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DnD5E Community Contributed

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D&D 5E (Community Contributed)

The D&D 5E (Community Contributed) character sheet was created by John Myles (Actoba on Roll20 or @jmyles85 on Twitter) and was designed to fully support the rules as written (RAW) for the recently released Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition ruleset. The sheet was last updated in March 2018, and isn't as much used as 5E sheet alternatives such as "D&D 5E by Roll20"(AKA. "5th Edition OGL") or "D&D 5E (Shaped)" character sheets.

The intent is that the sheet will be as feature complete and up to date as time allows and should remain freely available and usable by all Roll20 users regardless of their subscription level.

This wiki page should provide help to both players and GM/DM's when using the sheet and its features but is not, and never will be, a substitute for having a good understanding of both the 5e ruleset/mechanics and of course the roll20 system too. The sheet should help everyone get the most out of their time playing the game but cannot possibly hope to cover every possible situation that may arise, but it should cover the large majority of them. Advanced users can even make use of the attributes the sheet tracks themselves to create their own roll20 macros/token actions. For more information on the available attributes see the #Attributes section at the bottom of this page.

Below you should find first an FAQ section, followed by a brief explanation of the various different player and DM sections of the sheet, before finally a section for advanced users listing the available attributes and rolls that can be used by advanced users as part of their own macros. - dan and phil





Here are a few things to remember or be aware of when using the sheet -

  • Why are there two rolls when I make an attack, save or ability check?
    • Every attack, save or ability check roll is deliberately made twice to allow for ease of use with the advantage/disadvantage mechanic that comes up frequently in 5e play. The intention is that if you are rolling with neither advantage or disadvantage then the second roll is ignored and only the first roll is used. If however you have advantage, then you choose the highest of the two rolls, and if you have disadvantage then use the lower of the two rolls.
  • The tooltips when I hover over a dice roll result are really hard to read and full of math. Can you change them to something better?
    • At the moment, no. This is unfortunately a combination of some of the mathematical gymnastics the sheet does in the background to workaround some of the limitations of the character sheet feature on roll20 and also because of the way the dice roller works by making sure it expands everything out before calculating/rolling dice. At the moment theres not much I can do to change this without losing significant function on the sheet....and personally i'd rather have that function and live with the messy tooltips for now.
  • Can I access attributes/roll buttons in repeating sections? And if not why isn't everything a static section and not a repeating one?
    • Testing in the very early days of the sheets development showed that there is a significant performance impact to using all static sections so for those areas that really need it (like the spellbook for example) there are not really many other options if you want the sheet to remain usable. You can access attributes in repeating sections (see the advanced usage section), but for now, you cannot access the roll buttons with repeating sections.
  • Why dont you set stuff up as token actions so they show on my token bar?
    • Because the current implementation of the token action gives the end user no control over it. I could add a load of token actions into the sheet but then every user, in every situation would be forced into having those token actions on their token bar whether they wanted them or not....thats not a good solution for anyone. Hopefully as time goes by we will see some improvements to the character sheet system that will allow us to do more cool stuff like give users the ability to add things from a sheet directly to their token bar...but for now you'll have to set them up yourself i'm afraid
  • Why no <Homebrew or custom rule here> on the sheet?
    • Simply because the sheet is intended to follow the rules as written and not any custom, homebrew or specialised ruleset. If you are a Pro and want the sheet code so you can use it to create a custom sheet of your own then feel free to grab it from my Github repo. The code is freely available for anyone to use, customise or cannibalise as much or as little as they want
  • How do I send you some feedback, suggestions, comments, or report bugs/issues?
    • Either send me (Actoba on Roll20) a PM on the roll20 forums, participate in whatever the latest and greatest 5e sheet thread is in the character sheet section of the roll20 forums, drop me a quick tweet - @jmyles85 on Twitter - or you can even add an issue/bug report to the Github repo. I do my best to respond as often as I can but obviously real life stuff often gets in the way so be patient!

Player Sheet

Core Stats and Skills Section

The first section of the sheet provides space to track the core stats and attributes every character has. Firstly it provides space for your 6 core stat scores (Str, Dex, Con, Wis, Int, Cha) and will automatically work out the appropriate modifier for that score. This is a very important section to get right as those stat modifiers are used in various places on the sheet! You then can check which stats you have saving throw proficiency in as well as automatically seeing how much of a bonus each save throw gets and indeed make a save throw for a particular stat.

Know that your initiative total (the total bonus your initiative rolls will get), your overall level, your proficiency bonus, and your Armour Class (normal and unarmoured) are all auto-calculated from entries you make elsewhere in the sheet. The sheet also allows you to track whether you have or do not have Inspiration (click to toggle), whether you have succeeded or failed on any death save throws, and of course what your current and maximum (auto calculated) hit die are based on your class levels...and you can use a hit die by clicking the button next to the one you want to use.

Finally, in the bottom left corner is the "Active Bonuses/Penalties" area. You should use this area to record any temporary or long running buffs you have to the categories specified. Each field will accept any combination of dice rolls and static numbers and will automatically add these bonuses to the appropriate dice rolls made using the built in macro buttons on the sheet. As an example, you may be under the effects of the Bless spell, in that case you can add "1d4" (without the quotes) to both the melee and spell attack roll fields, as well as the saving throw field. This will automatically add the 1d4 bonus for those rolls providing you use the in built sheet macros. the intent of this area is that it should replace the prompting the user would have otherwise got when using macros....the prompting would have made you re-renter the bonus each roll, this solution lets you enter the bonus once, and it stays applied until you change the value in the bonus fields.


A simple section provides a list of skills, a button to roll to attempt to use them, a select box to choose whether you are proficient, or perhaps have expertise with a skill (or the bard class feature Jack of All Trades), and a Misc field to allow you to add a bonus to a roll for that skill should you have one (this would be in addition to any global skill bonus applied in the Core stats section by filling in the "Ability/Skill Checks" field on the Active bonus section. Finally, the auto calculated field in each row shows the total bonus you will get (including the misc bonus but excluding the global bonus to skills) when you make a roll. You should remember that the core stat modifier (STR, DEX, etc..) that you would normally add for a skill is already automatically applied. The total column actually shows you the total bonus that will be applied to your 1d20 roll with the exception of any entry in the global bonus section as stated earlier.

The final column here (highlighted with a blue background) is the passive score for a particular skill.

Below the list of skills there are 4 slots to allow people to add in any custom skills or tools they may want to use (most commonly things like Thieves tools would be put in here). --Brandon A. (talk) 13:37, 17 December 2015 (EST)


This section is simply a lot of space to record as many or as few details about your character as you want. Specifically it is focused on the roleplaying elements of your character like their traits, bonds, etc.... If you find that you need more space for these fields, possibly because you are playing in a roleplaying heavy group, then I recommend using the built in Bio and Info tab for your characters details instead. leaving this section blank has no mechanical impact whatsoever...but i'd advise asking your DM for help if you cant at least think of a sentence or two for your background/traits, etc...


The Class section provides 4 features. Firstly, it provides a way to track how many levels you have of each class. This is important as this is used to auto calculate your overall level listed in the core stats section, which in turn is used to auto calculate your proficiency bonus. The class levels are also used to power other features on the sheet like the spell dashboard. If something is not working correctly in the sheet I'd advise that you check the class levels are set correctly before checking anything else!

Secondly, there is a section to record class resources. This is simply a way of tracking usages of things like a clerics channel divinity, a monk's Ki points, a paladins Lay on Hands healing pool, a Barbarians rage, etc...

Thirdly, There are large text areas to allow you to note down any class features/abilities or notes that you may find useful.

Finally, there is an area for you to create macros for any class related actions (or any other actions/abilities that don't fit elsewhere on the sheet). Again good examples of using this would be to create a line for each channel divinity option a cleric has access to (the number of usages left would be tracked in the resource section but when using a particular option it could be triggered from the class actions section), a rogues sneak attack damage, etc.... The description field here can handle inline rolls so for example you could add the following to the description field -
Additional [[1d6]] sneak attack damage

Hit Dice and Class Resources

+1d10+1d6+6 -45- For this section click on the add button to add details about what hit dice you have. If you are not multiclassing you will only ever need 1 row added here. If you are multiclassing however you should add a row for each class you have levels in and track each of those classes hit die separately. The macro button allows you to use 1 of the hit dice during a rest and will automatically add your constitution modifier.

The Class resources section simply allows you to track any kind of class specific resource pool. For the cleric in this example he has added a single row to track his channel divinity uses for the day (even though he doesnt get any till level 2). You could equally use this to track a monks Ki points, a paladins Lay on Hands healing pool, a fighters superiority dice, etc.... Just add a row for each resource you want to track

Skill section

Finally, the skills section lists each skill in the game beneath the stat it is associated with. The check boxes next to each skill should be checked when your character has proficiency and/or has expertise (bards & rogues). This will apply the correct bonuses to the "Check" macro buttons to the right of each skill. Again, these Check buttons add the relevant stat mod, and optionally the proficiency bonus and expertise bonus if you have these boxes checked.


The weapon section should be pretty straightforward to use. Work from left to right on each row to add/update a weapon you may be you have proficiency using this weapon, what is the weapon name, how are you wielding it, is it a finesse weapon, is it a magic weapon (the magic bonus is added to BOTH attack rolls and damage rolls).....this then auto-calculates a total "To Hit" bonus for your attack roll. Then if your DM says you manage to hit your target use the damage settings and macro button to roll for damage. Note that the damage dice attribute should only contain the dice roll component of the damage the weapon does when it hits, the bonus is auto-calculated based on your choices earlier. If the attack is a critical hit the attack does additional damage as per the macro output. Note that this additional crit damage is simply the damage dice portion, without any modifiers or bonuses, rolled again and should be added to the full damage roll to get the total damage done for critical attacks. Ranged weapons work exactly the same way


This is perhaps the most complicated part of the sheet but with a little understanding of how it was intended to be used you should be able to get to grips with it fairly easily. Firstly the spellbook is split into 10 pages (1 page for each spell level) so use the buttons to select the spell level you want to review.

The top section of this page provides a useful dashboard with auto-calculated fields for various things based on your class levels, some specific support for the specialised spell casting of Sorcerers and Warlocks, and a place to record the maximum and your usage of your spell slots. Just below this is the actual spell book itself.....

Each entry in the spell book has a "core" 2 rows that list common things like Name, school, cast time, requires concentration?, can be cast as a ritual?, etc....and is then followed by several buttons that can toggle the display of a relevant extra space for that spell. the advanced section allows you to add more detailed info to a spell with the intention being that this may save time during the game from having to look up the spell details...or of course you can use it for some roleplay details or embellishment too should you wish. The intent here is that the advanced section is optionally filled out when adding a spell row and then it's display hidden by toggling it off using the relevant button.

Next up are the Attack, Save, and Healing buttons. The intent here is that you will activate as many of these rows as required for the spell based on the spells mechanics and fill in the fields as appropriate. For example, the Healing Word spell would only display the Healing section, Ray of Frost would make an attack roll so displays the Attack section, but Shocking Grasp requires a saving throw so toggle on the Save section. Regardless, it's up to you to decide which rows are appropriate to show/hide for each spell you enter.

Finally, you will want to toggle none, one, or both of the Damage and Effects sections. Ray of frost and Shocking Grasp would both need a damage roll so toggle on the Damage section.....the Light spell just needs the Effects section, The Earthquake spell might need both toggled on..... Regardless, when using the damage roll macro for a spell, any details entered into the "additional Effects" field that's displayed when the Effects button is toggled, are also displayed. So often, you just need to toggle on the effects section, update the additional effects field, then toggle it off again.

To use Ray of Frost as an example again, the additional effects might be "-10ft to speed until the end of your next turn"....after entering this you can hide the effects section and when you use the damage macro the additional effects will also be displayed. Again, just like the weapon damage section, the spell damage section has split up the dice roll portion of a damage roll and any modifiers or other bonuses you may get to damage...and again it will report on how much extra damage you would do on a critical attack based on the damage dice entry.


You Armor class (AC) and your unarmored AC, as listed on the Core Stats section, are both auto calculated based on the entries you add to the Armour class area here in the Armour section. The options here should be pretty obvious and follow what you see in the equipment chapters of the rulebooks. Simply check the Worn? and/or Unarmoured? checkboxes as appropriate to signify whether a particular entry provides a benefit to your normal AC (ie is armour that you are wearing/have equipped like chain mail for example) and/or whether it provides a bonus to your unarmoured AC (like a wizards magical robe or even the mage armour spell being active, a shield could apply to both armoured and unarmoured depending on your class, etc...)

The total AC for both armoured and unarmoured are displayed at the top of the table as well as options to apply the unarmoured defense class feature from either the Barbarian and Monk classes.


At the top of this section there is an area that tracks how many coins you are carrying and the total weight of your carried items, coin, optionally any other weight you may want to add, and then also lists your maximum weights and limits based on your strength score. Again there is no actual penalty applied to any rolls or other values on the sheet should you exceed these limits...that it left for you to enforce or not depending on how strictly you track these things.

Finally, there are a few pages for you to track items in your inventory. In order to get the auto calculation of total weight this section has a hard limit of 40 entries. if you find that you need more than this I recommend you use the Bio and Info tab on Roll20. There is also an option which allows you to consider the weight listed next to an item to be either the total weight of the row, or the unit weight of the row. Note that this setting applies across the entire inventory section. it is not possible to apply this on a row by row basis.

Nov 2014 update - The inventory section now has an extra column where you can indicate whether an entry is actually carried by a character or not (for the purposes of whether the weight is conted in the encumberance calculations or not). Players might use this for -

  • Showing which items players have decided to take with them when out adventruing with unchecked items being left behind to be picked up later
  • Tracking which items are actually carried and not stored elsewhere where their weight should not count towards a characters encumberance total such as on a wagon/mount, in a bag of holding, etc.

NPC/Monster Sheet

The NPC/Monster sheet can be accessed by clicking on the button at the very top left of the sheet (toggle between player and NPC sheet). The intent of the NPC sheet is to allow GM/DM's to use the same sheet to track their monsters and NPC's. As such all macro buttons in this section of the sheet are set to send their output via a whisper to the GM of the game.

All of the NPC attributes are completely separate and distinct from the player ones so there should never be any problems with crossover or confusion of which attribute is being used. Otherwise the NPC sheet provides much of the same functionality as the player version does but with the monster stat blocks in mind. As such you should find space to record most of the data you would normally find on a monster/NPC stat block as well as macros to support that.

The expectation is that the GM/DM of the game should be more comfortable working with the roll20 system an as such theres a little less help and guidance provided in the NPC section but this does allow for increased flexibility when setting up things like monster actions/attacks/spellcasting. For example, by using inline rolls you can easily replicate a single macro to list all the effects and damage a particular monster attack could do in the Actions section of the NPC sheet. The only thing to remember is that should you want to add any line breaks to the description or effect fields be sure to start the new line with "/w GM" (without the quotes) otheriwse the output from the macro will go into the public chat instead of privately to the GM. if you do not use any line breaks in the fields then you do not need to include the "/w GM"

Advanced Usage

This section is a reference for anyone that wishes to modify the sheet or make use of the attributes and/or macros within the sheet in their own custom macros/token abilities.

Using attributes/rolls from the sheet in your own macros

You can make use of most attributes in the same way that any other attribute would be used in a macro/token-ability. A full list of the attributes that are available for use from the sheet are listed in the Attributes section below. It is also possible to make use of some of the macros built in to the roll buttons too and those are also listed below.

For example, a character called Bob could use the Athletics check roll from the sheet by using the following code in a macro - %{Bob|Athletics_Check} or %{selected|Athletics_Check} if the token selected was associated with that character sheet

Similarly, a token_action could be setup to check the strength attribute of a character as follows - My character has a strength of @{strength} or My character has a strength of @{selected|strength}

If you are the GM, it's also possible to directly reference the attributes of another player in macros such as - Steve has an AC of @{Steve|AC}

Some attributes however are automatically calculated meaning that whilst it's fine to use them as part of a roll, any attempt to simply print them out will show the formula and not the actual result of the calculation. If you really just want the value then make an inline roll to show the calculated value. For example -

Steve has a STR mod of @{Steve|strength_mod} - Might display "Steve has a STR mod of floor((15-10)/2)"

Steve has a STR mod of [[@{Steve|strength_mod}]] - Will display "Steve has a STR mod of 2"

The attributes included in repeating sections (the sections of the sheet that have an "Add" button to add a new row to that section) all follow the same format. Now when a row is created in a repeating section it is assigned a unique ID that is shared among all attributes in that row. For example, "repeating_spells_-ABC123_SpellName". The ID of the row will now stay the same until the row is deleted.

As a result of the above, you can now reference repeating section attributes reliably in macros, using the API, etc., without worrying that the attribute name will change. So if you you create a Fireball spell in the "Spell Level 2" section, and it has the ID -ABC456, you can reference that ID in the attributes, sheet rolls (e.g. %{CharName|repeating_spellbooklevel2_-ABC456_SpellAttack}), etc.

There is also support for @{charname|repeating_spellbookX_$1_SpellName} where X is the spell book level(cantrip, level1, level2, level3, etc). So instead of specifying a specific repeating section row ID, you can now specify the row index (so $0 is the first row, $1 is the second row, $2 is the third row, etc.). You may want to update any sheet buttons/rolls that used the old "repeating_spells_0_AttrName" syntax to this new syntax. It's supported both in auto-calc fields and in rolls/macros/etc.


Auto calculated attributes will be listed in bold and must be used as part of a roll if you want to use the actual value. Attempting to use them as simple text output will result in the formula being used to calculate the value being shown instead. See above for more details.

Almost all the attributes available to be used (whether they are displayed or not) should be listed here. Some are much more useful than others so i've tried to add some notes to a few of them to help explain what and how they are used. Things like checkboxes and drop down select boxes though often will display an option to the user but have some strange looking value attached to it behind the scenes so use these in your own macros at your own peril!

Heading section

  • character_name, race, class

Core Stats Section

  • strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, charisma
  • strength_mod, dexterity_mod, constitution_mod, intelligence_mod, wisdom_mod, charisma_mod
  • strength_save_prof, dexterity_save_prof, constitution_save_prof, intelligence_save_prof, wisdom_save_prof, charisma_save_prof
  • strength_save_mod, dexterity_save_mod, constitution_save_mod, intelligence_save_mod, wisdom_save_mod, charisma_save_mod
  • HP, HP|max, temp_HP, speed, initiative, initiative_overall, AC, AC_no_armour, level, PB (this is the characters calculated Proficiency Bonus), xp, xp_next_level
  • global_melee_attack_bonus, global_melee_damage_bonus, global_ranged_attack_bonus, global_ranged_damage_bonus
  • global_spell_attack_bonus, global_spell_damage_bonus, global_spell_dc_bonus
  • global_saving_bonus, global_check_bonus
  • Where X = the hit dice number (6,8,10,12)
    • hd_dX, hd_dX_max
  • All of these use a simple 0 for no, 1 for yes
    • inspiration
    • death-save-success1, death-save-success2, death-save-success3
    • death-save-fail1, death-save-fail2, death-save-fail3

Skills section

  • Each skill follows the same format. Simply replace "skillname" in the example with the actual skill name, always in all lower case and without spaces. Note that the value for the proficiency bonus for a skill is always either 1 or 0.
    • skillname_prof_exp (what bonus do you get from proficiency)
    • skillname_bonus (what additional bonus do you get)
    • skillname (the total bonus to be added from stat mod, proficiency and custom bonus)
    • passive_skillname (the passive score for this skill)


  • gender, age, height, weight, eyes, hair, size
  • vision, prolanguages, alignment
  • background, racial_traits, personality_traits
  • ideals, bonds, flaws
  • pro_armour, pro_weapons, pro_tools
  • misc_notes (coming with next release)


  • A series of attributes for each class of the format : classname_level
  • Class resources repeating section. See notes on repeating sections above. All attributes here start with repeating_classresources_$X_ where X is the row number starting from 0
    • ClassResourceName
    • ClassResourceRecharge
    • ClassResourceTotal
    • ClassResourceTotal_max
  • Class features, class_abilities_and_feats
  • Class Actions repeating section. See notes on repeating sections above. All attributes here start with repeating_classactions_$X_ where X is the row number starting from 0
    • classactionname
    • classactionsubname (coming in next release)
    • classactiondescription


  • Hidden field - finesse_mod - used to calculate what the characters finesse mod is (the higher of STR or DEX mod)
  • The 6 melee weapon rows are numbered 1 to 6. Replace X in these attributes with the number of the row you want. Note this is NOT a repeating section!
    • pbmeleeX (is the character proficient with this weapon? 0 for no, proficiency bonus for yes)
    • meleeweaponnameX
    • melweeattackweildedX - Note : the misspelling of Wielded on this attribute name which wont be changed now or people would lose data! Also, this field stores a value that is used for calculations and not the text of how the weapon is actually being wielded!
    • meleeattackstatX - Either strength or finesse mod for melee weapons
    • meleemagicX
    • meleetohitX
    • meleedmgX
    • meleedmgbonusX
    • meleedmgtypeX
  • The 6 ranged weapon rows are numbered 1 to 6. Replace X in these attributes with the number of the row you want. Note this is NOT a repeating section!
    • pbrangedX (is the character proficient with this weapon? 0 for no, proficiency bonus for yes)
    • rangedammoX
    • rangedweaponnameX
    • rangedtypeX - Used to determine which stat mod to use
    • rangedmagicX
    • rangedtohitX
    • rangeddmgX
    • rangeddmgbonusX
    • rangeddmgtypeX


  • There are various hidden calcs for each spellcasting class that are used to power the results displayed on the spell dashboard as well as the output and calcs in the actual spellbook rows as well. The spellcasting classes are the same 10 that are listed on the spell dashboard, and as such you can replace "classname" in the attributes below with any of those class names, all in lower case. In the case of the Arcane Trickster and Eldritch Knight you should use "arcane_trickster" and "eldritch_knight" as their class names.
    • base_spell_dc - the base spell dc for all classes before adding any class or stat modifiers but after adding the global dc modifier if any has been specified
    • classname_spell_bonus - the spell attack bonus for a particular class. Usually just spellcasting stat mod + proficicency bonus. Also used to calculate the class based spell DC by adding it to the base DC
    • Dashboard attributes - cantrips_known_classname, spells_known_classname, spells_prepared_classname, classname_spell_dc
    • spell_slots_l1, spell_slots_l1_max, spell_slots_l2, spell_slots_l2_max,......,spell_slots_l9, spell_slots_l9_max
  • Sorcerer Specific
    • sorcery_points, sorcery_points_max
  • Warlock Specific
    • warlock_spell_slots, warlock_spell_slots_max, warlock_spell_slots_level, warlock_invocations_known
  • Spellbook repeating section. See notes on repeating sections above. Each spellbook page is a seperate repeating section. Therefore, all attributes here start with repeating_spellbookSPELLPAGELEVEL_$X_ where SPELLPAGELEVEL = the level of the spells on that page (ie. cantrip, level1, level2, level3, level4, etc...) and X is the row number on that page starting from 0
    • Core section
      • spellbaselevel (0-9), spellfriendlylevel (Cantrip-9), spellname, spellschool, spellcasttime, spellconcentration (blank text for no, "(Concentration)" for yes), spellritual (blank text for no, "(Ritual)" for yes), spellisprepared (1 for yes, 0 for no, 0.001 for always)
      • spellgainedfrom, spelltarget, spellrange, spellduration, spellcomponents
    • Advanced section
      • spelldescription, spellhighersloteffect
    • Attack section
      • attackstat
    • Save section
      • savestat, spellsavedc, customsavedc, savesuccess
    • Healing section
      • spellhealamount, healstatbonus
    • Damage section
      • spellcrittext, damage, damagestatbonus, damagemiscbonus, damagetype
    • Effects section
      • spelleffect


  • AC and unarmoured AC are the same as the ones used in the core stats section
  • unarmoured_class_bonus - Has some decimal padding on the bonus thats added so i'd advise not using for your own macros
  • Armour table. 10 rows numbered 1-10. Replace X in the following attribute names with the row number you want. Note this is NOT a repeating section
    • armouractiveX - is the armour worn/does it provide a benefit to normal AC score (0 for no, total ac score for the row if yes)
    • armouractiveunarmouredX - as armouractive but for unarmoured AC score
    • armournameX
    • armourACbaseX
    • armourtypeX - Calculations to work how how much (if any) dex mod can apply to the total ac of this entry
    • armourmagicbonusX
    • armourtotalACX
    • armourstealthpenX
    • armourspeedpenX


  • cp, sp. ep, gp, pp, money_total_gp
  • inventory_weight, coin_weight, other_weight, total_weight
  • total_weight_max, max_push_drag_lift
  • encumbered, heavily_encumbered (added with next release to support variant encumberance rule in PHB)
  • Inventory table rows are numbered 1-40. Replace X in each of the attribute names below to get the data for that particular row. Note that this is NOT a repeating section
    • inventoryqtyX
    • inventorynameX
    • inventoryweightX
    • inventorydescriptionX
  • notes


Below is a list of all the roll buttons that can be used in your own macros. Details on how to use them are shown earlier on this page at the start of the Advanced usage section.

  • Core
    • Strength_Save, Dexterity_Save, Constitution_Save, Intelligence_Save, Wisdom_Save, Charisma_Save
    • Initiative (your token must be selected for this to work and auto add the roll to the turn order)
    • Use_HD_dX - where X = the hit dice to use (6, 8, 10, or 12)
    • Death_Saving_Throw
  • Skills
    • SkillName_Check - where SkillName = the name of the skill (all one word, no spaces, first letters SleightOfHand for example)
    • Custom_Skill_1, Custom_Skill_2, Custom_Skill_3, Custom_Skill_4
    • Basic_Strength_Check, Basic_Dexterity_Check, Basic_Constitution_Check, Basic_Intelligence_Check, Basic_Wisdom_Check, Basic_Charisma_Check
  • Weapons
    • MeleeAttackX, MeleeDamageX, RangedAttackX, RangedDamageX - All where X = the appropriate row number for the section between 1-6
  • Class Actions
    • classactionX - Where X = the appropriate row number for the section between 1-20

Related Pages

  • D&D 5E by Roll20 (AKA. "5th Edition OGL"), the Official 5E character sheet which includes the Charactermancer, and is by far the most used 5e sheet.
  • D&D 5E (Shaped) - The second most popular 5E character sheet on Roll20
  • 5E - Lists the other D&D5E character sheets available on Roll20.