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Window (Dynamic Lighting)

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Revision as of 11:26, 28 March 2021 by Andreas J. (Talk | contribs)

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Main Page: Updated Dynamic Lighting

Windows, in context of Dynamic Lighting, are sections of "wall" that allows sight to pass through, but stops movement of tokens. As of March 2021, it's an emergent property of UDL, achievable to create the effect both manually and with API, but it's possible that when free-hand drawn DL lines are enabled for UDL, windows will be unavailable for Plus-users to create manually

In late 2020, Andreas J. realized that by creating a Free-hand drawing on any of the other b Layers than the DL-layer, and then moving it to the DL layer, it only partially blocked sight, but always blocked movement. After the discovery, TheAaron and Scott C. created APIs that can create windows much easier.


The following API can be used for creating or editing UDL "windows", or similar things.

  • DoorKnocker(Forum) -- Script helps quickly open and close doors by controlling the dynamic lighting lines. v1.211 Introduces option to create "windows", sections that stop movement but not sight.
  • UDLWindows(Forum) -- API for creating DL lines that blocks movement, but doesn't block vision.
  • UDLPasswall(Forum) - Walls that block sight, but not movement