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== General Information ==
{{revdate}}{{main|D&D 5E}}
The D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet is based on the design of the [[DnD5e_Character_Sheet|original]] D&D 5e Character Sheet. Modifications have been made to present the information in a more concise, readable way so that users can find information quickly.
Please see the [[Character Sheet]] wiki page for general information about setting and using character sheets.
This sheet includes both a Player (PC) and an NPC Sheet. The pertinent sheet can be toggled in the upper left of the sheet. The Player sheet is green when toggled on and the NPC sheet is purple when toggled on. There are various tabs in blue just below the header information where the information about the character is stored. The gear icon tab is a settings tab which modifies various things about the sheet as a whole. Finally, all the tabs can be presented at once and scrolled down if you click on the Show All tab.
The '''D&D5E (Shaped)''' was created by [ Mark Lenser], but is no longer actively maintained.
There is an option in the top right of the sheet to present the sheet in English or German languages.
* [ 5e Shaped Sheet Display Error?] new issues (Jan 2022)
* {{fpl|10191536/ Jul 2021 Shaped Discussion}}
* [ Documentation]
* [ Issue Tracker]
* [ Shaper API script]
* [ Changelog]
If you are starting fresh with the D&D 5e Shaped Character Sheet, just enter your character information as normal. If you are converting from the original D&D 5e Character Sheet, see the next section about which things have changed and will need to be edited.
* '''High performance''' sheet without the lag of old versions (100% sheet workers)
* Styling that matches the 5e paper sheet
* '''Compendium Integration''' for NPCs, Spells, Weapons, Armor, Equipment
* '''Module conversion from official Sheet''' Modules like LMoP, Volo's Guide, and the Monster Manual are converted from the official sheet format to the Shaped format.
* '''NPC actions and traits''' are parsed and clickable. The text on the sheet and in the output macro will adjust if you adjust an ability score.
* '''Customizable skills''' with the option to change the ability on the fly
* '''Spells''' with the option to cast at a higher level
* Filters to limit which spells are displayed
* '''Chat macros''' that are kept in sync with the contents of the sheet. Ability Checks, Saving Throws, Attacks, Actions, Stablock, etc.
* Critical damage is automatically calculated with the possibility of selecting features like brutal critical or houserules that critical hits do maximum dice damage plus the normal damage.
* Classes automatically select proficiencies (Weapon, Armor, Tools, Saving Throws) and class features.
* Customizable Classes - Change Name, HD, or spellcasting level of the classes
* Translations
* '''Armor''' Covers normal armor as well as unarmored ability cases like monk, barbarian, etc.
* '''Equipment''' with gold and weight automatically calculated. Equipment Items are clickable from the core page for items like Potion of Healing
* '''Settings''' for how to output all rolls, death saves, initiative, etc
* Roll settings to choose to always roll with advantage, disadvantage, or query for both
* Optional bonuses to all skills, abilities, saving throws, etc.
* Attachers can be used to remind yourself to add to saving throws while within 10 feet of your paladin
==How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro)==
While most items remain the same from the original sheet, various things have been modified and will need to be re-entered in the sheet if converting/
In the Player Character Sheet, the following will need to be altered
'''2022/01/17 NOTE: This sheet is no longer maintained or updated by MLenser and the links in this section are not the most up to date version of the sheet.  For now the most up to date sheet will be the one in the roll20 dropdown.'''
* Armor - will need to be completely re-entered
* Vision - will need to be completely re-entered
* Spells - allows for categorized by Prepared, Ritual, and Concentration
* Class specific
** Expertise - will need to be toggled in the skills section
** Jack of All Trades - will need to be toggled in the skills section
The version of the sheet in the Roll20 drowdown menu isn't always up to date with the latest version of the sheet, but Pro-users can download the latest version directly from the source, using these steps.
The NPC Character Sheet does not allow for much anything to cross over. However, the old NPC sheet is included and there is a an [ import script] that allows for NPC characters to be imported to the NPC sheet.
1. In Roll20, go to '''Campaign Settings'' and set '''Custom''' as your character sheet option.
===Update Instructions===
2. Choose "D&D 5E" as the Compendium
The character sheet will update about every week to the newest version. However, if you wish to manually update to the sheet, please follow these instructions. You must be a Roll20 [ mentor] in order to perform these actions.
# Go to [ Github] and open the RAW [ html] and [ css] files.
# Copy the [ html] content from github.
# In your Roll20 campaign, go to the campaign settings and choose a custom character sheet.
# In the HTML tab of your campaign settings, paste the html code you just copied.
# Copy the [ css] content from github.
# In the CSS tab of your campaign settings, paste the css code you just copied.
# Click Save.
==Character Sheet==
3. Copy the [ HTML] from GitHub
===Core Stats===
===Show All===
===Traits & Actions===
NPC sheet only
4. In the HTML tab, paste the HTML code.
===Using Attributes===
===Core Stats===
===Traits & Actions===
NPC sheet only
5. Copy the [ CSS] from GitHub
==Roll Template==
6. On Roll20 in the CSS tab, paste the CSS code.
7. Copy the [ translation] from the appropriate file on GitHub (en is English, fr is
===Using Rolls===
French, de is German, it is Italian, etc)
===Core Stats===
8. On Roll20 in the Translation tab paste the JSON from the appropriate file.
9. Hit save.
===Traits & Actions===
NPC sheet only
If you appreciate what the author does and want to compensate him for the countless hours that he have spent building this character sheet, feel free to support him on [ Patreon] or Paypal (
==Related Pages==
* [[D&D 5E by Roll20]] (AKA. "5th Edition OGL"), the Official 5E character sheet which incudes the Charactermancer, and is by far the most used 5e sheet.
* [[DnD5e Shaped Character Sheet|D&D 5E (Shaped)]] - The second most popular 5E character sheet on Roll20
* [[5E]] - Lists the other D&D5E character sheets available on Roll20.
[[Category:Character Sheet Documentation]]

Latest revision as of 10:34, 18 February 2022

Main Page: D&D 5E


The D&D5E (Shaped) was created by Mark Lenser, but is no longer actively maintained.


[edit] Features

  • High performance sheet without the lag of old versions (100% sheet workers)
  • Styling that matches the 5e paper sheet
  • Compendium Integration for NPCs, Spells, Weapons, Armor, Equipment
  • Module conversion from official Sheet Modules like LMoP, Volo's Guide, and the Monster Manual are converted from the official sheet format to the Shaped format.
  • NPC actions and traits are parsed and clickable. The text on the sheet and in the output macro will adjust if you adjust an ability score.
  • Customizable skills with the option to change the ability on the fly
  • Spells with the option to cast at a higher level
  • Filters to limit which spells are displayed
  • Chat macros that are kept in sync with the contents of the sheet. Ability Checks, Saving Throws, Attacks, Actions, Stablock, etc.
  • Critical damage is automatically calculated with the possibility of selecting features like brutal critical or houserules that critical hits do maximum dice damage plus the normal damage.
  • Classes automatically select proficiencies (Weapon, Armor, Tools, Saving Throws) and class features.
  • Customizable Classes - Change Name, HD, or spellcasting level of the classes
  • Translations
  • Armor Covers normal armor as well as unarmored ability cases like monk, barbarian, etc.
  • Equipment with gold and weight automatically calculated. Equipment Items are clickable from the core page for items like Potion of Healing
  • Settings for how to output all rolls, death saves, initiative, etc
  • Roll settings to choose to always roll with advantage, disadvantage, or query for both
  • Optional bonuses to all skills, abilities, saving throws, etc.
  • Attachers can be used to remind yourself to add to saving throws while within 10 feet of your paladin

[edit] How to Update the sheet yourself (as Pro)

2022/01/17 NOTE: This sheet is no longer maintained or updated by MLenser and the links in this section are not the most up to date version of the sheet. For now the most up to date sheet will be the one in the roll20 dropdown.

The version of the sheet in the Roll20 drowdown menu isn't always up to date with the latest version of the sheet, but Pro-users can download the latest version directly from the source, using these steps.

1. In Roll20, go to Campaign Settings and set Custom' as your character sheet option.

2. Choose "D&D 5E" as the Compendium

3. Copy the HTML from GitHub

4. In the HTML tab, paste the HTML code.

5. Copy the CSS from GitHub

6. On Roll20 in the CSS tab, paste the CSS code.

7. Copy the translation from the appropriate file on GitHub (en is English, fr is French, de is German, it is Italian, etc)

8. On Roll20 in the Translation tab paste the JSON from the appropriate file.

9. Hit save.

[edit] Contribute

If you appreciate what the author does and want to compensate him for the countless hours that he have spent building this character sheet, feel free to support him on Patreon or Paypal (

[edit] Related Pages

  • D&D 5E by Roll20 (AKA. "5th Edition OGL"), the Official 5E character sheet which incudes the Charactermancer, and is by far the most used 5e sheet.
  • D&D 5E (Shaped) - The second most popular 5E character sheet on Roll20
  • 5E - Lists the other D&D5E character sheets available on Roll20.