Big Eyes Small Mouth 4E - Dyskami Authorized
From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2024-08-10 |
Coming Soon!
Contents |
About This Sheet
The Big Eyes Small Mouth 4E Dyskami Authorized character sheet on Roll20 was developed independently, with the express consent and approval of Dyskami Publishing. This sheet takes a rules as written (RAW) approach, incorporating feedback and input from Dyskami Publishing and the BESM community.
Currently supported rulebooks are:
- BESM 4E Core
- BESM 4E Extras
- Absolute Power
- Tri-stat Core
GMs can enforce character sheets to strictly use one of the rulebooks, optional rules, or a customized blend borrowing from each rulebook. In a future release of the sheet, GMs will be able to add their own customizations.
Automation in the character sheet is performed in a way that does not require the Roll20 Mods/API. |
Some of the benefits of using this sheet on Roll20 is automation of the rules, cost accounting, and rolls, to provide players a more immersive role play experience and GMs their sanity. A bridging of crunchy rules with fluid gameplay. For instance, edges and obstacles are automatically calculated for rolls when applied by an Attribute or customization. Attributes, customizations, or Defects that adjust ACV, DCV, or DM are accounted for when attacking or defending. When increasing or decreasing Attribute levels, Character Points are automatically subtracted or reimbursed, accordingly. In fact, much care has been taken to ensure players and GMs only need to bring with them their favorite Dyskami materials to game!
Early Release
This sheet is still in development but is playable. Much of the core rules across BESM, Absolute Power, and Tri-Stat Core are supported and automated, but many optional rules and some Attribute automation still has to be addressed. The reason for providing an early release of the sheet is to collect feedback from GMs and players to help shape the development priorities based on what matters most to the community.
Special thanks to owner and creator Mark MacKinnon of Dyskami Publishing for his support and for creating one of the best RPG rule systems out there. The Dyskami community on the Dyskami Discord server, including: Cookiekittyuke for his pull no punches feedback, belief in me, and never relenting encouragement. To Ultear and the many denizens of the BESM community for their feedback and perspectives.
Special thanks to the Roll20 staff and community, including: Scott C and GiGs for answering my many questions and helping me wrap my head around JS, HTML, CSS, and Roll20 conventions. To OnyxRing for his work on Roll20Async/ORCS, Oosh for his Reactive Roll System, and to vÍnce, Andreas J, keithcurtis, and many others.
And a special thanks to my wife for not leaving me over all the time I've poured into this project, and all the time yet to come supporting it.
- Big Eyes, Small Mouth: The Anime and Manga Role-Playing Game - publisher page
- Dyskami Publishing's Discord
- Big Eyes Small Mouth - different versions of the system on Roll20