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Popular Feature Requests

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Main Page: Category:Unreleased/Highly Requested features

Roll20 have a Suggestions Forum, where people can vote & comment on suggestions, and Roll20 gives occasional updates on them, along with categorizing them so it's more clear what status they have.

Check the threads for any updates by Roll20 Staff, this page might not be up-to-date.

Some notable/popular Suggestions: (Updated Jan 2025)

  • Custom Compendium 1538 votes, Researching
    • Lots to do before Roll20 can start making it available to users, details on page
  • Multiple Sheets in a Game 324 votes
    • This is partially implemented for D&D 5E games, where one can use the D&D 2014 and D&D 2024 sheets at the same time.

Related: Check Category:New features released by year for recently released features.


"This feature has been on our radar but passed over in favor of other major features or updates, and poses some interesting technical and moderation-based issues. I think we’ve found a solution that will satisfy the needs in this thread and finally get this work out into the world, so I’m moving this thread’s status from Researching and into Queued."