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Revision as of 04:13, 7 February 2017 by GayKiwi (Talk | contribs)

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Greetings High Rollers of Roll20, GayKiwi here, updating this page since forever.


Play style

I enjoy interacting, changing, developing and effecting possible story arcs, interactive with party members, and helping them and myself to enjoy the best dynamic they can experience.

I'm keen to explore story lines that are both not 'for my character' and help others settle their stories and content. I enjoy seeing players working together towards a common goal and find this more likely reflects topics centered around the good portions of alignment. Thou even saying that I can't help but think taking a few items here and there can't be that bad can it?

I find the act of rolling to be better than taking average. Play safe in character actions if you must, but chance is better taken. Just don't remind me of this when I roll a Natural 1 on new level Hit Points ^.^

Negative Stuff

"It's what my character would do!"
~  One of the many personal statements GayKiwi cannot tolerate being said for any reason.
Since playing here on Roll20 since late 2014, I have discovered there are a few things I cannot tolerate and because I believe in being honest and forthright, I will set them out here:
  • Players that must continue disagreements with the DGM after calls have been made.
  • Players that must have solutions to problems at the table, within session time, and cannot wait till end game group discussions.
  • Tables that don't have pre- or post- gaming discussions to talk about the campaign, whats working, any issues or other comments.
  • Players who think the story is only for them, or create characters that can't tell something, ever for 'reasons they cant talk about'
  • ↪️️ GayKiwi is guilty of this.... but shhhh.
  • Players that know everything about anything, and must have this knowledge gratified in game.

Character Style

All of my characters have backgrounds, all my characters have so far been fully fleshed out and have a story to sink a battle ship. I have created three characters to date, my first was a wanna be whip master that wanted the world to be diplomatic in everything, teaching was important to him as well as living by the words a persons says. Second character was a slave, taken captive as a very young child, and raised in mines. Her love of mining, gems, and being a herbalist was her greatest passion.

My characters have something about them that make them think on how they would act in situations, they have personalities unique to them and likely have quirks that keeps them around in groups.


I guess that's it for now, if there is information you think I should add to this page, send me a comment, or if you want more information hit me up with a Personal Message. I never bite hard on the first encounter.