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RPGMaster APIs

The RPGMaster suite of APIs is a set of APIs created primarily for enhancing AD&D 2E gameplay, made by Richard E. The APIs are compatible with the Advanced 2nd Edition character sheet.

Some of the APIs can be used with other sheets.


RPGMaster Forum

Introducing RPGMaster "How To" videos

RPGMaster Playlist


These have utility to be used with sheets other than just the Advanced 2nd Edition‎-sheet

AD&D 2E only

  • Script:AttackMaster -- provides functions to manage weapons, armour & shields, including taking weapons in hand and using them to attack. It uses standard AD&D 2e rules to the full extent
  • Script:CommandMaster -- It manages the initialisation of a Campaign to use the RPGMaster APIs, communication and command syntax updates between the APIs and, most importantly for the DM, easy menu-driven setup of Tokens and Character Sheets to work with the APIs.
  • Script:MagicMaster -- provides functions to manage all types of magic, including Wizard & Priest spell use and effects; Character, NPC & Monster Powers; and discovery, looting, use and cursing of Magic Items.
  • Script:MoneyMaster

Installation for AD&D 2E

Note: It is highly recommended that you create a copy of your campaign before installing these (or any other) APIs, as APIs can cause major issues if not set up correctly or they contain bugs. This also means you can play around with use of the RPGMaster APIs in a safe environment - just try out all the features which are mostly fully available via easily accessible on-screen buttons. Nothing should break as a result of this (but no guarantees!)

1. Load MagicMaster or CommandMaster from the One-Click install menu: either of these will load all the other relevant APIs, including the ChatSetAttr and Tokenmod APIs which are needed for full operation. If any of them don't load for some reason, they are all also individually available on the One-Click install menu.

2. Use the command !cmd --initialise which will create a number of Player Macros visible on the Macro menu (accessed via the "3 bulleted lines" icon at the top of the Chat Window).

3. Go to the Player Macro menu described in 2 & tick the boxes for all the macros to appear In bar, and then tick the box for Show Macro Quick Bar. Buttons to access the macros set up will appear on your screen (normally at the bottom of the Roll20 map window).

4. Select one or more tokens on the map window that represent Characters, NPCs or Monsters and select the Token-Setup button. A menu will appear in the Chat Window showing stuff that can be done with the tokens and their linked character sheets to set them up for use with the RPGMaster APIs.

5. Add Magic Items, Weapons, Armour and more to the Character Sheets represented by the selected tokens using the Add-Items button. These items are different from just listing them on the sheet, as they are active and many actually have effects in-game when used, such as setting attack and damage bonuses for set durations, speeding up or slowing down Initiatives rolled (i.e. Haste & Slow effects), granting Powers and storing Spells, etc.

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