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ScriptCards Scripts

From Roll20 Wiki

Revision as of 18:08, 12 June 2023 by James S. (Talk | contribs)

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ScriptCards Thread on the Roll20 Mod Forums Please use this link to report any issues or to seek scripting help via the forums.
ScriptCards Mod Working and Sharing thread in the Roll20 Forums Historical Archive of scripts shared in the Roll20 forums.
ScriptCards Changelog on GitHub
Back to main ScriptCards information Wiki Page
ScriptCards API GitHub repository for source before the one-click version is updated.
ScriptCards Samples on the Official GitHub Branch of the GitHub repo that contains sample scripts.

ScriptCards Official Discord
ScriptCards Intro
ScriptCards Magic Missile Deep Dive

Working scripts for ScriptCards


This page is intended to be a centralized repository of working scripts that have been tested and are working as expected. Please describe the intended results of the script, include any screenshots/images you think will support the script and then please post the script itself.

Shared Scripts

Below you'll find the good stuff. You can also peruse the table of contents and use that for quick navigation. As long as the Script name is surrounded by "====" on both sides, it'll automatically be added to the table of contents.

[Expand/Collapse SCRIPT NAME]

Template: Example Script Name

> This template represents some basic syntax to post a script on this page.  Please be sure to copy and then paste this entire section at the end of the existing list of scripts.  
> When updating your copy of the template, please remember the following tips:
   > In the code just before the heading line (with the ===) be sure the span class name ends in the exact same naming as the ID on the line below the heading.  If they don't match the fabric of space and time will fall apart!  The first part (mw-...) will be different on each row.
       > span class="mw-customtoggle-SCRIPT_NAME" and id="mw-customcollapsible-SCRIPT_NAME"
       > Capitals matter, so be sure to pay close attention.
> AFTER PASTING THE TEMPLATE:  DELETE ABOVE THIS ROW so that "Author of script" comes right after the ''div class'' line above.'''

Author of script: (Your Discord name)
Purpose of script: (Text)
Description of intended results: (Text)
Screenshots: (Initial screenshots; more can be added throughout the body of the contents) Images
Caveats/ Notes:(N/A if none, otherwise please describe)
Script code:

 Enter script code here

Any other useful information or context can go here. Please put any critical information in one of the sections before the code to ensure users are seeing it.

Note: Be sure to keep the <pre>...</pre> tags around your main script code to prevent issues with anything in the script being considered as code to the Wiki page. Use <code>...</code> for inline code snippets.

Text with the Pre tags used 

This is what a snippet looks like wrapped in code tags. WikiText markup cheat sheet: