Popular Feature Requests
From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2025-01-19 |
Main Page: Category:Unreleased/Highly Requested features
Roll20 have a Suggestions Forum, where people can vote & comment on suggestions, and Roll20 gives occasional updates on them, along with categorizing them so it's more clear what status they have.
- See Suggestions by Popularity(Forum) on the forums
- See Category:Feature(Beta) for features under beta testing
Check the threads for any updates by Roll20 Staff, this page might not be up-to-date.
Some notable/popular Suggestions: (Updated Jan 2025)
- Custom Compendium 1538 votes, Researching
- Lots to do before Roll20 can start making it available to users, details on page
- Foreground Map Layer 1246 votes, Queued (Planned 2025 release)
- Map Pins linked to Handouts(Forum) 697 votes, Researching
- Shifted to "Researching"-phase in July 2023
- Roll20 Response, July 2024(Forum)
- Partial Workaround : Map Pins
- Transmogrifier allow copying of folders 531 votes, Obstructed
- Folders in addition to Tags for ALL Resource Management(Forum) 539 votes, researching
- GM option to expose character sheets to other players 425 votes, Researching
- GMRolls that are hidden even from the player that makes the roll. 348 votes
- Workarounds: Hidden Rolls
- Multiple Sheets in a Game 324 votes
- This is partially implemented for D&D 5E games, where one can use the D&D 2014 and D&D 2024 sheets at the same time.
Related: Check Category:New features released by year for recently released features.
- A better way to organize pages(like folders) First released 2023, updated & added to the UI redesign in 2024
- Print Character Sheets(Forum) , Completed
- Print option was added to D&D 5E by Roll20Character Sheetchar sheet in Dec 2023, closing the thread
- Partially implemented(May 2021) Roll20 have expanded the char sheet backend so sheet authors can implement a print-friendly version of the sheet using
@media print
CSS media query. More info on CSE#Print-Friendly
- Print option was added to D&D 5E by Roll20
- Allow the GM to delete a line in the chat text(Forum)
- GMs can hide any message in chat, right-click corner - released December 2023
- Dev comment: Aug 2022 Feature in QA.
- seems to be implemented as a hide/unhide message from players, and not as a permanent delete.
- Dev Response May 2022:
- "This feature has been on our radar but passed over in favor of other major features or updates, and poses some interesting technical and moderation-based issues. I think we’ve found a solution that will satisfy the needs in this thread and finally get this work out into the world, so I’m moving this thread’s status from Researching and into Queued."
- Hover to see token name and bars(Forum) 488 votes, DONE