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Main Page: Browser

Stylus is a browser plugin that can change how webpages look, and many roll20 users have created their own tricks and minor adjustments to Roll20 for personal use. Things like changing how certain tools look in Roll20, making a Dark Mode, adjusting looks on character sheets, or how things look in the q Text Chat.

Note: there is a similarly named extension "Stylish", but it's stealing your browser history "Stylish" is back, and you still shouldn't use it


Stylus Snippets

Dark Mode

Dark Mode options:

Display filesize/dimensions in Art Library

(by Keith)

Fix for P Art Library

#marketplaceresults li::after,
#recentuploads li::after{
    background-color: white;
    content: attr(data-grid-width)"x"attr(data-grid-height);
    display: inline-block;
    font-size: 1em;
    padding-left: 30px;
    position: absolute;
    right: 0;

5E Sheet Dark Mode Red to purple

by keith

Stylus can use the CSS variable names. This code will change all D&D 5E by Roll20
Character   Sheet
red to purple, when you have Dark Mode on:
.sheet-darkmode .npc .display .red span {
    color: var(--dark-primary);