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GM(Game Masters) are the ones who can control basically all aspect of a Campaign while in-game.
On the Campaign Main Page, Bob is shown to be a GM in the campaign by the blue "GM" shown on his icon

The Creator of a game is essentially a GM, but have exclusive access to a number of settings for the Campaign only they can access.

GM Hub is a resource hub for helping gamemasters.

Players have much more limited options on what they can do, than the GM or Creator.




A GM has access to the following:


Within the VTT

Outside the VTT

  • Invite Players (anyone can share the unique join link to the game)
  • View and Edit API Scripts (Creator must be a
    info Subscriber)
  • Manage the game's private forum, including sinking and deleting posts

Older Guide: Getting Started GMs

Promote someone to GM

Promote player to GM

The Creator or a GM can promote a Player to GM on the Game Settings-page. Hover your mouse over their icon, and select "Promote to GM". You should see that the player gets a blue "GM" on top of their icon.

A game can have any number of GMs, and multiple people can be logged in as a GM at the same time.

The "Launch as player instead"-button is highlighted in blue

As Player

A GM/Creator can make themselves a player in a game

Launch as Player

If you are on a campaign's main page, Using the Launch Game-button you always enter a game as a GM. Below it there is the Launch as player instead-button.

You can bookmark the "launch as player"-button by Right click on it and select "Bookmark Link".

 [Expand Old "join as player" trick
By default, you always enter a game as a GM, if you are on it's main page, and either have to do the above each time, or you can right-click the Rejoin as Player-button and bookmark it.

You can also save the normal "enter game"-link as a bookmark, and add /?desiredrole=player to the end of the url.

Result should be about:

Using the bookmark you can you can enter the game directly as a player, avoiding accidentally spoiling yourself something before you have gone to the button.

Rejoin as Player

If you're in-game, you can temporally demote yourself to a normal player, by going to y My Settings-tab, scrolling down to the "Miscellaneous"-section, and pressing the Rejoin as Player-button.

Bottom of y My Settings-tab


Some GM-only features can be indirectly granted to players through the use of different APIs:

  • ChatSetAttr -- can be configured to allow players to evaluate or edit stats on characters they don't control, useful for automatically reducing enemy HP, or granting healing/ temp HP to allies.
  • CharSheet -- A simple and easily customizable script allowing players to create their own character sheets, using the command !charsheet
  • Door Knocker -- Enables players to reveal/hide Dynamic Lighting sections such as doors. The GM can change doors from between locked/unlocked to adjust which doors the players can open. Speeds up DL management for GM as well.
    • can be used for revealing hidden door, as well as making "windows"
  • emas -- Provides player !emas and !as commands. This is equivalent to the /emas, which is GM-only
  • MapChange -- has option to allow players to move between map pages, and GM can choose which pages are available/visible to them
  • Observer(Forum) -- handy way to add/remove players as "Observer", who can see & control all player characters.
  • PublicSheet(Forum) — create public, read-only versions of character sheets
  • Roll20 Audio Master (aka. Roll20AM) -- API commands to manage the u Jukebox, GM can grant selective access to individual players/tracks
  • Teleport -- provides a way for GMs or players to teleport tokens within,or between, map pages
  • TokenMod -- For managing token properties with chat commands. Usually players have limited control of their token settings, apart from editing the three bubbles.
    • Includes setting that enables players to target tokens they don't control

There are also API that can be used to restrict players more that normal:

  • DryErase(Forum) – An API that can stop players from drawing on the map, deleting any drawing instantly.
  • TokenLock – Allows GMs to lock/unlock the movement of all Player Tokens. - Useful for when you want to pause the situation and prevent players from accidentally moving forward.
  • MapLock - similar to TokenMod, but can be used for locking down any individual graphic/token on the map, so even the GM can't accidentally move things.
    • Useful if you want players to have control over a token otherwise(see stats, edit/see name & notes), but stop it form being moved.


Main Page: Creator

The Creator of a game have all the abilities of a GM, in additions to some things that GMs can't do.

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