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Designing Character Sheet Layout

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Revision as of 14:21, 7 February 2020 by Andreas J. (Talk | contribs)

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Main Article: Building Character Sheets

This is a general guide to different approaches/methods you can use to create the general layout of your custom character sheets.


Layout Types

Roll20 columns/rows

Good for basic layouts, but if you aim for a more complex layout/design, CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox is recommended.

Roll20 provides a few basic classes you can use to organize things into a simple column-based layout. To use them, just create a div with a class of '3colrow', '2colrow', or 'row'. Then inside of that div, create a div for each column with a class of 'col'. For example, to create a 3-column layout, you would could:

<div class='3colrow'>
  <div class='col'>
    <!-- Put the content for the first column here -->

  <div class='col'>
    <!-- Second column -->

  <div class='col'>
    <!-- Third column -->

CSS Grid

CSS Grid guide Many newer character sheet use CSS Grid for their layout, and is recommended as a

CSS Flexbox

CSS Flexbox guide

HTML Table

HTML table guide Many older sheet use HTML tables for layout, but it's harder to customize and adjust to looks of it compared to other methods, so it's generally not seen as a good idea for sheet layout. Roll20 don't accept new sheet submissions that rely on HTML tables for design, so this option shouldn't be used if you want your sheet published. Old sheet using tables do exist int the Roll20 character sheet repository, but they shouldn't be used as templates for your own designs.

Sheet Templates

There exist a couple of character sheet templates that are intended as a starting point for character sheet creations.

See Also