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Roll Templates

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Roll Templates are a special facet of the Character Sheets system which provide additional layout and styling options for the display of roll results.

The output of a default template used in q Text Chat


Using Roll Templates

If you're using a Character Sheet, there's a really good chance you'll use a Roll Template just by clicking the roll button on the sheet, or by calling a sheet roll in a macro or ability. You don't have to do anything extra to do this, it's already set up for you in advance by the sheet author.

If you're interested in using Roll Templates in your own custom macros or creating your own custom templates, read on further.

Using a roll template is pretty easy. Just include a special flag in your chat message which tells Roll20 that you want to use a Roll Template, and then provide all of the data for the rolls and info that you want to include inside {{ }}-sections . Here's an example that uses the "default" template (which all games have access to, regardless of the game system or character sheet you are using):

&{template:default} {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack=[[1d20]]}} {{damage=[[2d6]]}}
Roll template default example.JPG

The &{template:<template_name>} is the part that tells the system to use a Roll Template, and specifies the name of the template you want to use. Then you just provide all the data for the template in the format {{<propertyname>= <value>}}. The propertyname that you should use depends on the template, and sometimes can be whatever you want -- the Character Sheet documentation should let you know what's available(or you can take a look at existing macros and see how they are structured), and we've provided documentation on all of the built-in templates below. Value can be either text or an inline roll, including macros, abilities, etc. Note that if you use a macro or ability, it must be an inline roll, and not a /roll command.

Here's an example that uses a %{Character|attack} ability:

&{template:default} {{name=Test With Ability}} {{attack= %{Character_Name|attack} }} {{damage= #damagemacro }}

When Can I Use Roll Templates?

You can use a Roll Template in general messages (without a command like /desc or /emote) and whispers. You can't use roll templates with the /roll command; instead, Roll Templates are meant to be used with inline rolls. As long as they use inline rolls, you can use Roll Templates with macros, Character Abilities, and sheet authors can use them inside of their Roll Buttons on sheets.

Built-In Roll Templates

The following roll templates are built-in to Roll20 and can be used in any game. You don't have to even have a character sheet template selected for your game to use it.


To use the default template, you first call &{template:default}, then (optionally) define what will be shown in the header in a {{name= }}-section, after which you can create any number of "rows" by creating more {{ }}-sections.

Property Expected Value
name The name of the roll, shown in the header of the roll listing. (If not used in a roll, the header will appear at the top of the roll template as a purple bar with no text.)

The default template is special, and will list out whatever argument you give it in a table. It will put in the middle of the purple header anything you define in the {{name= }} section, and then with every subsequent {{ }} segment, it will alternate with white & gray background.

If a = is used in the {{ }} rows, the roll template will align the = in the middle, and all rows will have the = in the same spot. If any row have lots of more text/content on either side of the =, it will be pressed to the side of the template for all rolls.

So for example, you could do the following:

&{template:default} {{name=Test Attack}} {{attack=[[1d20+3]]}} {{note= This is some note content}} {{Saving Throw= vs Will}}

Roll template default example2.JPG

Notice that the content of the roll template is pressed to the left side, due the text segment on the Note-row. If that segment is removed, the content of the remaining rows will be closer to the center.

Here is a fairly exact example of the default template with it's dependent CSS classes.

More examples

Roll template roll that has inline labels, which will make it easier to look at the roll breakdown(when you hover your mouse over the result).

&{template:default} {{name=Mage Bolt}} {{attack=[[1d20+3[int]+2[proficiency] ]]}} {{Damage= [[3d6[base dmg]+3[int mod]+1d8[Elder Wand bonus] force dmg]]}} {{DC [[14]] Will Save= The enemy must make the save, or take an extra [[1d8]] fire dmg. }}

Creating a Roll Template

Main Page: Building Character Sheets/Roll_Templates

You can create & use custom Roll Templates by Editing/Building Character Sheets, as they are a part of the Character Sheet's code.

The main page details what parts & features goes into creating a roll template, along with showing the code for a number of existing Roll Templates

See Also