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Difference between revisions of "Mod:Short Community Scripts"

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m (Blind Rolls)
m (Blind Roll (TheAaron))
Line 24: Line 24:
3d20+8 Weird attack..
3d20+8 Weird attack..
{| role="presentation" class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
<pre data-language="javascript">
| Blind Roll API code
| <pre data-language="javascript">
* rollers.js - Provides specialized dice rolling alternatives.
* rollers.js - Provides specialized dice rolling alternatives.
Line 177: Line 179:
===Blind Roll (Stephen)===
===Blind Roll (Stephen)===

Revision as of 15:07, 5 December 2021

Main Page: API:Script Index

This is a collection of shorter API scripts and snippets created the community, which haven't ended up in the one-click menu for for being so situational or small.



Blind Roll (TheAaron)


!blindroll [[@{selected|skill}+1]]d20+[[ [[@{selected|attack]]+@{target|ac} ]] Weird attack..

Results in player seeing:

Blind roll sent to GM
3d20+8 Weird attack..
Blind Roll API code

Blind Roll (Stephen)

Works just like a GM Roll.... only the player doesn't see the dice roll result.

!broll 1d100+10 to pick pocket Jimmy<pre>

Would result in the players seeing:

:''"Secret roll sent to GM (1d100+10 to picket pocket Jimmy)"'', with no dice roll result.

<pre data-language="javascript">
on("chat:message", function(msg) {
    var cmdName = "!broll ";
	var msgTxt = msg.content;
	var msgWho = msg.who;
	var msgFormula = msgTxt.slice(cmdName.length);

	if(msg.type == "api" && msgTxt.indexOf(cmdName) !== -1) {
		sendChat(msgWho, "/gmroll " + msgFormula);
		sendChat(msgWho, "/w " + msgWho + " secret roll sent to GM (" + msgFormula + ")");


Make Rollable Table Tokens

!make-rtt(Forum) by Aaron

Little script for making Rollable Table Tokens. Just select a bunch of graphics on the page and run:


and it will zip them up in a Rollable Table Token. it sorts them in order from top to bottom, left to right. If any graphics are from the marketplace, it will put the dead X on them and not include them. It places the new token at the lop left of the tokens (or at (0,0 if you have some bizzare selected tokens that are somewhat off screen..)


  const s = {
    err: "padding: 1px 1em; size:.8em; font-weight:bold; background: #cccccc; border:2px solid black; border-radius:1em; color: #990000;"

  const getCleanImgsrc = (imgsrc) => {
    let parts = imgsrc.match(/(.*\/images\/.*)(thumb|med|original|max)([^?]*)(\?[^?]+)?$/);
    if(parts) {
      return parts[1]+'thumb'+parts[3]+(parts[4]?parts[4]:`?${Math.round(Math.random()*9999999)}`);

  const positionalSorter = (a,b) => {
    let at = Math.round((a.get('top')+17)/35);
    let bt = Math.round((b.get('top')+17)/35);
    let al = Math.round((a.get('left')+17)/35);
    let bl = Math.round((b.get('left')+17)/35);
    let abt = at-bt;
    let abl = al-bl;
    return (0 === abt ? abl : abt);

  const findTraits = (b) => (o) => {
    let x = parseFloat(o.get('left'));
    let y = parseFloat(o.get('top'));
    let w = parseFloat(o.get('width'));
    let h = parseFloat(o.get('height'));
    b.minX = Math.min(b.minX,x-(w/2));
    b.minY = Math.min(b.minY,y-(h/2));
    b.maxX = Math.max(b.minX,x+(w/2));
    b.maxY = Math.max(b.minY,y+(h/2));
    b.layer = o.get('layer');
    b.pageid = o.get('pageid');
    return o;

    if('api'===msg.type && /^!make-rtt(\b\s|$)/i.test(msg.content) && playerIsGM(msg.playerid)){
      let who = (getObj('player',msg.playerid)||{get:()=>'API'}).get('_displayname');

      let traits = {
        minX: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
        minY: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
        maxX: -Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
        maxY: -Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,
        layer: 'objects',
        pageid: ''

          sendChat('',`/w "${who}" <div style="${s.err}">Please selected some tokens.</div>`);

      let images = (msg.selected || [])
        .filter(g=>undefined !== g)
          let i = getCleanImgsrc(g.get('imgsrc'));
          } else {
          return m;

          let token = createObj('graphic',{
            pageid: traits.pageid,
            layer: traits.layer,
            left: traits.minX||0,
            top: traits.minY||0,
            width: 70,
            height: 70,
            imgsrc: images[0],
          } else {
            sendChat('',`/w "${who}" <div style="${s.err}">Failed to create token!</div>`);
        } else {
          sendChat('',`/w "${who}" <div style="${s.err}">Only marketplace images found!</div>`);

Show Tooltip

Showtooltip(Forum) by Aaron

Shows Token Tooltip of selected tokens in the chat.

!show-tip //show in chat to all
!wshow-tip   //whisper to self


  const s = {
    container: `display:inline-block;border:1px solid #999;border-radius:.2em; padding: .1em;background-color:white;width:100%;`,
    img: `max-width: 5em;max-height:5em;display:block;overflow:auto;background-color:transparent;float:left;margin:.5em;`,
    quote: `font-weight: bold;font-style:italic;padding:.3em;`,
    clear: `clear:both;`
  const f = {
    container: (d,q) => `<div style="${s.container}">${d}${q}${f.clear()}</div>`,
    item: (d)=>`<img src="${d}" style="${s.img}">`,
    quote: (q)=>q?`<div style="${s.quote}">${q}</div>`:'',
    clear: () => `<div style="${s.clear}"></div>`

    if('api'===msg.type && /^![w]?show-tip(\b\s|$)/i.test(msg.content) && playerIsGM(msg.playerid)){
      let who = (getObj('player',msg.playerid)||{get:()=>'API'}).get('_displayname');
      let whisper = /^!w/i.test(msg.content);
      let msgs = (msg.selected || [])
        .filter(g=>undefined !== g)
        .filter(g=>0 !== g.get('tooltip').length)
        sendChat('',`${whisper ? `/w "${who}" `: ''}${msgs.join('')}`);


DropTorch(Forum), A little script that lets you and your players drop their light source on the ground.


RetrieveTokens(Forum) -- get graphics that are off the page




ToggleDaylight(Forum) turn daylight mode on, off, or toggle it for LDL or UDL on the current page.

Other Community APIs