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Big Eyes Small Mouth 4E - Dyskami Authorized

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Revision as of 05:01, 22 August 2024 by John D. (Talk | contribs)

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Coming Soon!


About This Sheet

The Big Eyes Small Mouth 4E Dyskami Authorized character sheet on Roll20 was developed independently, with the express consent and approval of Dyskami Publishing. This sheet takes a rules as written (RAW) approach, incorporating feedback and input from Dyskami Publishing and the BESM community.

Currently supported rulebooks are:

  • BESM 4E Core
  • BESM 4E Extras
  • Absolute Power
  • Tri-stat Core

GMs can enforce character sheets to strictly use one of the rulebooks, optional rules, or a customized blend borrowing from each rulebook. In a future release of the sheet, GMs will be able to add their own customizations.

Some of the benefits of using this sheet on Roll20 is automation of the rules, cost accounting, and rolls, to provide players a more immersive role play experience and GMs their sanity. A bridging of crunchy rules with fluid gameplay. For instance, edges and obstacles are automatically calculated for rolls when applied by an Attribute or customization. Attributes, customizations, or Defects that adjust ACV, DCV, or DM are accounted for when attacking or defending. When increasing or decreasing Attribute levels, Character Points are automatically subtracted or reimbursed, accordingly. In fact, much care has been taken to ensure players and GMs only need to bring with them their favorite Dyskami materials to game!

Early Release

This sheet is still in development but is playable. Much of the core rules across BESM, Absolute Power, and Tri-Stat Core are supported and automated, but many optional rules and some Attribute automation still has to be addressed. The reason for providing an early release of the sheet is to collect feedback from GMs and players to help shape the development priorities based on what matters most to the community.


Special thanks to owner and creator Mark MacKinnon of Dyskami Publishing for his support and for creating one of the best RPG rule systems out there. The Dyskami community on the Dyskami Discord server, including: Cookiekittyuke for his pull no punches feedback, belief in me, and never relenting encouragement. To Ultear and the many denizens of the BESM community for their feedback and perspectives.

Special thanks to the Roll20 staff and community, including: Scott C and GiGs for answering my many questions and helping me wrap my head around JS, HTML, CSS, and Roll20 conventions. To OnyxRing for his work on Roll20Async/ORCS, Oosh for his Reactive Roll System, and to vÍnce, Andreas J, keithcurtis, and many others.

And a special thanks to my wife for not leaving me over all the time I've poured into this project, and all the time yet to come supporting it.

Player Guide

The Big Eyes Small Mouth 4E Dyskami Authorized sheet is structured into five sections: Character Screen, Status, Stats, Capabilities, and Attributes and Defects. A sixth section called Skills becomes available if the GM configures the optional rules for Individual Skills. Each section has one or more buttons that allow players to interact with the section.

Basic Player Sheet Setup

Ensure the GM name is set correctly. From the Character Screen, click the expand/collapse button and review the GM name field that's revealed. If the GM name is not present or the name is not correct (case sensitive), then manually set the GM name by clicking the Edit button from the Character Screen, then select Sheet Settings and GM Name.

Without the GM name set correctly, a chat error message will appear when clicking on most sheet buttons, "No character was found for '...'".

Sheet Sections

Character Screen - displays elements such as character name, race, class, height, weight, (character) points, damage modifier (DM), attack combat value (ACV), defense combat value (DCV), social combat value (SCV), initiative, actions, defenses, shock value, and many more details about the character, sheet setup, and which rule book and optional rules in use.

Status - displays the state of Energy, Health, Sanity, and Social points, including conditions and controls for managing the section.

Stats - displays the primary stats, Body, Mind, and Soul, and controls for managing the character's stats.

Capabilities - displays the character's senses, movement, and strength capabilities.

Attributes and Defects - displays all the character's attributes and defects, and controls for adding, editing, and removing attributes and defects.

Skills - only appears when individual skills are enabled, disabling skill groups, displays the character's skills and controls for adding, editing, and removing skills.

Sheet Buttons

Tristat bulk enable disable.png
Bulk Enable/Disable - Attributes, Defects, and Individual Skills can be enabled or disabled within their respective Attributes and Defects group or Skills group. This button will set the enabled or disabled state for all Attributes, Defects, or Individual Skills in the group.

Tristat edit.png
Edit - produces a menu for making changes to the section the Edit button belongs to.

Tristat expand collapse2.png
Expand/Collapse - most sections display only the most critical character information on a fixed pane. Additional character information resides on a collapsible pane and is controlled via an expand/collapse button.

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Help - clicking on this button will open a new browser tab linking to the sheet's documentation.

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Pagination - provides the ability to switch between groups in the Attributes and Defects or Skills sections.

Tristat rolls.png
Rolls - opens a menu providing all available dice roll options available to the character, including: 2d6, Attack, Attribute, Initiative, Skill, and Stat. See Brief Explanation of Rolls for more information on these rolls.

Tristat time elapse.png
Time Elapse - this button allows the player to control the passing of time for the character, which affects any current conditions and healing, such as recovering from Blinded or gaining lost Health Points naturally. Using this method to advance time for the character only affects the character and not others. Therefore, use this method with the advice and consent of the GM and other players.

Brief Explanation of Rolls

The Big Eyes Small Mouth 4E Dyskami Authorized Roll20 sheet provides several types of dice rolls available in the Tri-Stat System (i.e. BESM, Absolute Power, and Tri-Stat Core). Including a "reactive roll" system, providing a dice roll flow for combat and other roll-based challenges.

2d6 - while Roll20 natively supports basic dice rolling, it is recommended to use the in-sheet 2d6 rolls to apply edges and obstacles.

Attack - allows a character to make an attack on another character (i.e. opposed roll) or some other target (i.e. targe number). One character attacking another character is performed by using an opposed roll, the targeted character must be selected by the player whose character is performing the attack (or GM controlling the attacking NPC) prior to performing the attack roll. This will initiate the reactive roll system. The attacker's dialogue will display a dice roll icon with the defender's name. The player/GM controlling the defending character will select the defending character token and then click the dice roll icon from the attacker's dialogue. Attack rolls made against a target number will produce an immediate result, not using the reactive roll system and no character need be selected.

Attribute - this option only appears when the character has attributes with a relevant stat. While this is truly a Stat roll, it is performed within the context of the selected attribute.

Initiative - prior to performing an initiative roll, players will need to select their character and then roll for initiative. If the character has Lightning Reflexes, this will be accounted for automatically. Any other edge or obstacle producing factors must be determined and applied manually, such as if a character wielding a Reach Weapon. Properly rolled initiatives will populate the Roll20 turn order menu displaying the roll result.

Skill - this option only appears if the character has one or more Skill Groups or Individual Skills. Similar to attack rolls, skill rolls can be performed as opposed rolls (vs another character, thus using the reactive roll system and requires a targeted character to be selected) or against a target number. Individual Skill rolls will take into account the relevant stat associated with the skill, if the skill's relevant stat is instead set to "variable" then the player will need to select one or more Stats prior to rolling. Similarly, when rolling a Skill Group, no relevant stat is associated and the player will need to select one or more Stats prior to rolling. When using Individual Skills, players should manually apply a minor edge for skill specializations that should apply to the skill roll.

Stat - characters may perform Stat rolls as opposed rolls vs another character or against a target number. Stat rolls made as opposed rolls require a targeted character to be selected prior to rolling, and will use the Reactive Roll System. One or more Stats may be selected for the Stat roll.

Sheet Concepts

Activation Sliders - Attributes, Defects, and Individual Skills have an activation slider, which are active by default. When disabled, the Attribute, Defect, or Individual Skill will not be considered for rolls or roll automation. Use these activation sliders to indicate an Attribute, Defect, or Individual Skill is not currently available to the character, such as an item was lost or an Attribute was completely nullified. If an Attribute is a member of a Power Flux, the point cost of the Attribute only applies to the total Flux Points in use if the Attribute's activation slider is enabled.

Attribute and Defect Groups - allow players to group Attributes and Defects together as a set or because of another overarching Attribute, such as Power Flux, Power Variation, or Dynamic Powers. When creating a new Attribute and Defect Group, the group type must be selected: Standard, Dynamic Powers, Power Flux, or Power Variation. All groups have a Source and Origin configuration, but Dynamic Powers, Power Flux, and Power Variation groups additionally have Enhancements, Level, Limiters, and Stat just as any other Attribute would have.

  • Source - as per the rulebooks, the Source, or Sources of Power, defines the nature of the Attribute's origin: High-technology, Magic, Non-humans, or Psionics.
  • Origin - defines whether the Attribute and Defect Group is Innate to the character, or Gear, an Item, a Mini Object, or a Shield.

Skill Groups - when Individual Skills are enabled, an additional sheet section is provided to track the skills a character has. Skill groups cannot be manually created and are instead automatically created when a Skill Attribute is purchased for the character. Within the Skill Group, any number of Skills and Skill Specializations may be purchased, up to the maximum Skill Points defined by the associated Skill Attribute's effective level. If an additional Skill Attribute is added to the character, then a new Skill Group will be created to manage the Skills and Skill Specializations associated with the new Skill Attribute.

GM Guide

The very fist thing a GM should do prior to allowing players to make characters, is to setup a GM sheet. The GM sheet is the central repository for all rules, including the base rulebook, optional rules, and even borrowing Attributes, Defects, or customizations from other rulebooks.

GM Sheet Setup

To create a GM sheet:

  1. Create a new character.
  2. The character name will become the GM Name that all other character sheets will need to be configured with to find and access the central rules repository.
  3. Once the character sheet is created, convert the sheet type to GM: Character Screen > Edit > Sheet Settings > Sheet Type > GM

Note: this process is irreversible!

Rule Book, Optional Rules, and Customizations

Before players start making characters, select the base rulebook to be used (i.e. BESM, Absolute Power, or Tri-Stat Core), then enable/disable all the optional rules, Attributes, Defects, and customizations you will want in the game. While these settings can be changed at any time, character sheets that used certain Attributes, Defects, or customizations before they were disabled will still be present on existing character sheets and players must manually remove them.


New functionality and features are listed here, including status of development. Players and GMs are encouraged to submit feature requests and participate in backlog prioritization.


Description of functionality and features waiting for development.

Backlog View
Feature Name Description Status Target Release

Change Log

Functionality and features that have been added.

Change Log View
Feature Name Description Released

Known Bugs

Issues that have been discovered or reported. A bug is when functionality or a feature behaves in a way that is not consistent with the original design or intent. When functionality or a feature does not do what you want, or does not exist, that's not a bug, that's a feature request!  ;)

Known Bug View
Bug Description Affected Component Workaround Target Release

Contact Sheet Author

To submit feature requests or report issues, please private message the sheet author, John D.
