From Roll20 Wiki
Version: 0.2
Last Modified: 2017-03-29
Code: SR-RollExtender
Dependencies: None
Conflicts: None
Designed to be used with the Shadowrun: 5th Edition (Advanced) character sheet. Autoamticaly detect Glitches and roll Extended Tests. Type !RollEx ingame to see the help menu.
Glitch Detection is not yet configurable and will send a private message to the GM whenever a Glitch is rolled.
To roll an Extended Test type: !RollEx xx (dy sz) xx being the number of dice to start with Optional parameters are: dy with y being the minimum number of dice before you want to stop sz with z being the number of successes after which you want to stop
Example: !RollEx 16 d5 s24 will roll an extended test until you either have a minimum of 24 successes, you have less than 5 dice remaining or you roll a critical glitch