current_max fields. Roll template checks these inline rolls for numbers in order to show or hide info.
* Added rolls for Racial Notes and Special Senses.
* Small adjustments to text and layout.
* Added the ability to create an attack from Equipment|Weapons(sub-section). Using the "+ADD" button will create a unique(ie not linked to equipment) attack.
* Updated repeating_equipment sheetworker; split tab changes that set the hide/show attributes for all rows from the type and carry changes that only happen within a given row.
* Version check to correct equipment type:gear that could have erroneously been set to an out of range value instead of Gear.
* Small adjustment to repeating row edit:move handling.
* Fixed a bug in the Bulk load calculation incorrectly using "Heavy" as the baseline instead of "Normal".
* The Encumbered condition will remove any DEX bonus from AC calculations. There will also be a visual indicator (dashed-border w/small warning icon) added to the "Dex Adj." field when Encumbered as a helpful reminder.
* Added Weapon Proficiency total field. @{weapon_proficiency_total}
* Sheet portrait can now be clicked on to post the image to chat.
* Increased the Monster portrait image area. Avatar or URL images will fill the available space up to a 350px<sup>2</sup>.
* Updated Initiative and Surprise rolls to show Encumbrance penalties.
* Disabled repeating_equipment|armor| "armor details" attributes until an armor type has been selected. This helps ensure the proper fields are shown for armor type.
* Adjustment to exceptional abilities so that they will only be displayed if the Show Exceptional is unchecked in Sheet Settings and the ability is at least 18. Exceptional Strength is always shown regardless of the hide option.
* Fixed incorrect table data for STR and CON. Updated Open Doors macro to use % vs d6.
* Armor Bulk and Encumbrance are now used to auto-adjust the movement load indicator and speeds. Dex penalty and roll template bulk/encumbrance text are on the to-do list.
* Armor Details: the unArmored Base row has been included with repeating_equipment|armor sync. This row is designed to represent any non-armor "Base AC". ie monsters natural skin/hide or a PC's clothing.
* Fixed a bug with newly added equipment and the equipment_carried_select attr. While the select showed "carried", the weight calc was incorrectly using "0" (ie not carried), which is the default value for equipment_carried.
* Added an Auto-Calc Movement option. The movement load can be temporarily selected even if the auto-calc option is enabled but any changes to encumbrance, base movement, or opening the sheet will cause a re-calc. If Auto-Calc Movement is disabled, any manual changes to the movement load will be persistent.
* Fixed NPC image link roll.
* Fixed triggering event for total weight. Was not recalculating until sheet open.
* Fixed portrait image resize to be consistent between using the default avatar image or custom image url.
* Armor details on repeating_equipment has been moved into the expanded sub-section.
* Fixed equipment|armor|shield AC and AR dropdown selectors to match Armor Details.
* Added back the display of armor and weapon weight sub-totals to the bottom of the equipment section.
* Sheet Settings; expanded the "Reset" macros button to include buttons for each repeating section. Resetting simply clears the existing macro-text in order to use the most current default macros used for sheet rolls.
* Weapon weight and cost migration; one-time update checks existing repeating_weapon that have either weight or cost being tracked (ie non-zero value) and creates a copy of them to equipment|weapons if the weapon isn't already in equipment. Names must match exactly to be considered a match. "Matched" items are updated with the weapon weight and cost values. If a weapon is not having it's weight/cost tracked, it will be ignored. This was necessary in order to prevent adding multiple versions of the same weapon. ie variations of an attack. Add weapons to equipment|weapons manually to track weight/cost. Weight and Cost calcs are now included with equipment.
* Fixed a bug in the equipment default value update that set all equipment to carried.
* Fixed equipment type dropdown from teleporting to the matching tab view when the "All" tab is selected.
* Sync spell tab level view to match a spell level change.
* Fixed missing armor weight and cost for armor 1 when migrating older sheets.
* Added Caster Class 1 and Caster Class 2. Each class will have it's own spell/day grid. Repeating spells now include the caster class and the caster level. Caster Class 2 related sections are hidden by default but can be toggled visible in the sheet options. Spells can be sorted by Caster class.
* Added Save Type field to spells.
* Armor Details rows are now synced with repeating_equipment under Armor. Changes made to either should be reflected in both locations. There are now 6 "Other" rows that can be used for anything else that might effect AC. ie magical items and spells. Weight and Cost calcs are now included with equipment.
* Added two more custom rows to Armor Details section.
* Fixed a bug that caused a gap between repeating rows of spells.
* Added a url "Link" attribute and button to Spells, Equipment, Special Abilities, NWP, and Monster. Button sends a clickable "LINK" to chat. Link has also been added to the roll template.
* Toggling the sheet's role from PC to NPC will also change the main tab text to help indicate that the NPC sheet role can use both the 'Monster' tab and PC tab which gets renamed 'NPC' with this update. Toggle back to PC and the main tab displays 'PC' and hides the Monster tab.
* Added @{hitdice_total} to Class Details to Track total/effective Hit Dice for Spell effects and XP.
* Added a Custom Attributes section located on the settings page. Use custom attributes to track misc. adjustments for macros and mods. ie Ring of Protection +1 Saves, +1 AC.
* Expanded the Special Abilities to include additional fields/attributes to better handle SLA's and misc. Powers. New Abilities will automatically get the updated roll template for these new fields. Manually reset the macro-text(ie delete the current macro-text) to force the new default macro. To-do: Auto-update roll template for old/existing special abilities.
* New fields/attributes;
<ul><b>- PC/NPC:</b> @{pc_image_link}, @{surprise_others_mod}, @{senses}, @{pc_image_link}, @{npc_image_link}, @{npc_link}</ul>
<ul><b>- Spells:</b> @{priest_caster_level}, @{mage_caster_level}, @{spell_link}, @{spell_notes}</ul>
<ul><b>- Special Abilities:</b> @{ability_effect_type}, @{ability_level}, @{ability_ct}, @{ability_range}, @{ability_duration}, @{ability_save}, @{ability_aoe}, @{ability_save_type}, @{ability_link}, @{ability_notes}</ul>
* 10/21/21' v1.58
* Added URL fields and a button to post images and hyperlinks to chat.
**all [[Repeating Section|repeating attributes]] have been renamed to help eliminate any attribute naming conflicts. On-sheet migration should make this translation seamless, but any custom macros, on/off the sheet that use the older repeating attribute names will need to be updated.
* Fixed accidentally open/closing the collapsible areas by clicking the whitespace between repeating fields.
** Please read the Sheet Announcements and/or the latest forum thread for details.
* Small adjustment to header spacing when an avatar has not been selected.
* Bug Fix: Typo prevented some of the Saving Throws (Spells, and Custom 1-3) from including the Misc and Temp values in the total.
* Sheet Settings: Fixed the hide Thief Skills option. Missing "checked" state in a hidden checkbox used to trigger hide/show areas of the sheet.
* Small changes to improve weapon Range field validation. Normal input will accept S/M/L ranges as numbers seperated by '/'. ie 1/2/3. You may also include single or double quotes as distance indicators. ie 1"/2"/3" or 10'/20'/30'. Entering a single value will result in all ranges using that value.
* NPC/Monster: added @{monsterHD} to help differentiate player class hit dice vs monster hit dice.
* Armor Details: Dex Adj. can be toggled to adjust AC for certain conditions.
* Added a PC/NPC radio selector. Located directly under the sheet "Announcements". @{is_npc} Added to the Default Settings page as well.
* Comeliness: added @{comeliness_base} which should represent the Comeliness un-adjusted.
* Sheet Rolls: macro-text for rolls have been updated to allow bonuses(in fields and/or the modifier prompts) to include the '+' symbol. ie '+2'. Prior to this update, including the plus symbol ie '+2' would result in a '++2' which would break the macro.
* Abilities: bonuses and penalties are now displayed with the appropriate +/- symbols as per the Ability table. The sheet used to show the mathematically correct value, but now shows the table value instead.
* Armor Details: changed Magic and Misc. Adj fields from dropdown selectors to regular input fields. Bonuses lower AC. Penalties raise AC. ie '+2' bonus lowers AC by -2 while a '-2' penalty will raise AC by 2. The AC calculations row has also been updated to display the inverted Defensive Adjustment for Dex as well as Armor Adj. and Shield Adj.
* Armor Details: Magic Adj. and Misc. Adj dropdowns have been expanded to allow -6(penalty) thru +6(bonus).
* Added Default Settings options(only available once the sheet goes live) that allow the game's creator to set sheet defaults. These will be applied to all new sheets automatically (ie npc, whispers, hide/show various areas, auto-calc ac, hp, crit damage, etc.), but can also be applied to ALL existing sheets through an additional in-game step from the 'My Settings' page, 'Apply Default Settings'.
* Repeating Weapons/Attacks: added weapon_ammo/weapon_ammo_max to help track arrows, bolts, etc. Ammo will be shown with ranged and ranged touch attacks. Also added weapon_num_attacks to indicate multiple/iterative attacks. Shown with Melee and Touch attacks. #Attacks is only serves as a visual indicator at this time. May be used in a future update to roll multiple attacks.
* Critical Damage: "Use Crit Damage" has been added to the sheet options. If enabled, natural 20 rolls will use Crit Damage in lieu of normal damage. Defaults to normal weapon damage x2 and can be modified per attack.
* Added Ability Checks(click an ability to make a roll). Defaults to 1d20 vs the Ability score, but the check can be customized from Sheet Settings|Ability Check die.
* Bug Fix: Range and Backstab fields were not toggling based on weapon_type.(melee, range, touch, ranged touch).
* Moved sheet Settings(gear icon) to the top tab bar.
* Comeliness: Charisma adjustment (same race) is auto-calculated.
* Sync HP option added to Class Details and Advanced Settings. Let the sheet sync Total HP from Class Details with HP ( @{hitpoints_max} )
* Sync AC option added to Armor Details and Advanced Settings. Enabling "Sync AC" will lock AC Total from Armor Details with AC ie @{armorclass} at the top of the sheet.
* Bug Fix: backstab adj. that were enabled for attacks were still active even when Thief Skills were hidden. Hiding Thief Skills also hides and disables Backstab adjustments.
* Dual-Wield: dual-wield primary and secondary penalty has been added to the top of the Weapons section. Directly below Weapon Proficiencies. ( @{dual_pen_primary} and @{dual_pen_secondary} ) Dual-wield penalties are calculated based on Dexterity. You can override these penalties locally, per attack, if desired.
* Armor Rating: clicking "Ignore AR" sets armorclass_rating and unarmored_base to "-".
* Choosing "Ranged Touch" will now accept a single range and or text in the Range field without displaying an input error. The Range field label also changes from "S/M/L" to "Range" which might avoid any confusion that you must enter three range values.
* Armor Rating has also been added to the top of the sheet. Matches AR found in the Armor Details section.
* Fixed Total Ac CALC. Bug was introduced after last the last changes for shields.
* Changed Size2 to "Temp Size" for both PC and NPC for consistency.
* Armor Details - Shield: the AC Rating and AC dropdown selectors have been changed to "+1 through +10". The bottom column totals, "In Use/Best" have also been updated to reflect a shield's impact on AC Rating and AC accordingly.
* Bug Fix: Shield AC was being included in the AC Base.
* Added Comeliness to non-weapon proficiencies dropdown selector for nwp checks/rolls. Also added two new fields to the Comeliness row to track CHA and Racial adjustments.
* Weapons: Range now includes three hidden attributes, weapon_range_short, weapon_range_medium, and weapon_range_long. While the weapon_range field excepts any text value, the preferred format should be three numbers separated by a forward slash. Dash, space, or comma should also work. ie '1/2/3', '10-20-30', '1 2 3', '1,2,3'. The sheet will attempt to extract the three range values but will show a red/gold border with red text if it cannot extract all three ranges.
* Weapons: added a new Attack Type selector to indicate "Melee, Ranged, Touch, or Ranged Touch". Mostly a visual indicator, but can also help differentiate attack types for API. Range and Fire Rate are hidden for Melee attacks. Backstab is hidden for Ranged attacks. Changed the older Dual-wield "Attack Type" attributes ie weapon_attack_type_pen to weapon_dual_pen and have also updated the macro-text accordingly.
* Morale check button added. Basic roll: d100 vs @{morale_base} + mod
* Backstab: the Backstab Multiplier,@{backstab} and Backstab Bonus,@{backstab_bonus} are now included with attack rolls. The multiplier defaults to "1", and the bonus defaults to "0" so they will not affect normal attacks. Enabling the "Backstab" checkbox on the attack adds the To-Hit bonus (defaults to "+4") to the attack roll and multiply weapon damage rolled. Any damage, magic, misc. bonuses are applied after the damage multiplier. The backstab checkbox is hidden if Sheet Settings|Hide Areas|Thief Skills is checked.
* Roll Templates: brought back alternating row shading.
* Added a one-time version check/update that auto-calcs ability rows, saves, and thief skills.
* Added a one-time version check/update that updates the macro-text for repeating weapons, abilities, nwp, and spells. Only unedited, default macro-text will be updated to the latest default roll automatically. Customized macro-text will be skipped. FYI: to force a field to update to the latest default, simply delete the text. Using the "Reset Now" button from within the Sheet Settings tab forces updates of multiple sheet-wide macro-text fields. Use with caution.
* Auto-updating ability stats. Completed: Strength, Intelligence(bonuslanguages only auto-fills for humans), Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution(checks for fighter, paladin, or ranger, to expand bonuses past +2), Charisma.
* Attack Type: updated 'Normal' so that the roll template does not show '(Normal Attack)'. Only '(Primary Attack)' and '(Secondary Attack)' will be included with an attack roll.
* AC Details: added the option 'Auto-Calc AC'. Enabled by default so that any changes to the armor detail rows will auto-calculate the AC totals at the bottom of the section. The best AC at the top of the sheet is still manual so you may enter whatever you want regardless of any auto-calculated 'suggestions'. Also, the 'Calc AC' button can be used to force a re-calc regardless of the 'Auto-Calc AC' checkbox.
* Adjustments to help the roll templates better handle inserted images.
* Armor Details: added a column to list Bulk. Info tracking only. Not used in any calculations.
* Re-positioned the Rear and Shieldless AC boxes to a vertical position nearer AC. Made fields editable to match Armor Details.
* Armor Details: reworked this section as per forum discussions. Bottom row numbers can be manually changed and they will only gets auto-calculated, (based on the table above) if you use the "Calc AC" button.
* Added Secondary Skill field. Added Weapon Proficiency fields to the top of the Weapons section.
* NPC: attacks and special abilities will be shared between pc/npc. Same attributes.
* Settings: added "pink" and "darkpink" to the roll template options.(Khruc) and "colorized" the roll template selector to help visualize your selection. Also made a few small teaks to the header text contrast to help with a few of the color choices.
* NPC: added Save rolls. These are shared with the PC tab and use the Base number to keep things simple.
* Thief Functions: each row is now auto-calculated. While you can temporarily override the total, any changes made to the row will trigger a recalc. Special handling for pre-existing characters; older thief values will be copied to the Base column. This allows for the "new" total to still match the old value, but will auto-calc once the row is manually adjusted. New sheets default to level 1 Thief base values.
* Settings: Toggle Multi-Class fields. Toggle is also included inside the Class Details section.
* Settings: Toggles all macro-text fields. Only show when you want to edit rolls.
* Equipment: moved Wealth below the repeating equipment rows.
* Armor Details: Added No Armor/Natural field.
* NPC: added an Wears Armor checkbox. Used to indicate that the AC includes unnatural armor. Weapons vs Armor Type should apply. Unchecked by default. Uses a new attribute: @{armor_rating_flag}
* NPC: added Type. Uses the existing attribute: @{race}.
* PC/NPC: added Size and Temp Size. Size can be used for the Natural/Unaltered size, where as Temp Size can be used to track the current size. Uses new attributes: @{size} and @{size2}
* NPC: added a Secondary/Other movement field. Only the primary movement is used for sheet speed calcs. Uses a new attribute: @{movement2}
* NPC: No Appearing will now expand to match text entered.
* Darkmode: More adjustments.
* Settings: Option to hide comeliness row.
* Darkmode: Fixed HP and AC weirdness.
* Special Abilities: added die and modifier. A roll will be included with the Special Ability roll only if the die field is more than 1d0 or if the modifier is greater than 0.
* Settings: added an Advanced Option to reset all sheet macros. **WARNING:** This option will clear all repeating macro-text which forces the macro fields to re-populate to the latest sheet defaults. Any customization/editing that was done to any existing macro-text fields will be lost if the reset option is utilized. I will include an automatic check and reset of non-edited macro-text once the sheet is ready to to go live. For testing purposes, using the Reset option is the easiest method to ensure the sheet is using the latest macros.
* Settings: added options to whisper PC and NPC rolls.
* Attacks: added Attack Type for dual wielding attacks. normal, primary, and secondary option. Penalties are auto-calculated and adjusted for Dex.
* Attacks: added Damage Type. Also displayed with damage rolls.
* Initiative and Surprise: exposed macro text in settings to allow for more customization.
* Fixed logo from being resized by roll20 image server which was causing the image to look blurry. Changed the logo to a background-image instead of an img element.
* Saves: each save row is now auto-calculated. While you can temporarily override the save total, any changes made to the row will trigger a recalc. Special handling for per-existing characters; older save values will be copied to the Base/Class column. This allows for the "new" save total to still match the old value, but will auto-calc once the row is manually adjusted. New sheets default to 20.
* Hit Adj. vs AC type: Added additional fields beyond AC 2. ie 1 and 0.
* Attack row: alignment adjustments.
* Included a check that adds a single repeating row if no rows have been added. Serves as a placeholder entry.
* Updated navigational indicators (hide/show triangles have been changed to chevrons).
* Updated logo with a cleaner more scalable image. (Thanks David)
* Saves: removed Class Adj. column and added Temp. Adj.
* Added hide/show toggle for custom saves and custom thief functions.
* Minor adjustments to navigational section headings and button rolls.
* Adjustments made to help better control portrait image.
* Added some adjustments for dark mode.
* Bug Fix: Equip weight- newly added items were not calculating weight properly.
* Spells: changed Spell Type/School field to a datalist. Type to sort and choose, or enter any text.
* Made the sheet a "little" more friendly to resizing the journal window. YMMV...
* Attack Matrix: auto-fill to hit table automatically by selecting class/monster and level/HD.
* NPC/Monster(WIP): added a toggle at the top of the sheet to switch sheet from PC to NPC/Monster.
* Equipment: added carried options(yes,no,mount) with additional filtering(carried, not carried, mount). items that are not carried or on mount are not included in the character's weight calcs.
* Bug Fix: Spells - toggling memorized spells(wasn't actually filtering correctly...) and also prevented seeing a newly added spell. Oops.
* Spells: memorized spells will be slightly emphasized over non-prepared using a subtle opacity difference.
* Settings: additional toggles added to hide Thief Skills, Spells, and Non-Weapon Proficiencies.
* Notes: added repeating notes with the ability to output the note to chat with a roll.
* Created an additional roll template for the attack table that places the matrix/thac0 output directly below the attack roll in chat. Should take up less room in chat make it a little easier if/when the Hit Armor Type table is also used.
* Settings: added an option to either use a sheet's avatar or a custom url for the sheet's image/portrait.
* Font updates to the sheet and templates. Also added a linear gradient to the template header color.
* Attack Matrix and THAC0 table have been moved into the top of the Weapons section.
* Settings: toggle Attack Matrix or THAC0 table.
* Spells: toggle added to display memorized spells only.
* Updated Saving Throws to show Success/Failure.
* Repeating sections have been "condensed" and now include an option to expand the row for descriptions and macro-text.
* Equipment: added tabs to help organize items. Includes a expanding section with description, macro-text and a sheet roll. Currently I'm hiding weight and cost for armor and weapons since you can enter that info outside of equipment. I'm toward removing the weight and cost field from the other sections entirely and simply track those in one location, Equipment...
* Settings: added toggles to hide Costs and Exceptional Ability column.
* Carrying Capacities and Movement Rates beyond 'Normal' are now calculated by the sheet.
* Armor Details now has a carried option to handle armor weight.
* Armor Details; now includes a auto-calculations based off of the armor "matrix". Best selected/worn base will be used for AC. All selected/worn armor adjustment and magical adjustments are applied. Calcs, Rear, Shieldless, and Total AC.
* Still wrestling with how best to track multi-class hp. See the "Class Details" sub-section. Currently, the Total HP calc is all class hp+con/# of classes. Result can be a fraction for a multi-class character. Use this the Total HP result to determine what to enter in the HitPoint|max field. There is a spot to track any fractional HP if desired.
* Sheet has now been converted over to be CSE(character sheet enhancement) mode and will break if the sheet is loaded in as a Custom game as Legacy.
* added additional custom rows for saves and thief functions.
* Added a Weapon Proficiency adj. checkbox toggle. Non-proficiency(unchecked) reveals a "penalty" field. Sheet auto-calcs weapon_prof_pen based on checkbox state and weapon_prof value. @{weapon_prof_pen} has been added to the default attack macro-text.
* Added to hit vs armor type adj. Includes a checkbox to toggle the table with the attack roll. Sheet auto-calcs whether to use "{{ToHitACadj2to10}}" or "{{ToHitACadj2to10=<complete hit adj. by armor type table values>}}" and saves this value to @{weapon_ToHitACadj} which has been added to the default attack macro-text.
* Small updates to the roll template to better accommodate the To Hit table.
* All the older table data has been replaced. Moving to a grid/flex-based layout should help to make future changes easier.
* Settings; Init and Surprise have a "die" option in the settings(located in the footer). d6 is the default. Hide/Show Costs has not been enabled yet.
* Still planning to auto-hide the extra class and levels fields at the top of the sheet if not a multi-class.
* Continuing to convert sheet layout from tables (only the roll templates are left to convert...)
* Added a character portrait that pulls the sheet's avatar. Todo: add a default image(generic silhouette) in cases where there is not an image to pull or if it's not desired.
* Working out a better class sub-section to better handle tracking xp and hp calcs for multi-class. Currently all manual entry, but auto-calculation "possibly" planned for hitpoints|max.
* Added additional types of AC. ie Shieldless, Surprised, and Rear.
* Updated some of the ability-based rolls to show target/threshold number as well as any adjustments included with the roll.
* Updated Mental Save macro. 1d20+wis adj + query adj
* Saving throw "matrix" added to handle multiple adjustments for saving throws. ie ability, racial, class, and misc. Currently all manual entry, but auto-calculation planned for the total of each type of saving throw. Also added an additional custom save row.
* Updated saving throw rolls to show target/threshold and any adjustments included with the roll. Removed the success/fail border indicator for now... since it did not actually work correctly when applying modifiers. Border color was only based on the raw roll(system limitation). This will be addressed once the roll templates are updated.
* Added notes for armor/defenses, racial, history/bio, and saving throws.
* Thief skills now uses a matrix layout similar to saves. Add additional attributes to track adj. Also added an additional custom save row.
* {{fpl|10354613 (AD&D 1E) update part 2}} Jan 2022 - latest discussions & updates
** {{fpl|8460127 AD&D 1e Updates - Roll20 Forum Thread}} old sheet thread
* {{repo|Roll20/roll20-character-sheets/tree/master/ADnD_1E Sheet source code}} - can be used for custom sheets (Pro level feature)
==See Also==
==See Also==
* [[D&D]] Main Page for all D&D editions on Roll20
* [[D&D]] Main Page for all D&D editions on Roll20
* [[Advanced Dungeons and Dragons]] genaral stuff about 1E & 2E
* [[Advanced Dungeons and Dragons]] general stuff about 1E & 2E
* [[:Category:AD&D 2E]]
* {{forum|category/277980 Character Sheets}} - general help with character sheets
* {{forum|category/277980 Character Sheets}} - general help with character sheets
[[Category:Character Sheet Documentation]]
[[Category:Character Sheet Documentation]]
[[Category:Roll Templates]]
[[Category:AD&D 1E]]

Revision as of 18:03, 14 July 2024

The AD&D 1E sheet currently maintained/updated by Vince.

In the sheet selection menu it's named as: Advanced 1st Edition.

alt text


AD&D1e Revised Sheet Guide

Latest Updates

  • Please be sure to always read the in-sheet Announcements and/or join the AD&D1e Revised Beta Game
    The Beta game includes a forum thread for the latest sheet details and discussions.
  • 06/01/24' The AD&D1e Revised sheet is now live!

Helpful Links

  • Source Code
    • AD&D1e Revised Sheet Code: [1]
      This is the current live sheet.
    • AD&D1e Sheet Code: [2]
      This is the old 1e sheet code. Although the old sheet is deprecated, this code can still be used for Custom sheets (Pro req). Copy the raw html and css files from the repository and paste them into a Custom game's, "Game Settings" page.


Past Updates

  • Sheet.json has been updated to allow setting default values for most of the options found on the sheet's settings page. These Game/Campaign options are only available to game creators when using a live sheet template and will affect all future characters/NPC's created in-game.
  • Bug Fix; the Initiative roll subtitle was incorrectly referencing the surprise_die selector. Roll was correct, but the title was not.
  • Psionics option added. Uncheck Sheet Settings|Hide Areas|Psionics to reveal additional psionic-related fields under Special Abilities. Attack/Defensive Modes and Disciplines can be added as Special Abilities. I may add a Point Cost field to Special Abilities as well.
  • Added an alternative Turn Undead roll that groups undead by "adjusted" HD. Expands the turn undead table beyond the MM. See #7 e-zine for details.
  • Bug fix; missing Damage buttons with attacks when creating a new attack from the Equipment|Weapon|+Add option.
  • Made a small adjustment for the attack table output to work regardless of the Sidebar|Text Chat Options 'Enable Chat Timestamps' setting.
  • Refined the Turn/Command Undead roll to check a given type of Undead vs all possible Undead. While the Turn Undead roll can be found in Sheet Settings|Misc. you can use the '+Add' to create a unique, non-synced, Special Ability that includes a chat menu button to roll the Turn Undead check from chat.
  • Added a Turn Undead roll. Located in Sheet Settings|Misc. Reminder: nearly all the buttons on the sheet can be dragged to the macrobar and/or used in other macros to execute a sheet roll without having to open the sheet.
  • Added dice icon to ability row rolls.
  • Added Surprise Others roll.
  • Added an auto-fill option for the Attack matrix tables. By default, the to-hit tables will auto-fill the table based on the class and level selected.
  • Added "Light Greyhawk" and "Greyhawk" to background colors.
  • Added "In Use" checkbox to attacks to better distinguish weapons that are armed, and on-the-ready.
  • Added a warning indicator if the attack matrix values have not been filled out. to-Hit table values default to all "20's" otherwise.
  • Fixed single column checkbox bug that required toggling the box to sync.
  • Changed fractional HP field to prevent 'out of range' browser warnings.
  • Changed most buttons to plain text.
  • Updated repeating_equipment armor to hide meaningless fields in order to match their Armor Details counterpart.
  • Added a Language roll button to post known languages to chat.
  • Added option to 'Use Lbs' instead of gold pieces when determining encumbrance. Carrying capacities and carried coin weight will be divided by 10. Per-item weights need to be entered as lbs in order for the sheet to properly calculate encumbrance. Leave STR allowance in gp as per Strength table. Strength allowance will be converted to lbs on the encumbrance table.
  • Updated Thief Skill migration to better handle existing attributes and normal skill calcs.
  • Climb Walls updated to allow decimals. in-turn, checks made when Climb Walls is 99.1 or greater will receive an additional d10/10 added to the roll as a fraction.
  • Small darkmode adjustments.
  • Added the pc/npc whisper options to image and info buttons. This also applies to clicking the sheet's image directly.
  • Fix made to Saving Throw calc logic that would prevent entering "20" as the base value.
  • Armor Details rows Other(2-6), AC and AR selectors have been changed from a base value(10 through 0) to a bonus(+0 through +10) to AC and AR.
  • Unarmored fix to enable AC and AR calcs to work without requiring a name value for the unarmored row.
  • Removed "Roll" from the repeating roll buttons.
  • Updated the Special Ability macro to include "0 +" for the inline rolls to prevent a chat error if a non-number is used in the ability_die and/or ability_current_max fields. Roll template checks these inline rolls for numbers in order to show or hide info.
  • Added rolls for Racial Notes and Special Senses.
  • Small adjustments to text and layout.
  • Added the ability to create an attack from Equipment|Weapons(sub-section). Using the "+ADD" button will create a unique(ie not linked to equipment) attack.
  • Updated repeating_equipment sheetworker; split tab changes that set the hide/show attributes for all rows from the type and carry changes that only happen within a given row.
  • Version check to correct equipment type:gear that could have erroneously been set to an out of range value instead of Gear.
  • Small adjustment to repeating row edit:move handling.
  • Fixed a bug in the Bulk load calculation incorrectly using "Heavy" as the baseline instead of "Normal".
  • The Encumbered condition will remove any DEX bonus from AC calculations. There will also be a visual indicator (dashed-border w/small warning icon) added to the "Dex Adj." field when Encumbered as a helpful reminder.
  • Added Weapon Proficiency total field. @{weapon_proficiency_total}
  • Sheet portrait can now be clicked on to post the image to chat.
  • Increased the Monster portrait image area. Avatar or URL images will fill the available space up to a 350px2.
  • Updated Initiative and Surprise rolls to show Encumbrance penalties.
  • Disabled repeating_equipment|armor| "armor details" attributes until an armor type has been selected. This helps ensure the proper fields are shown for armor type.
  • Adjustment to exceptional abilities so that they will only be displayed if the Show Exceptional is unchecked in Sheet Settings and the ability is at least 18. Exceptional Strength is always shown regardless of the hide option.
  • Fixed incorrect table data for STR and CON. Updated Open Doors macro to use % vs d6.
  • Armor Bulk and Encumbrance are now used to auto-adjust the movement load indicator and speeds. Dex penalty and roll template bulk/encumbrance text are on the to-do list.
  • Armor Details: the unArmored Base row has been included with repeating_equipment|armor sync. This row is designed to represent any non-armor "Base AC". ie monsters natural skin/hide or a PC's clothing.
  • Fixed a bug with newly added equipment and the equipment_carried_select attr. While the select showed "carried", the weight calc was incorrectly using "0" (ie not carried), which is the default value for equipment_carried.
  • Added an Auto-Calc Movement option. The movement load can be temporarily selected even if the auto-calc option is enabled but any changes to encumbrance, base movement, or opening the sheet will cause a re-calc. If Auto-Calc Movement is disabled, any manual changes to the movement load will be persistent.
  • Fixed NPC image link roll.
  • Fixed triggering event for total weight. Was not recalculating until sheet open.
  • Fixed portrait image resize to be consistent between using the default avatar image or custom image url.
  • Armor details on repeating_equipment has been moved into the expanded sub-section.
  • Fixed equipment|armor|shield AC and AR dropdown selectors to match Armor Details.
  • Added back the display of armor and weapon weight sub-totals to the bottom of the equipment section.
  • Sheet Settings; expanded the "Reset" macros button to include buttons for each repeating section. Resetting simply clears the existing macro-text in order to use the most current default macros used for sheet rolls.
  • Weapon weight and cost migration; one-time update checks existing repeating_weapon that have either weight or cost being tracked (ie non-zero value) and creates a copy of them to equipment|weapons if the weapon isn't already in equipment. Names must match exactly to be considered a match. "Matched" items are updated with the weapon weight and cost values. If a weapon is not having it's weight/cost tracked, it will be ignored. This was necessary in order to prevent adding multiple versions of the same weapon. ie variations of an attack. Add weapons to equipment|weapons manually to track weight/cost. Weight and Cost calcs are now included with equipment.
  • Fixed a bug in the equipment default value update that set all equipment to carried.
  • Fixed equipment type dropdown from teleporting to the matching tab view when the "All" tab is selected.
  • Sync spell tab level view to match a spell level change.
  • Fixed missing armor weight and cost for armor 1 when migrating older sheets.
  • Added Caster Class 1 and Caster Class 2. Each class will have it's own spell/day grid. Repeating spells now include the caster class and the caster level. Caster Class 2 related sections are hidden by default but can be toggled visible in the sheet options. Spells can be sorted by Caster class.
  • Added Save Type field to spells.
  • Armor Details rows are now synced with repeating_equipment under Armor. Changes made to either should be reflected in both locations. There are now 6 "Other" rows that can be used for anything else that might effect AC. ie magical items and spells. Weight and Cost calcs are now included with equipment.
  • Added two more custom rows to Armor Details section.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a gap between repeating rows of spells.
  • Added a url "Link" attribute and button to Spells, Equipment, Special Abilities, NWP, and Monster. Button sends a clickable "LINK" to chat. Link has also been added to the roll template.
  • Toggling the sheet's role from PC to NPC will also change the main tab text to help indicate that the NPC sheet role can use both the 'Monster' tab and PC tab which gets renamed 'NPC' with this update. Toggle back to PC and the main tab displays 'PC' and hides the Monster tab.
  • Added @{hitdice_total} to Class Details to Track total/effective Hit Dice for Spell effects and XP.
  • Added a Custom Attributes section located on the settings page. Use custom attributes to track misc. adjustments for macros and mods. ie Ring of Protection +1 Saves, +1 AC.
  • Expanded the Special Abilities to include additional fields/attributes to better handle SLA's and misc. Powers. New Abilities will automatically get the updated roll template for these new fields. Manually reset the macro-text(ie delete the current macro-text) to force the new default macro. To-do: Auto-update roll template for old/existing special abilities.
  • New fields/attributes;
    - PC/NPC: @{pc_image_link}, @{surprise_others_mod}, @{senses}, @{pc_image_link}, @{npc_image_link}, @{npc_link}
    - Spells: @{priest_caster_level}, @{mage_caster_level}, @{spell_link}, @{spell_notes}
    - Special Abilities: @{ability_effect_type}, @{ability_level}, @{ability_ct}, @{ability_range}, @{ability_duration}, @{ability_save}, @{ability_aoe}, @{ability_save_type}, @{ability_link}, @{ability_notes}
  • Added URL fields and a button to post images and hyperlinks to chat.
  • Fixed accidentally open/closing the collapsible areas by clicking the whitespace between repeating fields.
  • Small adjustment to header spacing when an avatar has not been selected.
  • Bug Fix: Typo prevented some of the Saving Throws (Spells, and Custom 1-3) from including the Misc and Temp values in the total.
  • Sheet Settings: Fixed the hide Thief Skills option. Missing "checked" state in a hidden checkbox used to trigger hide/show areas of the sheet.
  • Small changes to improve weapon Range field validation. Normal input will accept S/M/L ranges as numbers seperated by '/'. ie 1/2/3. You may also include single or double quotes as distance indicators. ie 1"/2"/3" or 10'/20'/30'. Entering a single value will result in all ranges using that value.
  • NPC/Monster: added @{monsterHD} to help differentiate player class hit dice vs monster hit dice.
  • Armor Details: Dex Adj. can be toggled to adjust AC for certain conditions.
  • Added a PC/NPC radio selector. Located directly under the sheet "Announcements". @{is_npc} Added to the Default Settings page as well.
  • Comeliness: added @{comeliness_base} which should represent the Comeliness un-adjusted.
  • Sheet Rolls: macro-text for rolls have been updated to allow bonuses(in fields and/or the modifier prompts) to include the '+' symbol. ie '+2'. Prior to this update, including the plus symbol ie '+2' would result in a '++2' which would break the macro.
  • Abilities: bonuses and penalties are now displayed with the appropriate +/- symbols as per the Ability table. The sheet used to show the mathematically correct value, but now shows the table value instead.
  • Armor Details: changed Magic and Misc. Adj fields from dropdown selectors to regular input fields. Bonuses lower AC. Penalties raise AC. ie '+2' bonus lowers AC by -2 while a '-2' penalty will raise AC by 2. The AC calculations row has also been updated to display the inverted Defensive Adjustment for Dex as well as Armor Adj. and Shield Adj.
  • Armor Details: Magic Adj. and Misc. Adj dropdowns have been expanded to allow -6(penalty) thru +6(bonus).
  • Added Default Settings options(only available once the sheet goes live) that allow the game's creator to set sheet defaults. These will be applied to all new sheets automatically (ie npc, whispers, hide/show various areas, auto-calc ac, hp, crit damage, etc.), but can also be applied to ALL existing sheets through an additional in-game step from the 'My Settings' page, 'Apply Default Settings'.
  • Repeating Weapons/Attacks: added weapon_ammo/weapon_ammo_max to help track arrows, bolts, etc. Ammo will be shown with ranged and ranged touch attacks. Also added weapon_num_attacks to indicate multiple/iterative attacks. Shown with Melee and Touch attacks. #Attacks is only serves as a visual indicator at this time. May be used in a future update to roll multiple attacks.
  • Critical Damage: "Use Crit Damage" has been added to the sheet options. If enabled, natural 20 rolls will use Crit Damage in lieu of normal damage. Defaults to normal weapon damage x2 and can be modified per attack.
  • Added Ability Checks(click an ability to make a roll). Defaults to 1d20 vs the Ability score, but the check can be customized from Sheet Settings|Ability Check die.
  • Bug Fix: Range and Backstab fields were not toggling based on weapon_type.(melee, range, touch, ranged touch).
  • Moved sheet Settings(gear icon) to the top tab bar.
  • Comeliness: Charisma adjustment (same race) is auto-calculated.
  • Sync HP option added to Class Details and Advanced Settings. Let the sheet sync Total HP from Class Details with HP ( @{hitpoints_max} )
  • Sync AC option added to Armor Details and Advanced Settings. Enabling "Sync AC" will lock AC Total from Armor Details with AC ie @{armorclass} at the top of the sheet.
  • Bug Fix: backstab adj. that were enabled for attacks were still active even when Thief Skills were hidden. Hiding Thief Skills also hides and disables Backstab adjustments.
  • Dual-Wield: dual-wield primary and secondary penalty has been added to the top of the Weapons section. Directly below Weapon Proficiencies. ( @{dual_pen_primary} and @{dual_pen_secondary} ) Dual-wield penalties are calculated based on Dexterity. You can override these penalties locally, per attack, if desired.
  • Armor Rating: clicking "Ignore AR" sets armorclass_rating and unarmored_base to "-".
  • Choosing "Ranged Touch" will now accept a single range and or text in the Range field without displaying an input error. The Range field label also changes from "S/M/L" to "Range" which might avoid any confusion that you must enter three range values.
  • Armor Rating has also been added to the top of the sheet. Matches AR found in the Armor Details section.
  • Fixed Total Ac CALC. Bug was introduced after last the last changes for shields.
  • Changed Size2 to "Temp Size" for both PC and NPC for consistency.
  • Armor Details - Shield: the AC Rating and AC dropdown selectors have been changed to "+1 through +10". The bottom column totals, "In Use/Best" have also been updated to reflect a shield's impact on AC Rating and AC accordingly.
  • Bug Fix: Shield AC was being included in the AC Base.
  • Added Comeliness to non-weapon proficiencies dropdown selector for nwp checks/rolls. Also added two new fields to the Comeliness row to track CHA and Racial adjustments.
  • Weapons: Range now includes three hidden attributes, weapon_range_short, weapon_range_medium, and weapon_range_long. While the weapon_range field excepts any text value, the preferred format should be three numbers separated by a forward slash. Dash, space, or comma should also work. ie '1/2/3', '10-20-30', '1 2 3', '1,2,3'. The sheet will attempt to extract the three range values but will show a red/gold border with red text if it cannot extract all three ranges.
  • Weapons: added a new Attack Type selector to indicate "Melee, Ranged, Touch, or Ranged Touch". Mostly a visual indicator, but can also help differentiate attack types for API. Range and Fire Rate are hidden for Melee attacks. Backstab is hidden for Ranged attacks. Changed the older Dual-wield "Attack Type" attributes ie weapon_attack_type_pen to weapon_dual_pen and have also updated the macro-text accordingly.
  • Morale check button added. Basic roll: d100 vs @{morale_base} + mod
  • Backstab: the Backstab Multiplier,@{backstab} and Backstab Bonus,@{backstab_bonus} are now included with attack rolls. The multiplier defaults to "1", and the bonus defaults to "0" so they will not affect normal attacks. Enabling the "Backstab" checkbox on the attack adds the To-Hit bonus (defaults to "+4") to the attack roll and multiply weapon damage rolled. Any damage, magic, misc. bonuses are applied after the damage multiplier. The backstab checkbox is hidden if Sheet Settings|Hide Areas|Thief Skills is checked.
  • Roll Templates: brought back alternating row shading.
  • Added a one-time version check/update that auto-calcs ability rows, saves, and thief skills.
  • Added a one-time version check/update that updates the macro-text for repeating weapons, abilities, nwp, and spells. Only unedited, default macro-text will be updated to the latest default roll automatically. Customized macro-text will be skipped. FYI: to force a field to update to the latest default, simply delete the text. Using the "Reset Now" button from within the Sheet Settings tab forces updates of multiple sheet-wide macro-text fields. Use with caution.
  • Auto-updating ability stats. Completed: Strength, Intelligence(bonuslanguages only auto-fills for humans), Wisdom, Dexterity, Constitution(checks for fighter, paladin, or ranger, to expand bonuses past +2), Charisma.
  • Attack Type: updated 'Normal' so that the roll template does not show '(Normal Attack)'. Only '(Primary Attack)' and '(Secondary Attack)' will be included with an attack roll.
  • AC Details: added the option 'Auto-Calc AC'. Enabled by default so that any changes to the armor detail rows will auto-calculate the AC totals at the bottom of the section. The best AC at the top of the sheet is still manual so you may enter whatever you want regardless of any auto-calculated 'suggestions'. Also, the 'Calc AC' button can be used to force a re-calc regardless of the 'Auto-Calc AC' checkbox.
  • Adjustments to help the roll templates better handle inserted images.
  • Armor Details: added a column to list Bulk. Info tracking only. Not used in any calculations.
  • Re-positioned the Rear and Shieldless AC boxes to a vertical position nearer AC. Made fields editable to match Armor Details.
  • Armor Details: reworked this section as per forum discussions. Bottom row numbers can be manually changed and they will only gets auto-calculated, (based on the table above) if you use the "Calc AC" button.
  • Added Secondary Skill field. Added Weapon Proficiency fields to the top of the Weapons section.
  • NPC: attacks and special abilities will be shared between pc/npc. Same attributes.
  • Settings: added "pink" and "darkpink" to the roll template options.(Khruc) and "colorized" the roll template selector to help visualize your selection. Also made a few small teaks to the header text contrast to help with a few of the color choices.
  • NPC: added Save rolls. These are shared with the PC tab and use the Base number to keep things simple.
  • Thief Functions: each row is now auto-calculated. While you can temporarily override the total, any changes made to the row will trigger a recalc. Special handling for pre-existing characters; older thief values will be copied to the Base column. This allows for the "new" total to still match the old value, but will auto-calc once the row is manually adjusted. New sheets default to level 1 Thief base values.
  • Settings: Toggle Multi-Class fields. Toggle is also included inside the Class Details section.
  • Settings: Toggles all macro-text fields. Only show when you want to edit rolls.
  • Equipment: moved Wealth below the repeating equipment rows.
  • Armor Details: Added No Armor/Natural field.
  • NPC: added an Wears Armor checkbox. Used to indicate that the AC includes unnatural armor. Weapons vs Armor Type should apply. Unchecked by default. Uses a new attribute: @{armor_rating_flag}
  • NPC: added Type. Uses the existing attribute: @{race}.
  • PC/NPC: added Size and Temp Size. Size can be used for the Natural/Unaltered size, where as Temp Size can be used to track the current size. Uses new attributes: @{size} and @{size2}
  • NPC: added a Secondary/Other movement field. Only the primary movement is used for sheet speed calcs. Uses a new attribute: @{movement2}
  • NPC: No Appearing will now expand to match text entered.
  • Darkmode: More adjustments.
  • Settings: Option to hide comeliness row.
  • Darkmode: Fixed HP and AC weirdness.
  • Special Abilities: added die and modifier. A roll will be included with the Special Ability roll only if the die field is more than 1d0 or if the modifier is greater than 0.
  • Settings: added an Advanced Option to reset all sheet macros. **WARNING:** This option will clear all repeating macro-text which forces the macro fields to re-populate to the latest sheet defaults. Any customization/editing that was done to any existing macro-text fields will be lost if the reset option is utilized. I will include an automatic check and reset of non-edited macro-text once the sheet is ready to to go live. For testing purposes, using the Reset option is the easiest method to ensure the sheet is using the latest macros.
  • Settings: added options to whisper PC and NPC rolls.
  • Attacks: added Attack Type for dual wielding attacks. normal, primary, and secondary option. Penalties are auto-calculated and adjusted for Dex.
  • Attacks: added Damage Type. Also displayed with damage rolls.
  • Initiative and Surprise: exposed macro text in settings to allow for more customization.
  • Fixed logo from being resized by roll20 image server which was causing the image to look blurry. Changed the logo to a background-image instead of an img element.
  • Saves: each save row is now auto-calculated. While you can temporarily override the save total, any changes made to the row will trigger a recalc. Special handling for per-existing characters; older save values will be copied to the Base/Class column. This allows for the "new" save total to still match the old value, but will auto-calc once the row is manually adjusted. New sheets default to 20.
  • Hit Adj. vs AC type: Added additional fields beyond AC 2. ie 1 and 0.
  • Attack row: alignment adjustments.
  • Included a check that adds a single repeating row if no rows have been added. Serves as a placeholder entry.
  • Updated navigational indicators (hide/show triangles have been changed to chevrons).
  • Updated logo with a cleaner more scalable image. (Thanks David)
  • Saves: removed Class Adj. column and added Temp. Adj.
  • Added hide/show toggle for custom saves and custom thief functions.
  • Minor adjustments to navigational section headings and button rolls.
  • Adjustments made to help better control portrait image.
  • Added some adjustments for dark mode.
  • Bug Fix: Equip weight- newly added items were not calculating weight properly.
  • Spells: changed Spell Type/School field to a datalist. Type to sort and choose, or enter any text.
  • Made the sheet a "little" more friendly to resizing the journal window. YMMV...
  • Attack Matrix: auto-fill to hit table automatically by selecting class/monster and level/HD.
  • NPC/Monster(WIP): added a toggle at the top of the sheet to switch sheet from PC to NPC/Monster.
  • Equipment: added carried options(yes,no,mount) with additional filtering(carried, not carried, mount). items that are not carried or on mount are not included in the character's weight calcs.
  • Bug Fix: Spells - toggling memorized spells(wasn't actually filtering correctly...) and also prevented seeing a newly added spell. Oops.
  • Spells: memorized spells will be slightly emphasized over non-prepared using a subtle opacity difference.
  • Settings: additional toggles added to hide Thief Skills, Spells, and Non-Weapon Proficiencies.
  • Notes: added repeating notes with the ability to output the note to chat with a roll.
  • Created an additional roll template for the attack table that places the matrix/thac0 output directly below the attack roll in chat. Should take up less room in chat make it a little easier if/when the Hit Armor Type table is also used.
  • Settings: added an option to either use a sheet's avatar or a custom url for the sheet's image/portrait.
  • Font updates to the sheet and templates. Also added a linear gradient to the template header color.
  • Attack Matrix and THAC0 table have been moved into the top of the Weapons section.
  • Settings: toggle Attack Matrix or THAC0 table.
  • Spells: toggle added to display memorized spells only.
  • Updated Saving Throws to show Success/Failure.
  • Repeating sections have been "condensed" and now include an option to expand the row for descriptions and macro-text.
  • Equipment: added tabs to help organize items. Includes a expanding section with description, macro-text and a sheet roll. Currently I'm hiding weight and cost for armor and weapons since you can enter that info outside of equipment. I'm toward removing the weight and cost field from the other sections entirely and simply track those in one location, Equipment...
  • Settings: added toggles to hide Costs and Exceptional Ability column.
  • Carrying Capacities and Movement Rates beyond 'Normal' are now calculated by the sheet.
  • Armor Details now has a carried option to handle armor weight.
  • Armor Details; now includes a auto-calculations based off of the armor "matrix". Best selected/worn base will be used for AC. All selected/worn armor adjustment and magical adjustments are applied. Calcs, Rear, Shieldless, and Total AC.
  • Still wrestling with how best to track multi-class hp. See the "Class Details" sub-section. Currently, the Total HP calc is all class hp+con/# of classes. Result can be a fraction for a multi-class character. Use this the Total HP result to determine what to enter in the HitPoint|max field. There is a spot to track any fractional HP if desired.
  • Sheet has now been converted over to be CSE(character sheet enhancement) mode and will break if the sheet is loaded in as a Custom game as Legacy.
  • added additional custom rows for saves and thief functions.
  • Added a Weapon Proficiency adj. checkbox toggle. Non-proficiency(unchecked) reveals a "penalty" field. Sheet auto-calcs weapon_prof_pen based on checkbox state and weapon_prof value. @{weapon_prof_pen} has been added to the default attack macro-text.
  • Added to hit vs armor type adj. Includes a checkbox to toggle the table with the attack roll. Sheet auto-calcs whether to use "Template:ToHitACadj2to10" or "{{ToHitACadj2to10=<complete hit adj. by armor type table values>}}" and saves this value to @{weapon_ToHitACadj} which has been added to the default attack macro-text.
  • Small updates to the roll template to better accommodate the To Hit table.
  • All the older table data has been replaced. Moving to a grid/flex-based layout should help to make future changes easier.
  • Settings; Init and Surprise have a "die" option in the settings(located in the footer). d6 is the default. Hide/Show Costs has not been enabled yet.
  • Still planning to auto-hide the extra class and levels fields at the top of the sheet if not a multi-class.
  • Continuing to convert sheet layout from tables (only the roll templates are left to convert...)
  • Added a character portrait that pulls the sheet's avatar. Todo: add a default image(generic silhouette) in cases where there is not an image to pull or if it's not desired.
  • Working out a better class sub-section to better handle tracking xp and hp calcs for multi-class. Currently all manual entry, but auto-calculation "possibly" planned for hitpoints|max.
  • Added additional types of AC. ie Shieldless, Surprised, and Rear.
  • Updated some of the ability-based rolls to show target/threshold number as well as any adjustments included with the roll.
  • Updated Mental Save macro. 1d20+wis adj + query adj
  • Saving throw "matrix" added to handle multiple adjustments for saving throws. ie ability, racial, class, and misc. Currently all manual entry, but auto-calculation planned for the total of each type of saving throw. Also added an additional custom save row.
  • Updated saving throw rolls to show target/threshold and any adjustments included with the roll. Removed the success/fail border indicator for now... since it did not actually work correctly when applying modifiers. Border color was only based on the raw roll(system limitation). This will be addressed once the roll templates are updated.
  • Added notes for armor/defenses, racial, history/bio, and saving throws.
  • Thief skills now uses a matrix layout similar to saves. Add additional attributes to track adj. Also added an additional custom save row.

See Also