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Roll20 have three subscription tiers:

Discount: If you buy 12 month of subscription at a time, there is a discount on the total.

  • Upcoming price increase for new subscriptions - July 1, 2021(Forum)
    • "As a courtesy to our current subscribers, all accounts subscribed before 12:01am Pacific July 1, 2021, will be able to “lock in” their current price for the next two years. This courtesy period will last until they cancel their subscription, until their subscription ends, or until July 1, 2023, whichever comes first."

Your subscription level doesn't change much what you can get from the Marketplace, and usually you need to buy the rulebooks/adventures separatly to gain access to them.
info subscribers get each month exclusive Marketplace content through the Reserve, which they keep permanently on their account.

You can gift subscription to other users from the Roll20 Gift Portal. The exact price might depend on what country you live in.

Subscription level Comparison & FAQ has some info and a comparison between the options.

In general, it's often Game Masters/Dungeon Masters that gain more use out of subscription, or if you host the game your group is running.

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