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Solving Technical Issues

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Attention: This page is community-maintained. For the official Roll20 version of this article, see the Help Center for assistance: Here .

Sometimes technical issues can get in the way of your Roll20 experience. Here's a quick process you can follow that may help solve any technical issues you encounter.

Follow these steps in order, checking to see if the problem is solved after each step. These steps will help fix many common issues, including:

  • Game pages/maps show as totally blank
  • Game pages/maps show as a tiny strip across the top of the screen
  • Stuck at the black "Loading..." screen for more than 30 seconds.

If your issue has to do with audio, your microphone, video, video chat, or your camera, please visit the Video and Voice Chat Troubleshooting Guide before following the steps below.

Community FAQ may address your concern if you have a common issue




Step 1: Make sure to use the right browser

Main Page: Browser

Your browser is the software application that lets you access websites, like Roll20. While Roll20 will work in a variety of browsers, in order to maximize your playing experience and take advantage of everything that Roll20 can do, you should use the latest version of either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Due to bleeding-edge features, we are unable to support beta versions of web browsers.

When troubleshooting, please check to see if issues persist when using both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox

If you're using a phone or a tablet, see the Table on Tablet Support for details.

Step 2: Ensure that there are no browser extensions interfering with Roll20

This is among the most common cause of problems with Roll20. Temporally turn off any browser extensions you have active, such as Stylus, to make sure the problem isn't caused by the extension.

Browser extensions/add-ons change how your browser behave or looks, and even if an extension isn't specifically targeting, it might interfere with how Roll20 works or looks. Roll20 can be very sensitive to this type of interference because it has many more moving parts than a typical website.

In Google ChromeInstall and manage extensions

In Mozilla FirefoxDisable or remove Add-ons

If you see any extensions or addons that you do not recognize, disable them while using Roll20, or even remove them entirely. You don't need any addons or extensions for your browser to function properly, so only keep them if they add additional functionality to your browser that you use on a regular basis.

Check Antivirus/Firewall Software

If you are having trouble with images loading or loading issues in general, please also make sure that any antivirus or firewall software that you have installed (such as Comodo, Norton, etc.) is not blocking any part of the Roll20 site from loading.

Step 3: Clear your cache

Your browser automatically stores frequently-used pieces of information so that you don't have re-download them every time you visit a website. However, sometimes errors can occur with Roll20 if a piece of information your browser has stored is too out of date.

In Google ChromeClear Browsing data

In Mozilla FirefoxHow to clear the Firefox cache

Step 4: Provide a bug report

If none of the above steps resolved the issue, we may be able to help further if you provide us with information about what exactly is going on with your specific game session. You should post a bug report to Roll20 through the Help Center's web form

The things we need with every bug report are:

  • A detailed description of the issue. The more information you can give us, the better able we'll be to fix the issue promptly!
  • Step by step instructions on how to reproduce the issue.
  • Your computer's settings (A good place to find this info if you don't know it is Support Details):
    • Web Browser Name & Version (ex. Firefox 93.0)
    • Operating System (Windows 11)
    • If Javascript is enabled
    • Your anti-virus software
    • List of any browser add-ons or extensions enabled
  • You can optionally include screenshots by using the "Attach a File" link when submitting a post.
  • A Console Log from the moment you logged into the page through when you encountered the issue.

Console Log

A console log is a listing of the activity that Roll20 is doing while you play, so we can spot anything that deviates from the norm. Follow the instructions below to open your log, then just copy and paste everything into your bug report to Roll20 through the Help Center's web form

In Google Chrome

Submitting a Console Log in Chrome

In Mozilla Firefox

Submitting a Console Log in Firefox

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