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Revision as of 18:04, 24 May 2016 by Seismic (Talk | contribs)

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Jeremy 'Seismic' is a YouTube and Twitch content creator who focuses on the games Rocket League and Dungeons and Dragons. Outside of this, he works in the film and games industry with such companies as Pixar and ID Software.



Jeremy 'Seismic' found his passion for art at a young age. He has extensive knowledge in 3D modeling and After Effects from his industry experience. He's deeply interested in fitness, cooking, and adrenaline based activities. With an entrepreneurial spirit, he drives himself towards success as directly as possible! Random facts: he can recite every country in the world, he's 6'4, and always wears a bandana!

Featured Games & Editions

D&D 3.5E

Live Schedule

Title Dungeon League
Game System D&D 3.5E
Time 8PST

Show Descriptions & VODs

Dungeon League

Dungeon League is led by 'Seismic' as he unfolds a entirely homemade world (alongside 3.5e rules and monsters) for four Rocket League streamers and big time personalities! Production value is a huge draw and dressing up is always promoted. Voice acting is present and a good time is sure to be found!

Show Title Cast

Seismic as GM
Low5ive as "Remer Eyrias"
Shalthis as "Zoltar Silverkin"
Cloudfuel as "Thorellian Kelris"

Jamesbot as "Odin Gallows"

Marketplace Content

Outdoor Set 2

Featured API Content

All character sheets are constantly updated and NPC's are made custom for each session! The character sheets used are the default provided by Roll20 for 3.5e.