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Exploding Dice

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Exploding Dice is a weekly Pathfinder gaming group! We get together every Sunday for games of adventure, roleplay, and shennanigans, and have a great time doing it!



Exploding Dice is a group that started like any normal Roll20 gaming group, with a DM meeting some strangers to hopefully get together and play a campaign, with the only difference being that everyone seemed to suggest putting the game on a livestream and see how we enjoyed it. Since then, we've been playing every week and having a blast learning the craft, and hopefully entertaining new viewers each week.

Our original channel host enjoys livestreaming his own video game live-plays, and we're all avid gamers of many stripes. Our DM hosts a weekly show every Tuesday where he discusses RPGs, brings guests on to cover topics teaching new DMs how to improve their craft, and answering live questions.

Featured Games & Editions


Live Schedule

Sunday Tuesday
Title Exploding Dice: Pathfinder Jade Regent Adventure Path Fuzzy Dice: The DM Show
Game System Pathfinder NA
Time 8pm ET 8pm ET

Show Descriptions & VODs

Jade Regent

A high fantasy adventure in the world of Golarion, where players unite with a friend to travel across the continent in search of their shared destiny in exotic lands.

Show Title Cast

Brian as GM
Kyle as "Davneiros Marduzi"
Chris as "Irina Yelizaveta"
[Jackson] as "Marlock McFlintlock"

[Ian] as "Sochi Nakagome"

Marketplace Content

Quick Encounters: Swamps
Quick Encounters: Swamps 2

Featured API Scripts

Our Roll20 game makes heavy use of the Pro features and many API scripts to enhance our gameplay including:

Dynamic Lighting

Turn Manager
Inspired Rollers

CGen And other minor hand-tweaked scripts to add to the experience.