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Keith Curtis is a longstanding and active Roll20 Community Member, former Forum Moderator, API Author, & Marketplace Creator(Market).

Creator & maintainer of the Roll20 Tips and Tricks(Forum)-thread, listing tons of clever Roll20 tips, as well as the Chat Menus-trick, where you create a chat command for characters that contains a list of roll buttons you can then call from the q Text Chat.

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Keith has created(or been heavily involved in creating) a number of Mod Scripts, many of which can be found in the Mod one-click install menu.

  • Campaign Survey(Forum) - helps you inventory the size of your campaign, by listing how many pages/characters/handouts/graphics/etc it has, how often each are used, etc.
  • Dealer(Forum)} - API for helping out with managing cards, and card dealing
  • Dialog(Forum) -- a script that makes chat a bit more fun and easier to parse, especially for games that don't use voice. It also makes it much easier to get the GM's attention in a busy game. sourcecode
  • D&D 5E - Token Action Maker(Forum) - This script creates token actions on selected tokens for the D&D 5E by Roll20 sheet, very helpful for both NPCs and Players.
  • Lister(Forum) API that looks through your campaign and lists characters, handouts, pages, rollable tables and players. Can create handout with the report. Superseded by Campaign Survey, above.
  • Supernotes(Forum) - This script pulls the contents from a token's GM Notes field and sends them to chat, based on a user-selectable roll template. (Created by Keith & The Aaron)
  • D&D 5E - Rest & Recovery(Forum) - To handle recovery on the resource attributes on the D&D 5E by Roll20 sheet.
  • Reporter(Forum) -- A script to poll the game and return info on Token/Character pairs, along with customized action tools.
  • Faces(Forum) -- This is a short script that is designed to provide a quick visual interface for swapping token images and names. Great for any changeling.
  • Ping Buddy(Forum) A script with three functions, create an auto-follow party token (or to cause the screen to continuously center on a user's token just for that user), to pull players to the start of a page, and to find and ping a token by name
  • Dynamic Lighting Tool(Forum) A tool to set dynamic lighting in real time and to analyze and identify common problems.


Forum Threads

Prominent forum threads made by Keith:

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