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The front page of the marketplace
The Roll20 Marketplace(Market) is where you can buy modules, art packs, compendiums and more to be used with your Roll20 games.

Check Marketplace Creator HQ for info on how to become a marketplace creator and how to create content.

Marketplace content doesn't count towards your Storage limit.


Types of marketplace content


Game modules are fully integrated settings that a GM can pick up and play with little to no setup work. Modules are most often larger adventures or base adventure settings. They auto-populate N Journal entries for adventure text, NPC stat blocks and handouts, Pages for pre-set battle maps with Dynamic Lighting (for
info subscribers), and i Compendium access within the tabletop upon game creation.

Modules can't be added to existing games.
info users can use the Transmogrifier to copy pages, characters handout and more to either copy an existing campaigns content to a module-created one, or vice versa.


Addons are smaller forms of content that are meant to enhance existing games. This might include card decks, maps, single encounter adventures, and adventure continuations.

You can either create a new game with an addon, or add it to an existing game.

Art Packs

Art Packs are collections of images for use in your Roll20 games. These include tokens, token markers, maps, tiles, and portrait images.


Most commonly associated with system rulebooks, Compendiums and Compendium Expansions are accessible both as an in-game i Compendium and in a web version tool. In-game Compendium access is set by default to correspond with the chosen Character Sheet template. At any point, you can change Compendium access and settings in the Game Settings from your Game Details page.


Dynamic Lighting

Main Page: Dynamic Lighting

Note: The owner of a marketplace module must have a
info or
info account
for Dynamic Lighting to work in a game.

Character Vault

Main Page: Character Vault

Some Modules grants Full Character Vault Access in those games, which enables Free users to import characters to the games created with the module, where as usually you need a
info or
info account for it.


You can keep both private and public Wishlists on the marketplace.

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