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This page is about both playing an DMing (DM and GM are the same in AD&D) Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st and 2nd Edition on Roll20.


Character Sheets

There are character sheets for both AD&D 1st Edition and AD&D 2nd Edition, listed under these names:

Macros and Attributes

Macros and Attributes (not PC stats) are best used when the time reduction of using the macro is greater than the time to make the macro, or set up and apply the attribute. For example, setting up a macro to roll 1d20 /r d20 is not an efficient use of a macro. Remember that abilities are essentially macros but are visible to and usable by everyone that can edit the character.

Also, when you use attributes, remember that the computer just replaces the call command with the "value" it represents. This value can be another attribute, a dice roll or a value, so you could even put something like 1d6+5 or @{selected|Strength} in an attribute field and when the macro calls that attribute it would return the value of the stat or dice roll.

To read more about abilities, attributes and macros and how to create them see the Attributes, Abilities & Macros page.


Some common/recommended uses of macros/attributes when playing AD&D on Roll20 are: (not an exhaustive list)


All players put their save value in an attribute on the corresponding character page then the DM and/or Player (depending on style of play) makes a macro that rolls the save

Once again a Main Macro giving character a choice which save to roll:

/w @{selected|token_name} &{template:2Edefault}{{name=@{selected|token_name} attempts a Saving Throw!}}{{[Paralyzation](!
#SAVE-VS-POISON) [Death](!
#SAVE-VS-ROD) [Staff](!
#SAVE-VS-STAFF) [Wand](!
#SAVE-VS-WAND) [Petrification](!
#SAVE-VS-POLYMORPH) [Breath Weapon](!
#SAVE-VS-SPELL)}}{{desc=Saving Throw Notes:
PPD: @{selected|parnotes}
RSW: @{selected|rodnotes}
Br: @{selected|breathnotes}
Sp: @{selected|spnotes}}}{{[Item Saves](!

Individual Save Macros:

/w gm &{template:2Esave}{{savevs=Breath Weapons}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|breathtar}]]}}{{saveroll=[[d20?{Please enter Situational Modifiers to the current Saving Throw Roll (including the mathematical operator)|+0}@{selected|breathmod}]]}}

/w gm &{template:2Esave}{{savevs=Death}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|partar}]]}}{{saveroll=[[d20?{Please enter Situational Modifiers to the current Saving Throw Roll (including the mathematical operator)|+0}@{selected|parmod}]]}}

/w gm &{template:2Esave}{{savevs=Paralyzation}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|partar}]]}}{{saveroll=[[d20?{Please enter Situational Modifiers to the current Saving Throw Roll (including the mathematical operator)|+0}@{selected|parmod}]]}}

/w gm &{template:2Esave}{{savevs=Petrification}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|pettar}]]}}{{saveroll=[[d20?{Please enter Situational Modifiers to the current Saving Throw Roll (including the mathematical operator)|+0}@{selected|petmod}]]}}

/w gm &{template:2Esave}{{savevs=Poison}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|partar}]]}}{{saveroll=[[d20?{Please enter Situational Modifiers to the current Saving Throw Roll (including the mathematical operator)|+0}@{selected|parmod}]]}}

/w gm &{template:2Esave}{{savevs=Polymorph}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|pettar}]]}}{{saveroll=[[d20?{Please enter Situational Modifiers to the current Saving Throw Roll (including the mathematical operator)|+0}@{selected|petmod}]]}}

/w gm &{template:2Esave}{{savevs=Rods}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|rodtar}]]}}{{saveroll=[[d20?{Please enter Situational Modifiers to the current Saving Throw Roll (including the mathematical operator)|+0}@{selected|rodmod}]]}}

/w gm &{template:2Esave}{{savevs=Spells}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|sptar}]]}}{{saveroll=[[d20?{Please enter Situational Modifiers to the current Saving Throw Roll (including the mathematical operator)|+0}@{selected|spmod}]]}}

/w gm &{template:2Esave}{{savevs=Staves}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|rodtar}]]}}{{saveroll=[[d20?{Please enter Situational Modifiers to the current Saving Throw Roll (including the mathematical operator)|+0}@{selected|rodmod}]]}}

/w gm &{template:2Esave}{{savevs=Wands}}{{character=@{selected|token_name}}}{{savetarget=[[@{selected|rodtar}]]}}{{saveroll=[[d20?{Please enter Situational Modifiers to the current Saving Throw Roll (including the mathematical operator)|+0}@{selected|rodmod}]]}}

You will note the macro started with @{selected|character_name}, this would require the user to have selected a token on the map first but works great for generalised macros, remember to use @{selected|...} for each instance of wanting to look up information from the character sheet. This can also work for @{target|...} which would prompt the user to select a target token on the map.

Ability Checks

Ability checks are simple rolls which are measured against a target number and receive bonuses from a characters stats and may be subject to other modifiers from temporary boosts or GM discretion.

Using the character sheet you can create quick and simple macros for all abilities which when coupled with token selection (@{selected|token_name} can help resolve ability checks in one step. Here is macro that gives player a list of ability checks. The player clicks a button and the result is send to the DM. Only the DM and the player rolling will see the result (if the DM initiates the check only he or she would see the result).

This macro requires that the Open Doors attribute be entered as 12+(3). The addition of the plus sign allows the macro to differentiate between normal doors and locked or magically held doors.

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} CHECKS FOR SUCCESS}}
open normal doors, OPEN NORMAL DOORS CHECK
open magic or locked doors, OPEN MAGIC OR LOCKED DOORS CHECK
system shock, SYSTEM SHOCK CHECK
resurrection survival, RESURRECTION SURVIVAL
[[(D20cs1cf20)<[[@{selected|Charisma}}?{MISCELLANEOUS MODIFIER|+0}]]]]}}

Non-Weapon Proficiency Checks

NWP Checks are simple rolls which are measured against a characters stats and may be subject to other modifiers from temporary boosts or GM discretion.

Using the character sheet you can create a list of Non-Weapon Proficiencies, the name is in first column, 2nd column you put the stat (@{Intelligence}) this formula will replace it with the value from the stat and in the third column you put modifiers but please add + or - So the below macro will list all a characters NWPs and allow him to choose which one to use and once again allow for a optional modifier to be added. (The exmaple lists 8, adjust as needed by following the same pattern.)

&{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} uses a Non-Weapon Proficiency}}{{?{Proficiency Being Used?|
[[1d20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|repeating_profs_$7_profstatnum}@{selected|repeating_profs_$7_profmod}}?{Misc Modifier? (Include + or -)|+0}]]]] Success(es)}}

Unskilled Climbing Check

This is a macro that uses queries to obtain an accurate unskilled climbing check. It also uses target numbers XdY>Z and keep commands kh1 to compare current weight against encumbrance categories and apply the proper encumbrance penalty automatically.

&{template:2Edefault} {{name=@{selected|token_name} attempts an unskilled climb}}{{desc=Climbing Roll: [[1d100]]% ≤ [[40+?{Character's Race?|Other,0|Dwarf,-10|Gnome or Halfling,-15}+?{Are there abundant handholds? (brush, trees, ledges, etc.)|No,0|Yes,40}+?{Can the character brace their feet against the surface and use an anchored top rope?|No,0|Yes,55}+?{Is the surface sloped inward (making it easier)?|No,0|Yes,25}+?{What armor is the character wearing?|Banded or Splint,-25|Plate (all types),-50|Scale or Chain,-15|Studded or Padded leather,-5|Leather or None,0}+?{What are the surface conditions?|Dry,0|Slightly slick (wet / crumbling),-25|Slick (icy / slimy),-40}+?{Is the character wounded below 1/2 of their maximum hit points?|No,0|Yes,-10}-[[{[[{1d0+@{selected|movweighttotal}}>[[@{selected|sevweight}]]*20]],[[{1d0+@{selected|movweighttotal}}>[[@{selected|heavyweight}]]*15]],[[{1d0+@{selected|movweighttotal}}>[[@{selected|modweight}]]*10]],[[{1d0+@{selected|movweighttotal}}>[[@{selected|lightweight}]]*5]]}kh1]]]]%}}

Thief Skill Checks

Thief SKill checks are simple rolls which are measured against a target number and receive bonuses from a characters stats and may be subject to other modifiers from temporary boosts or GM discretion.

Here is macro that gives player a list of thief abilities. The player clicks a button and the result is send to the DM. Only the DM and the player rolling will see the result. I added an \em section so other players cna see character is doing something, but this cna be removed

Main Proficiency Macro (Set as token action):
/w @{selected|token_name} &{template:2Edefault}{{name=@{selected|token_name} attempts a Thief Skill!}}{{[Climb Wall](!
#CHECK-THIEF-CW) [Detect Noise](!
#CHECK-THIEF-DN) [Find/Remove Traps](!
#CHECK-THIEF-FRT) [Hide in Shadows](!
#CHECK-THIEF-HS) [Move Silently](!
#CHECK-THIEF-MS)[Open Locks](!
#CHECK-THIEF-OL) [Pick Pockets](!
#CHECK-THIEF-PP) [Read Languages](!

/em the Cat scrambles up the wall!
/gmroll {1d100?{Modifier?|+0}}<[[@{selected|cwb}+@{selected|cwr}+@{selected|cwd}+@{selected|cwa}+@{selected|cwl}]] **Climb Walls**

/em the Listener strains his ears in an attempt to hear what he should not.
/gmroll {1d100?{Modifier?|+0}}<[[@{selected|dnb}+@{selected|dnr}+@{selected|dnd}+@{selected|dna}+@{selected|dnl}]] **Detect Noice**

/em the AWESOME Retriever of "lost" things attempts to avoid injury.
/gmroll {1d100?{Modifier?|+0}}<[[@{selected|rtb}+@{selected|rtr}+@{selected|rtd}+@{selected|rta}+@{selected|rtl}]] **Find/Remove Traps**

/em the Invisible steps back into the shadows and disappears from view.
/gmroll {1d100?{Modifier?|+0}}<[[@{selected|hsb}+@{selected|hsr}+@{selected|hsd}+@{selected|hsa}+@{selected|hsl}]] **Hide in Shadows**

/em the Sneak silently creeps forward.
/gmroll {1d100?{Modifier?|+0}}<[[@{selected|msb}+@{selected|msr}+@{selected|msd}+@{selected|msa}+@{selected|msl}]] **Move Silent**

/em the LockSmith attempts to gain entry.
/gmroll {1d100?{Modifier?|+0}}<[[@{selected|olb}+@{selected|olr}+@{selected|old}+@{selected|ola}+@{selected|oll}]] **Open Locks**

/em the Founder of Lost Things attempts some sleight of hand.
/gmroll {1d100?{Modifier?|+0}}<[[@{selected|ppb}+@{selected|ppr}+@{selected|ppd}+@{selected|ppa}+@{selected|ppl}]] **Pick Pockets**

/em the Knowledgeable attempts to read the strange writings.
/gmroll {1d100?{Modifier?|+0}}<[[@{selected|rlb}+@{selected|rlr}+@{selected|rld}+@{selected|rla}+@{selected|rll}]] **Read Language**

Ok so I couldn't get the above to work for me when trying to 
roll more than one at a time. So I made a new one. It will ask the  
player what skill they want to use, it will then ask a 2nd time 
(for things like Hide in shadows/Move Silent, Or Find Remove 
 Trap) something that you would want to roll both at the same time. 
If you don't want that, easy; 
just hit enter the 2nd time and it will wish you luck. 
Also this is only to the GM 

/w GM ?{Thief Skill?|Hide in Shadows, [[1d100]]<[[@{selected|hsb}
**Hide in Shadows |Move Silently, [[1d100]]<[[@{selected|msb}
{selected|msa}+@{selected|msl}]]**Move Silently** 
|Climb Walls,[[1d100]]<[[@{selected|cwb}+@{selected|cwr}+@{selected|cwd}
**Climb Walls** |Pick Pockets, 
**Pick Pockets** |Find 
Remove Trap, [[1d100]]<[[@{selected|rtb}+@{selected|rtr}+@{selected|rtd}
+@{selected|rta}+@{selected|rtl}]]**Find Remove Trap**|Open Locks, 
**Open Locks**|Detect Noise, [[1d100<[[@{selected|dnb}+@{selected|dnr}
+@{selected|dnd}+@{selected|dna}+@{selected|dnl}]]**Detect Noise**} 
?{Thief Skill2?|don't mess up|Hide in Shadows, 
**Hide in Shadows |Move Silently, [[1d100]]<[[@{selected|msb}
**Move Silently** |Climb Walls,
**Climb Walls** |Pick Pockets, [[1d100]]<[[@{selected|ppb}+@{selected|ppr}
@{selected|ppl}]]**Pick Pockets** |Find 
Remove Trap, [[1d100]]<[[@{selected|rtb}+@{selected|rtr}+@{selected|rtd}+
@{selected|rta}+@{selected|rtl}]]**Find Remove Trap**|Open Locks, 
+@{selected|oll}]]**Open Locks**|Detect Noise,
+@{selected|dna}+@{selected|dnl}]]**Detect Noise**}

Hide the Results

Sometimes an evil GM will ask a player to perform a check but doesn't want them to know if they passed or not! This can be easily replicated by adding a simple whisper into the equation:

/em John Doe searches his memory for useful information.
/w gm [[1d20 + @{selected|level} + @{selected|int-mod} + 4]] vs DC: [[?{DC?|10}]]

In the bardic knowledge check performed above the player/s will only see 'Septimus searches his memory for useful information.' in the chat box, the result of '7 vs DC:10' is then whispered to the GM so that they can decide how to mislead the failed knowledge check. Does the bard misremember, vaguely recall of just outright not know what they were hoping was in the deep recesses of their mind?

NOTE: If the player makes a /w gm check both the player that whispers and the GM will see the roll, if the GM makes the check for the player then only the GM will see it


Initiative macros can directly add the initiative roll to the Turn Order Tracker by use of &{tracker} inside the roll. The token must be selected to use this feature.

  [[ 1d20 + [[ @{selected|init} ]] &{tracker} ]] 
You can also add
 [[ @{selected|init} &{tracker:+} ]] 
or subtract
 [[ @{selected|init} &{tracker:-} ]] 
values from a macro

Attacks/attack sequences

Attributes are made to add the various values used by the attack(s) in question for both attack rolls and damage. Then a Macro(s) is written to use these values to do all the math and rolling and and the values together.

Using the pre-set character sheet again can greatly increase the ease and speed of your players attacks and damage, even incorporating things like critical hits and special attacks such as a sneak attack. Again the following will require a token to be selected and a target token for the focus of the attack/damage etc. While the macro can get long and complex looking it is worth breaking down to analyse and is a great way to learn the nuances of macro building.

Main Attack Macro (depending how many weapons character has, 7 assumed)
(Set the main Attack Macro as a token action, but not for the other attack macros):
/w @{selected|token_name} &{template:default}{{name=ATTACKS}}{{[@{selected|weaponname}](!

ATTACK1 Macro:
&{template:2Eattack}{{title=@{selected|token_name} USES A @{selected|weapsize} SIZED @{selected|weaponname} TO ATTACK @{target|token_name}}}{{ac_hit=[[@{selected|ThAC0}-((D20?{ATTACK ROLL MODIFIER|+0})+(@{selected|attackadj})+(@{selected|strengthhit}*@{selected|strbonus})+(@{selected|dexmissile}*@{selected|dexbonus}))]]}}{{dmg_s=[[((@{selected|damsm}?{DAMAGE ROLL MODIFIER|+0}))+(@{selected|damadj})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|strbonus})]]}}{{dmg_l=[[((@{selected|daml}?{DAMAGE ROLL MODIFIER|+0}))+(@{selected|damadj})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|strbonus})]]}}{{ crit = Roll extra die for crit }} {{ fumble = You Fumble }}

ATTACK2 Macro:
&{template:2Eattack}{{title=@{selected|token_name} USES A @{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_weapsize} SIZED @{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_weaponname} TO ATTACK @{target|token_name}}}{{ac_hit=[[@{selected|ThAC0}-((D20?{ATTACK ROLL MODIFIER|+0})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_attackadj})+(@{selected|strengthhit}*@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_strbonus})+(@{selected|dexmissile}*@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_dexbonus}))]]}}{{dmg_s=[[((@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_damsm}?{DAMAGE ROLL MODIFIER|+0}))+(@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_damadj})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_strbonus})]]}}{{dmg_l=[[((@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_daml}?{DAMAGE ROLL MODIFIER|+0}))+(@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_damadj})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_strbonus})]]}}{{crit=RollCrit}} {{fumble=fumble}}

(each further attack macro will be the same as ATTACK2 except the _$0_ will change to increment by 1 so ATTACK3 macro will use _$1_ and ATTACK7 will use _$5_)

You can see how by telling the macro to take into account all of the possible modifiers to a roll and looking up the information from the character sheet the actual 'work' needed to be done by the player is minimised. A player using this attack roll would need to input any bonus' outside of the norm they may have (like being blessed for example which isn't a permanent bonus) and they would be prompted to 'tell' the macro if they have flanked the enemy or not (a great example of a query using the question to guide an answer: ?{Flank (1=yes)|0}). The rest is done by the macro including telling you if there was a critical hit or not. To make this more obvious we leave the original roll (rolling [[1d20]]) untainted by the bonuses to highlight easily whether a clean 20 was rolled. If so the player can then look at the 'check for crit' section to see if their 'threat' became a 'crit' or remained a hit as normal. You can even move the individual part of the macro around for layout purposes should you desire to see the roll to hit first and have the crit check at the end. When wanting to set a macro up for the other weapon slots you would just make the same macro but with every instance of 'weapon1' replaced with 'weapon2' through to 'weapon6'.

The critical damage is easy enough as you just double the damage die result which you can see by hovering over the result of the appropriate damage box.

Special attacks elaborate on existing macros but apply their own special rules as needed. Most DMs usee API based Power Cards (require Pro level subscription) to make special attacks look pretty but the macros used to calculate the attack, critical hit check, damage and critical damage remain the same and can be incorporated into a normal macro as with the previous examples:

Macros for Thieves Backstab:

Main Backstab Macro (depending how many weapons character has, 7 assumed)
(Set the main Backstab Macro as a token action, but not for the other backstab macros):
/w @{selected|token_name} &{template:default}{{name=BACKSTAB WEAPON}}{{[@{selected|weaponname}](!

&{template:2Eattack}{{title=@{selected|token_name} USES A @{selected|weapsize} SIZED @{selected|weaponname} TO BACKSTAB @{target|token_name}}}{{ac_hit=[[@{selected|ThAC0}-((D20?{BACKSTAB ATTACK ROLL MODIFIER|+4})+(@{selected|attackadj})+(@{selected|strengthhit}*@{selected|strbonus})+(@{selected|dexmissile}*@{selected|dexbonus}))]]}}{{dmg_s=[[((@{selected|damsm}) *@{selected|backstabmultiplier})?{BACKSTAB DAMAGE ROLL MODIFIER|+0}+(@{selected|damadj})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|strbonus})]]}}{{dmg_l=[[((@{selected|daml})*@{selected|backstabmultiplier})?{BACKSTAB DAMAGE ROLL MODIFIER|+0}+(@{selected|damadj})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|strbonus})]]}}{crit= }} {{fumble= }}

&{template:2Eattack}{{title=@{selected|token_name} USES A @{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_weapsize} SIZED @{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_weaponname} TO BACKSTAB @{target|token_name}}}{{ac_hit=[[@{selected|ThAC0}-((D20?{BACKSTAB ATTACK ROLL MODIFIER|+4})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_attackadj})+(@{selected|strengthhit}*@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_strbonus})+(@{selected|dexmissile}*@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_dexbonus}))]]}}{{dmg_s=[[((@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_damsm}) *@{selected|backstabmultiplier})?{BACKSTAB DAMAGE ROLL MODIFIER|+0}+(@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_damadj})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_strbonus})]]}}{{dmg_l=[[((@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_daml})*@{selected|backstabmultiplier})?{BACKSTAB DAMAGE ROLL MODIFIER|+0}+(@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_damadj})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_strbonus})]]}}{crit= }} {{fumble= }}

(each further backstab macro will be the same as BACKSTAB2 except the _$0_ will change to increment by 1 so BACKSTAB3 macro will use _$1_ and BACKSTAB7 will use _$5_)

The main change to the attack roll is that the flat footed armor class modifier has been incorporated using a query (technically this could be used in all attack rolls but adds an extra step that is easy enough to amend on the fly in game but since most sneak attacks will be against flat footed, or more accurately dex-modless, enemies is makes sense to add it in as an option). The damage uses the 'ceil' function (see dice reference) to calculate the damage multiplier based on the selected token players level. Again this is kept separate from the rest of the damage calculation as the multiplier only applies to the weapons base damage.


As with special attacks you can use the API based Power Cards to make them look extra special. But with normal macros you can also create some nice spells especially with the modified simple AD&D 2e sheet, here are two trickier spells setup with macros. For additional examples of spell macros check out AD&D 2Espell Macros

Healing Macro:
?{Which Cure spell are you casting?| 
Cure Light Wounds, **Cure Light Wounds** Target Regains [[1d8]] HP.| 
Cure Moderate Wounds, **Cure Moderate Wounds** Target Regains [[1d10+1]] HP.|
Cure Serious Wounds, **Cure Serious Wounds** Target Regains [[2d8+1]] HP.|
Cure Critical Wounds, **Cure Critical Wounds** Target Regains [[3d8+3]] HP.| 
Cure Heal, **HEAL** Target is completely cured of all diseases blindness and all damage as well as feeble-mind spell and mental disorders. 

Magic Missile
&{template:2Espell}{{title=@{selected|token_name} casts Magic Missile}}{{splevel=Level 1 Wizard}}{{school=Evocation/Invocation}}{{components=V, S}}{{time=[[1]] segment}}{{range=[[60+(@{selected|MageLevel}*10)]] yds/ft}}{{duration=Instant}}{{aoe=Targeted Creature(s)  in a 10' cube}}{{save=None}}{{damage= Missile 1: [[ [[1d4+1]]*({0,@{selected|MageLevel} }>1) ]] Missile 2: [[ [[1d4+1]]*({0,@{selected|MageLevel} }>3) ]] Missile 3: [[ [[1d4+1]]*({0,@{selected|MageLevel} }>5) ]] Missile 4: [[ [[1d4+1]]*({0,@{selected|MageLevel} }>7) ]] Missile 5: [[ [[1d4+1]]*({0,@{selected|MageLevel} }>9) ]] }}{{damagetype=Force}}{{effects=Fires [[{5,(ceil((@{Selected|MageLevel})/2))}kl1)]] missile(s) at one or more targets designated by the caster before the spell is cast. Each missile unerringly strikes it's target causing damage as indicated above.}}

 Note: For this Macro I use MageLevel but for most characters change MageLevel to just Level, I use MageLevel for Dual or multi-class characters. Just create a new attribute called MageLevel and player or DM has to keep the actual magic user level in there.

({0,@{selected|MageLevel} }>5) - this section sets damage to 0 for the missiles that player is to low level to cast
[[{5,(ceil((@{Selected|MageLevel})/2))}kl1)]] - the 5 is the max number of missiles a Mage could ever cast so the kl1 says Keep Lowest One of the 5 or the calc based on level/2. the ceil just helps to round it cleanly.

Clerical Turning Macros

Main Macro (calls other macros)
/w @{selected|token_name} &{template:default}{{name=TURN UNDEAD}}{{PRIEST LEVEL
#TU14+)}}{{Paladins turn undead as priests who are two levels lower.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 1}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD [[10]]}}{{Zombie [[13]]}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD [[16]]}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD [[19]]}}{{Wight or 5 HD [[20]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 2}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD [[7]]}}{{Zombie [[10]]}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD [[13]]}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD [[16]]}}{{Wight or 5 HD [[19]]}}{{Ghast [[20]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 3}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD [[4]]}}{{Zombie [[7]]}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD [[10]]}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD [[13]]}}{{Wight or 5 HD [[16]]}}{{Ghast [[19]]}}{{Wraith or 6 HD [[20]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 4}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD T}}{{Zombie [[4]]}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD [[7]]}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD [[10]]}}{{Wight or 5 HD [[13]]}}{{Ghast [[16]]}}{{Wraith or 6 HD [[19]]}}{{Mummy or 7 HD [[20]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 5}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD T}}{{Zombie T}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD [[4]]}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD [[7]]}}{{Wight or 5 HD [[10]]}}{{Ghast [[13]]}}{{Wraith or 6 HD [[16]]}}{{Mummy or 7 HD [[19]]}}{{Spectre or 8 HD [[20]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 6}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD D}}{{Zombie T}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD T}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD [[4]]}}{{Wight or 5 HD [[7]]}}{{Ghast [[10]]}}{{Wraith or 6 HD [[13]]}}{{Mummy or 7 HD [[16]]}}{{Spectre or 8 HD [[19]]}}{{Vampire or 9 HD [[20]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 7}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD D}}{{Zombie D}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD T}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD T}}{{Wight or 5 HD [[4]]}}{{Ghast [[7]]}}{{Wraith or 6 HD [[10]]}}{{Mummy or 7 HD [[13]]}}{{Spectre or 8 HD [[16]]}}{{Vampire or 9 HD [[19]]}}{{Ghost or 10 HD [[20]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 8}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD D*}}{{Zombie D}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD D}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD T}}{{Wight or 5 HD T}}{{Ghast [[4]]}}{{Wraith or 6 HD [[7]]}}{{Mummy or 7 HD [[10]]}}{{Spectre or 8 HD [[13]]}}{{Vampire or 9 HD [[16]]}}{{Ghost or 10 HD [[19]]}}{{Lich or 11+ HD [[20]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 9}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD D*}}{{Zombie D*}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD D}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD D}}{{Wight or 5 HD T}}{{Ghast T}}{{Wraith or 6 HD [[4]]}}{{Mummy or 7 HD [[7]]}}{{Spectre or 8 HD [[10]]}}{{Vampire or 9 HD [[13]]}}{{Ghost or 10 HD [[16]]}}{{Lich or 11+ HD [[19]]}}{{Special** [[20]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 10-11}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD D*}}{{Zombie D*}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD D*}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD D}}{{Wight or 5 HD D}}{{Ghast T}}{{Wraith or 6 HD T}}{{Mummy or 7 HD [[4]]}}{{Spectre or 8 HD [[7]]}}{{Vampire or 9 HD [[10]]}}{{Ghost or 10 HD [[13]]}}{{Lich or 11+ HD [[16]]}}{{Special** [[19]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 12-13}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD D*}}{{Zombie D*}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD D*}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD D*}}{{Wight or 5 HD D}}{{Ghast D}}{{Wraith or 6 HD T}}{{Mummy or 7 HD T}}{{Spectre or 8 HD [[4]]}}{{Vampire or 9 HD [[7]]}}{{Ghost or 10 HD [[10]]}}{{Lich or 11+ HD [[13]]}}{{Special** [[16]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}

/w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} THE LEVEL @{selected|level} @{selected|class} ATTEMPTS TO TURN UNDEAD AS LEVEL 14+}}{{D20 ROLL: [[D20]]}}{{Skeleton or 1 HD D*}}{{Zombie D*}}{{Ghoul or 2 HD D*}}{{Shadow or 3-4 HD D*}}{{Wight or 5 HD D*}}{{Ghast D}}{{Wraith or 6 HD D}}{{Mummy or 7 HD T}}{{Spectre or 8 HD T}}{{Vampire or 9 HD [[4]]}}{{Ghost or 10 HD [[7]]}}{{Lich or 11+ HD [[10]]}}{{Special** [[13]]}}{{[[2D6]] UNDEAD TURN AND RUN IF SUCCESSFUL.}}{{For lines with an asterisk, *an additional [[2D4]] creatures of this type are turned.}}{{**Special** creatures include unique undead, free-willed undead of the Negative Material Plane, certain Greater and Lesser Powers, and those undead that dwell in the Outer Planes.}}


Some DMs find it useful to set up long description texts in a macro and put the macro's name next to the room it is for.


/desc As you walk into the room, you all notice a few things at once. First, there is a giant pool covering half the room. Second, a rather large cave-in in one corner. Finally, three lizard men are waiting for you. The lizard men attack.

Another way of doing this is to put a token on the GM layer (a scroll token works well) in each room that has a description written out in one of the bars/bubbles (it is easiest to write out the description elsewhere, then copy/paste it into the bubble).

Then, use this macro:

/desc @{selected|bar1}

When the players arrive in the room, simply switch to GM layer, select the token holding the description, and hit the button for your description macro.

Reference of Commonly Used Attributes

The nice thing about the AD&D 2e sheet is that the attributes are easy to relate to common AD&D terminology. If anything is unclear ask and we can add it here.

AD&D 2nd Ed Roll Templates

Roll templates use a combination of html, css, and macro commands to format output to chat. While the HTML, CSS and sheet-roll button macros are written into the sheet, DM's and player's can utilize custom macros either within the macro-text found within the sheet or from ability macros used outside of the sheet.

There are currently seven different templates that exists on both AD&D 2nd Edition sheets:

  • 2Edefault
  • 2Eattack
  • 2Echeck
  • 2Einversecheck
  • 2Eprotscroll
  • 2Esave
  • 2Espell

See AD&D2e Character Sheet Templates for details on how they work on the Advanced 2nd Edition-sheet. The documentation should also at least partially apply to Advanced 2nd Edition (Simple Sheet).


  • This section only really applies to a DM

Encounter Maps
Before you do anything else with a map, make sure you have the page settings right. Nothing is more annoying then making your map look all nice and neat and then realizing you made some critical mistake and have to start over. AD&D uses squares, so make sure you are in squares. Make it big to start with, making it smaller is easier than making it bigger. One unit is 5 ft (unless you really need to change it for some reason, 5 ft is best) and a 1 unit grid is best, with both grid color and background color depending on the map and the preference of both players and DM(some prefer no grid at all when playing but the grid really helps when hand drawing a map). Fog of War and Dynamic Lighting can wait until after you draw the map, but should be dealt with before your players see the map, as determined by play style and personal preference.

Now that that you have the major set up complete, a choice has to be made: hand draw in Roll20, import a drawing you make elsewhere, or P Art Library from online. If you pull a map from online or your library, you may need to align it and move it into position. Once you finish with your map, you now know how big it is. If you followed the earlier recommendation and made your space too big, after moving everything into place you now shrink it down to fit your actual map you are using (or just leave it too big to help confuse the players).

Regional Maps
As PC party overland movement is commenced at twice the movement rate of the slowest party member in movement points per day, AD&D regional mapping is traditionally done such that the grid shapes represent either fractions or multipliers of 12 miles, rather than the standard 10 miles dictated by common sense. The various terrains each have specific movement point costs per mile. Plains, for example, cost one point per mile.

The standard Human traveling alone, with movement rate 12, can traverse 24 movement points per day, as twice the party's movement rate is allotted in movement points per day. If the regional map's grid squares or hexes are 12 miles wide, and Plains cost 1 movement point per mile, each square or hex of Plains would cost 12 movement points. So the Human would traverse 2 of them per day because 24/12=2.

If the same Human were traveling with a Halfling on foot (movement rate 6), the group would travel at 6, because the whole group uses the slowest group member's movement rate i.e. 6. Thus limiting the group to traversing only a single 12 mile square or hex of the same Plains per day because 12/12=1.

If the same group were to purchase a Mule (movement rate 12) for that Halfling to ride, the group would be back up to 2 grid squares or hexes again, under the same conditions. The Mule carries the slowest member at movement rate 12, so the party again has 24 movement points per day, and traverses 2 squares of Plains, because 24/12=2.

The formula: Squares per day=(slowest party member's movement rate X 2)/(number of miles per map square or hex X terrain cost).

Characters and tokens

While each group is different on what they do for characters and tokens, A few things are standard. You will want a character page for each character. The DM will likely have a long list of NPC characters and might or might not share those with the players. If the DM shares the NPC pages, they can use the "GM notes" section to record info the players shouldn't know. Finally, you will likely benefit from setting a default token for each PC and NPC and attaching the bars (aka: the "bubbles") to a specific attribute. Remember that if you do not set a current and a max value, the bar will not to show up, but when you click on the token the "bubble" for its current value will still show.

Dynamic Lighting

You can find Advanced Dungeons and Dragons specific vision and lighting examples in the Dynamic Lighting Style Guide.

Additional Resources



All reference to copyright material is not intended to infringe on any copyright. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition and related materials are copyrighted and owned by Wizards of the Coast.