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API Script Author: ChrisD
Version: 0.182
Last Modified: 2017-02-05
Dependencies: None
Conflicts: Unknown

Note: This page is under development
StatusTracker is not live yet.

  • Track turns and initiatives.
  • Track conditions using status markers. Track duration of conditions.
  • Automatically adjust attributes based upon conditions. IE: if a token is marked as knocked down (a condition), its attack value (an attribute of the associated character) can be automatically adjusted when referencing the knocked down token, while remaining the same for all other tokens.

StatusTracker is based upon TrackerJacker by Ken L. However while some routines are almost untouched, I heavily rewrote others and added the ability to track and use attribute changes based upon token level conditions.

Like TrackerJacker and TurnMarker, it uses a graphic image that follows beneath tokens to indicate who's turn it is. It also optionally announces round numbers, whose turn it is, etc. The real function however of StatusTracker is to track statuses and duration's with an easily accessible interface that's intuitive, and to allow token level adjustment of attributes based upon those conditions.



Note: Command format is identical Note: All commands need

!st~ help [2][all]
Display this message. With no argument it displays only first page. Optional parameters specify to display only page 2 or all pages.
!st~ setoption [flag/gmSecurity/Option or show] [name or show][=value or show]
Set a state value that controls how this script functions. show can appear instead of a catagory, name, or value and will display the current values without changing anything. flags are Boolean so must be set to true or false. gmSecurity control what commands need to be run by gm as opposed to allowing player to run them. Valid values are api, chat, both, none. Options accept any value. See the configuration section below for more details.
!st~ uninstall
Remove all statusTracker entries from state. Note that fresh versions will reappear again the next time the session is started unless you disable or remove this script.


All commands are parsed with maximum flexibility. Parameters may optionally have a hyphen in front of them. They can be comma or white-space delimited (commas are needed to delimit blank or empty fields). Parameters with values may have ether equal signs or colons between them. Values may optionally have double or single quotes around them (required if value contains certain things such as white-space, comma's or tilde's). Labels may usually be skipped on Commands with mandatory parameters if you put all required parameters in order.
More than one command may be present in the same input line by separating them with a Tilde (~).


The behavior of this script can be radically changed by minor adjustments to certain options with the "SetOptions" or "Set" command. The format if the command is "SetOptions [catagory] [name]=[value] The following list shows the category and name, along with their default value.

Parameter Values
options chatprefix ="!st~" Any chat message that starts with this string is handled by this script. If you don't like typing tildes alot, you could for example set this to "!st", "!st ", or any other string you like so long as it will and conflict with your other scripts and it starts with an exclamation point. Note that !eot does not have an option to change it and is always handled by this script.
flags image =true While this is set to true, the tracker graphic will be placed under the token whose turn it is. Setting this to false disables the tracker graphic.
flags rotation =true While this is set to true, the tracker graphic will have animated rotation when it first moves to a new token.
flags archive =false When this is false (default) the noarchive option is appended to public chat messages this script sends. If this is set to true, the output of this script will be saved in the chat archive.
flags clearonclose =true When true, automatically clear the turn order when it is closed.
flags logStartup =true When this is true we post a brief console log when the script starts.
flags logCommandLine =false When this is true we post a copy of each input command line to the log. This a debugging tool.

gmSecurity controls what commands can be issued by players. GM's can always run any command. Some commands are always forbidden to all players who are not GM. GM's can use these options to allow all players to run some additional commands. Each gmSecurity option can have one of 4 valid values: api, chat, both, none.

  • none: This command can never be run in any way by players who are not GM. Only GM's can run these commands.
  • chat: Only the GM can run this command from a chat command. However another API script can cause this command to be executed even when the player action that ran the other script was from a non-GM player. This is considered fairly secure since only GM approved scripts can be loaded in a campaign.
  • api: Not certain why this option would ever be used, but it means that players do not have to be GM to issue chat commands to this script, but players can not initiate api calls to this script.
  • both: Players have open access to this command via ether chat messages or api calls.

The commands, and the default values are as follows: set gmSecurity start=chat, stop=chat, pause=chat.


v1.00 (upcoming) StatusTracker Release

v0.082 (2015-09-23) Original source TrackerJacker by Ken L.