Star Frontiers
From Roll20 Wiki
Star Frontiers is a percentile system using d10 and d100 rolls.
d100 Macro with Modifier
Most rolls in Star Frontiers are 1d100, and you have to roll equal to or under a stated percentage chance to succeed. Modifiers are applied to the chance to succeed, not the dice. A general roll can be made with:
/r 1d100 vs. [[ ?{Chance to succeed} [base chance] + ( ?{Modifier|0} ) [modifier] ]]%
As an inline roll, this could be:
/em rolls [[ 1d100 ]] vs. [[ ?{Chance to succeed} [base chance] + ( ?{Modifier|0} ) [modifier] ]]%
As a character ability, you can replace ?{Chance to succeed} with a specific attribute or percentage. For example, if a character has an attribute Personality, you can roll a Personality check as:
/r 1d100 vs. [[ @{Personality} [Personality] + ( ?{Modifier|0} ) [modifier] ]]%
This is a inline-roll macro for Initiative, it adds the result to the Tracker (make sure you have a Token selected and Initiative Modifier listed in a character-sheet's Attributes as "IM").
/em rolls initiative [[1d10 + @{selected|IM} &{tracker} ]]
Battle Rage
First you have to create an Attribute called, "Battle Rage Level". Then you create an ability and put these two lines into the bigger box:
Rolling for Battle Rage (@{Battle Rage Level}%)
[[{{1D100-@{Battle Rage Level}}<0}]]
Then track your Battle Rage Level in the attribute and the check is always based on your current level. A result of "0" means failure and "1" means you're about to tear something up.