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Esper Genesis

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The player page of the Esper Genesis by Roll20 character sheet

Esper Genesis is a Sci-fi TTRPG based on the D&D 5E-system, published by Alligator Alley Entertainment(Market).



Character Sheet

The Esper Genesis by Roll20 character sheet is based on the D&D 5E by Roll20-sheet, and share many similarities with it.

When you create a new sheet, it will as either to Edit Directly(which open the Player page of the sheet), or NPC view of the sheet.


The Player sheet has a Core, Bio, Powers, and a Settings(y)-page, and in the right corner you can switch between the Player & Ship-page.

Classes: When you select your class from the dropdown, it will automatically assign you the correct save proficiency.

If you have the Compendium, you have access to drag-n-drop weapons, items, feats, backgrounds and more directly to the character sheet.

If you want to change a Player sheet to an NPC sheet, you need to the Settings(y)-page and check the NPC/Ship checkbox.


Player Ship on the left, NPC version on the right

For players, the Ship page looks different than for NPCs.

The NPC Ship sheet looks very similar to the NPC sheet, and can be accessed in the top-right corner both when from a Player and a NPC-sheet.

Ships has distinct roll button for Pilot checks on the right side of the sheet, in line with the Init roll button.

If you have the Compendium, you can drag-n-drop ships to the map(to spawn a token on the map and add a sheet to the N Journal-page), or drag-n-drop over open character sheets to overwrite their (ship) stats.


Example of an NPC

To edit an NPC, click on the y-icon in the top-right corner of the sheet(is invisible until you hover mouse over sheet. Pressing the y-icon shows again the normal view of the NPC page.

Checking the Esper NPC checkbox doesn't seem to make the Powers-section appear on NPCs(seems like a bug, reported Andreas J. (talk) 12:14, 10 January 2021 (UTC))

The right corner you can switch between the NPC & Ship-pages.

If you have the i Compendium, you can drag-n-drop them to the map(to spawn a token on the map and add a sheet to the N Journal-page), or drag-n-drop over open character sheets to overwrite their stats.


Esper Genesis - Roll20 Compendium - link to the External i Compendium, accessible outside a game.

Character Sheet Drag-n-drop:

  • Items - added to inventory
  • Weapons(found under "Items") - adds to attack section & inventory
  • Backgrounds - Adds a entry to "Feats & Traits"-section, and assign skill/tool proficiencies
  • Class - Adds couple of lower level Abilities to "Feats & Traits"-section, and assign tool/weapon/armor/save proficiencies, fills out & names class resource(if applicable), updates Esper Ability & Power Save DC/attack modifier
  • Feats - Adds a entry to "Feats & Traits"-section, not confirmed if some Feats does more.
  • Races - Adds Racial abilities to "Feats & Traits"-section, any skill/tool/language proficiencies, does not update ability score.
    • Subraces - Adds Racial abilities to "Feats & Traits"-section, (probably) any skill/tool/language proficiencies, does not update ability score.
  • Powers - Adds powers to the Powers-tab on Player-sheet, even if NPC.
  • NPC - fill out NPC stats
  • Ship - will create an NPC/Ship sheet.

Check Compendium Sharing to give players access to your compendium.

Marketplace Content
