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Script:Conditions and Status Tracker

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Tracks arbitrary statuses associated with tokens. Statuses may have a turn-limited duration, or may be permanent. Only the GM may modify what statuses exist on a given token, but depending on settings the status may be broadcast to all players.

The API commands !StatusAdd, !StatusDel, !StatusAll, and !StatusClearAll are used to manipulate what statuses are present.


!StatusAdd <status> <duration> <description> [GM only flag] [// marker]
!StatusDel <status>


→ !StatusAdd status


→ !StatusDel status


→ !StatusAll


→ !StatusClearAll








→ ε


→ GM


→ ε


→ // string
Parameter Values
status Name of the status to add. No spaces are allowed.
duration Number of turns the status lasts. Use -1 for permanent duration.
description Description of the status.
GM only flag Optional. GM is the only accepted value. If this flag is set, only the GM will be notified about this status.
marker Optional. Defines the statusmarker to set on the token representing this status.


There are several configuration variables near the top of the script. You may alter them to customize the script functionality:

  • StatusTracker.statusIndicator – Then default marker to use if marker is not supplied.
  • StatusTracker.Chat – Set to true to indicate the status in the chat window, or false otherwise.
  • StatusTracker.ChatDescriptions – Set to true to display the status descriptions, or false otherwise.
  • StatusTracker.ChatOnlyGM – If set to true, all chat messages will be sent to the GM regardless of the GM flag. Set to false to control statuses individually.
  • StatusTracker.currentTurn – Not customizable.
  • StatusTracker.bloodiedTintColor – Set to a hexadecimal color value in order to tint the token to the set color when bar1 is below half of its maximum. Set to "transparent" to disable this behavior.
  • StatusTracker.bloodiedMarker – Set to a statusmarker name in order to mark the token when bar1 is below half of its maximum. Set to "none" to disable this behavior.
  • StatusTracker.deadMarker – Set to a statusmarker name which indicates that the token is dead (bar1 is 0).
  • StatusTracker.statusIncidatorBG – Background style color for status chat messages.
  • StatusTracker.statusIndicatorFontColor – Foreground style color for status chat messages.


// Gist:

/* ***********  STATUS TRACKER  *********************************************
*   The purpose of this script is to track character and token status
*   as well as durations of the status, with a reminder given on each turn.
*   It allows the GM to manimpulate the controls, while players can only test
*   their characters current status, if the GM allows it. It will use basic 
*   API commands.
*   Please Note: This script will lock up one of the indicators on a token
*   to show a character is under a specific effect. You can change which 
*   indicator to your preference.
*   Commands:
*   !StatusAdd <status name> <duration, -1 for perm> <description> <GM Only Flag> // <marker name>
*   !StatusDel <status name>
*   !StatusAll
*   !StatusClearAll 
*   For ease of use, add the following to a macro and assign it to your macro bar:
*   !StatusAdd ?{Status name} ?{Status Duration, -1 for perm} ?{Status description} ?{Type GM for GM only} // ?{Status Indicator [default is purple]}
*   NOTE: If you end the command with GM, only the GM will be able to see the 
*   reminder.
*   NOTE: Names cannot contain spaces, but it searches for containing so for
*   'Hank the Dwarf' you can put !Status Hank Bless 10
//Storage location
state.activeStatus = state.activeStatus || new Array();
var StatusTracker = StatusTracker || {};
//Personal Settings
StatusTracker.statusIndicator = "purple"; //default marker if DM does not designate one
StatusTracker.Chat = true;  //Uses chat window to give indicators
StatusTracker.ChatDescriptions = true; //displays descriptions
StatusTracker.ChatOnlyGM = false; //All chat only goes to the gm
StatusTracker.currentTurn = ""; //The current tokens turn
StatusTracker.bloodiedTintColor = "#FF0000"; //If you want a creature's token to be tinted when below 1/2 hp (bar1_value), 'transparent' for none.
StatusTracker.bloodiedMarker = "none"; //If you want a creature's token to get marked when below 1/2 hp (bar1_value), 'none' for none.
StatusTracker.deadMarker = "dead"; //Marker to show if the token is dead (0 bar1_value)
StatusTracker.statusIncidatorBG = 'blue';
StatusTracker.statusIndicatorFontColor = '#ffffff'; 

//Adding a status to the tracker
StatusTracker.AddStatus = function(CharID, statusName, statusDescript, Duration, GMOnly, Marker) {
    if (CharID == "") return; //Don't add empty statuses
        'CharID': CharID, 
        'statusName': statusName, 
        'statusDescript': statusDescript, 
        'Duration': Duration,
        'GMOnly': GMOnly,
        'Marker': Marker,
    StatusTracker.addMarker(CharID, Marker);
StatusTracker.addMarker = function(CharID, Marker) {
    //Find the token with the ID: non-linked tokens
    var currChar = findObjs({
        _type: "graphic",
        _id: CharID,
        _pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),
    _.each(currChar, function(obj) {
        obj.set("statusmarkers", StatusTracker.addMarkerToString(obj.get("statusmarkers"), Marker));
//Removes a marker of the listed type if it is present
StatusTracker.delMarker = function(CharID, Marker) {
    //Find the token with the ID: non-linked tokens
    var currChar = findObjs({
        _type: "graphic",
        _id: CharID,
        _pageid: Campaign().get("playerpageid"),
    _.each(currChar, function(obj){
        var returnString = StatusTracker.delMarkerFromString(obj.get("statusmarkers"), Marker);
        obj.set("statusmarkers", returnString);
StatusTracker.addMarkerToString = function(Original, AddMarker){
    var splitOriginal = Original.split(",");
    var newString = new Array();
    var maxLoops = splitOriginal.length;
    var loop = 0;
    var Added = false;
    while (loop < maxLoops && Added == false) {
        if (splitOriginal[loop].indexOf(AddMarker) !== -1){
            //already has more than one
            if(splitOriginal[loop].indexOf("@") !== -1) {
                var num = Number(splitOriginal[loop].substr(splitOriginal[loop].length - 1));
                num += 1;
                splitOriginal[loop] = splitOriginal[loop].substr(0,splitOriginal[loop].length - 1) + num;
                Added = true;
            //already has it but not at multiple, first check to make sure not added 
            //above, then add 1 more. Forced addition of @
            if(Added == false) {
                splitOriginal[loop] = splitOriginal[loop] + "@2";
                Added = true;
        loop += 1;
    if (Added == false ) {
        return Original + "," + AddMarker;
    } else {
        return splitOriginal.join();
StatusTracker.delMarkerFromString = function(Original, delMarker) {
    var splitOriginal = Original.split(",");
    var maxLoops = splitOriginal.length;
    var loop = 0;
    var Deleted = false;
    while (loop < maxLoops && Deleted == false) {
        if (splitOriginal[loop].indexOf(delMarker) !== -1) {
            //already has more than one
            if(splitOriginal[loop].indexOf("@") !== -1) {
                var num = Number(splitOriginal[loop].substr(splitOriginal[loop].length - 1));
                //Lowers the count down
                num -= 1;
                //tests for solitary remaining
                if (num == 1 ) {
                    splitOriginal[loop] = splitOriginal[loop].substr(0,splitOriginal[loop].length - 2);
                } else {
                    splitOriginal[loop] = splitOriginal[loop].substr(0,splitOriginal[loop].length - 1) + num;
                Deleted = true;
            //Matches but there are not multiple, removes instance
            if (Deleted == false) {
                Deleted = true;
        loop += 1;
    return splitOriginal.join();
StatusTracker.getTokenName = function(CharID) {
    if (CharID == "") return "";
    //if CharID is a token, turn on the status indicator for the token
    var Chars = findObjs({
       _type: "graphic",
       _id: CharID,
    if (Chars.length > 0 ) {
        var name = Chars[0].get("name");
    return name;
StatusTracker.DelStatus = function(CharID, statusName){
    var loop = 0;
    var maxLoops = state.activeStatus.length;
    while (loop < maxLoops) {
        if (state.activeStatus[loop].statusName == statusName && state.activeStatus[loop].CharID == CharID) {
            message = state.activeStatus[loop].statusName + " ends.";
            StatusTracker.sendMessage(message, state.activeStatus.GMOnly, state.activeStatus[loop].statusDescript);
            //Remove the relevant marker
            StatusTracker.delMarker(state.activeStatus[loop].CharID, state.activeStatus[loop].Marker);
            loop = loop - 1;
            maxLoops = maxLoops - 1;
        loop = loop + 1;
StatusTracker.sendMessage = function(message, GMOnly, description) {
    if (StatusTracker.Chat == false) return;
    //if not a direct message, assign chat limiters
    if (message.indexOf("/direct") > 0 ) {
        if (GMOnly == true || StatusTracker.ChatOnlyGM == true) {
            message = "/w gm " + message;
            message = "/desc " + message;
    if (StatusTracker.ChatDescriptions == true && description != "") {
        message = message + " (" + description + ")";
    sendChat("", message);
StatusTracker.newTurn = function(CharID) {    
    //loops through all durations and effects ones on the current character/token
    var loop = 0;
    var maxLoops = state.activeStatus.length;
    var count = 0;
    if (maxLoops == 0) return;
    //If the current token does not have any statues, exit
     while (loop < maxLoops) {
        if (state.activeStatus[loop].CharID == CharID) {count += 1}
        loop = loop + 1
    if (count == 0) return;
    //reset loop
    loop = 0;
    //Extract the current tokens name
    var charName = StatusTracker.getTokenName(CharID)
    if (StatusTracker.Chat) {
        StatusTracker.sendMessage("/direct <div align='center'> <p style='color:" +
          StatusTracker.statusIndicatorFontColor + "; background-color:" + 
          StatusTracker.statusIncidatorBG + "'>   ****   " + charName + 
          " Status Effects   ****</p></div>", StatusTracker.ChatOnlyGM, "")

    while (loop < maxLoops) {
        //Decrement Duration
        var Duration = Number(state.activeStatus[loop].Duration || 1);
        // A -1 Duration is permanent, the current token/character's statuses are 
        // increments for the next round.
        if (Duration > 0 && state.activeStatus[loop].CharID == CharID) {
            state.activeStatus[loop].Duration = Duration - 1;
        //Still active, announced
        if (Duration > 1 && state.activeStatus[loop].CharID == CharID) {
            StatusTracker.sendMessage(StatusTracker.getTokenName(state.activeStatus[loop].CharID) + " " + state.activeStatus[loop].statusName + " for " + (Duration - 1) +
                " more rounds.", state.activeStatus[loop].GMOnly, state.activeStatus[loop].statusDescript);
        //Permanent announced
        if (Duration == -1 && state.activeStatus[loop].CharID == CharID) {
            StatusTracker.sendMessage(StatusTracker.getTokenName(state.activeStatus[loop].CharID) + " " + state.activeStatus[loop].statusName + " still.", state.activeStatus[loop].GMOnly, state.activeStatus[loop].statusDescript);
        //Ending effects
        if (Duration <= 1 && Duration !== -1 && state.activeStatus[loop].CharID == CharID) {
            StatusTracker.sendMessage( StatusTracker.getTokenName(state.activeStatus[loop].CharID) + " " + state.activeStatus[loop].statusName + " ends.", state.activeStatus[loop].GMOnly,  state.activeStatus[loop].statusDescript);
            StatusTracker.DelStatus(state.activeStatus[loop].CharID, state.activeStatus[loop].statusName);
            //drop loop by 1 now that there is 1 less object in the array.
            loop = 0;
            maxLoops = state.activeStatus.length;
        loop = loop + 1;
    if (StatusTracker.Chat) {
        StatusTracker.sendMessage("/direct <div align='center'> <p style='color:" +
          StatusTracker.statusIndicatorFontColor + "; background-color:" + 
          StatusTracker.statusIncidatorBG + "'>   ****  End " + charName + 
          " Status Effects   ****</p></div>", StatusTracker.ChatOnlyGM, "")
StatusTracker.getCurrentToken = function() {
    var turn_order = JSON.parse(Campaign().get('turnorder'));
    if (!turn_order.length) {
        return "";
    var turn = turn_order.shift();
    return getObj('graphic', || "";
on("change:campaign:turnorder", function() {
    var status_current_token = StatusTracker.getCurrentToken();
    //Handler for non-token items in initiative
    if (status_current_token == "") return;
    //If turn order was changed but it is still the same persons turn, exit
    if ( == StatusTracker.currentTurn) return;
    StatusTracker.currentTurn =; 
on("chat:message", function(msg) {   
    var cmd = "!StatusAll";
    if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf(cmd) !== -1 && msg.who.indexOf("(GM)") !== -1) {
        var loop = 0;
        var maxLoops = state.activeStatus.length;
        StatusTracker.sendMessage("/direct <div align='center'> <p style='color:" +
          StatusTracker.statusIndicatorFontColor + "; background-color:" + 
          StatusTracker.statusIncidatorBG + "'>   ****  All Status Effects   ****</p></div>", StatusTracker.ChatOnlyGM, "")
        while (loop < maxLoops) {
            sendChat("", "/w gm " + StatusTracker.getTokenName(state.activeStatus[loop].CharID) + " " + state.activeStatus[loop].statusName + " for " + state.activeStatus[loop].Duration + " rounds. [" + state.activeStatus[loop].Marker + " marker].")
            loop = loop + 1;
        StatusTracker.sendMessage("/direct <div align='center'> <p style='color:" +
          StatusTracker.statusIndicatorFontColor + "; background-color:" + 
          StatusTracker.statusIncidatorBG + "'>   ****  End All Status Effects   ****</p></div>", StatusTracker.ChatOnlyGM, "")
on("chat:message", function(msg) {   
    var cmd = "!StatusClearAll";
    if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf(cmd) !== -1 && msg.who.indexOf("(GM)") !== -1) {
        state.activeStatus = new Array();
on("chat:message", function(msg) {   
    var cmd = "!StatusAdd ";
    if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf(cmd) !== -1 && msg.who.indexOf("(GM)") !== -1) {
        var cleanedMsg = msg.content.replace(cmd, "");
        //Pulls any marker first
        var marker = cleanedMsg.split("// ")[1] || StatusTracker.statusIndicator;
        cleanedMsg = cleanedMsg.split("//")[0];
        //Pulls the effect name
        var statusName = cleanedMsg.split(" ")[0];
        cleanedMsg = cleanedMsg.substr(statusName.length + 1) //Removes the target from the array
        //Pulls the duration
        var Duration = cleanedMsg.split(" ")[0];
        cleanedMsg = cleanedMsg.substr(Duration.length + 1) //Removes the target from the array
        var GMOnly = false;
        if (cleanedMsg.substr(cleanedMsg.length - 2) == "GM") {
            GMOnly = true;
            cleanedMsg = cleanedMsg.substr(0, cleanedMsg.length - 2);
        //The remainder is the description
        var statusDescription = cleanedMsg;
        //Adds the status to each of the selected tokens
        _.each(msg.selected, function (obj){
            //Runs through each selected token and adds the status
            if (obj._type == "graphic") { //only if the selected is a token
                StatusTracker.AddStatus(obj._id, statusName, statusDescription, Duration, GMOnly, marker);
                sendChat("","/desc " + statusName + " added.")
on("chat:message", function(msg) {   
    var cmd = "!StatusDel ";
    if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf(cmd) !== -1 && msg.who.indexOf("(GM)" !== -1)) {
        var CharID = "";
        var cleanedMsg = msg.content.replace(cmd, "");
        //Pulls the effect name
        var statusName = cleanedMsg.split(" ")[0];
        cleanedMsg = cleanedMsg.substr(statusName.length + 1) //Removes the target from the array
        _.each(msg.selected, function (obj){
            //Deletes the statud from each selected ID            
            if (obj._type == "graphic") { //only if the selected is a token
                StatusTracker.DelStatus(obj._id, statusName);

 on("change:graphic:bar1_value", function(obj, prev) {
    if(obj.get("bar1_max") === "") return;
    if(obj.get("bar1_value") <= 0) {
            status_dead: true,
            tint_color: "transparent"
    else if(obj.get("bar1_value") <= obj.get("bar1_max") / 2) {
            tint_color: "#FF0000",
            status_dead: false
            tint_color: "transparent",
            status_dead: false