Video Guides
From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2022-04-23 |
See the Official Roll20 Youtube for tons of Let's Plays, Guides, Community Roundtables, and more.
Learn the Basics! (8min, Sept. 2021)
Contents[hide] |
- Roll20 Beginner Overview: Learn the Basics! 8min, (Sept 2021)
- Roll20 from Scratch, 1h video, by keithcurtis (made Jan 2020)
- Roll20 Crash Course, by Roll20
- Setting Up a New Game in Roll20 is Super Easy! 25min , by Steven Partridge
Tutorial Series
- Official
- Roll20 Tutorials Official tutorials, several dozen 2-9min videos, + handful of ~50min videos
- Roll20 Updates and Features 47+ videos
- Learning Roll20 - 20 videos, by CrashGem (made in March 2020)
- Official - Learning Roll20, 8 videos , by Roll20 (made April - June 2020)
- Roll20 Tips & Tricks - 24 videos, by Nick Olivo (made Aug 2019 - Sept 2020)
- Roll20 Builds & Expanded Tutorials - 27 videos, by CrashGem (made March - Aug 2020)
- How to use Roll20 for Online Gaming - 1h11min video, by GenCon & Roll20 (July 2020)
- Using Roll20 for Players(D&D 5E), 30min video, by Alchemist's Fire (made Dec 2018)
D&D 5E
- Learn to Play Dungeons and Dragons QUICKLY by Carlos Luna/Roll20 (22min) (April 5, 2022)
- Players
- New D&D Player on Roll20 by Roll20 (Oct 2021)
- Setting Up Your First D&D 5e Game in Roll20 Part 1, by Nick Olivo (made Nov 2020)
- Learning Roll20: EP01 - Character Sheets(D&D 5E), 1h , by Roll20 (made Jul 2020)
- Custom Content in Charactermancer(Free Compendium), 16min , by CrashGem (made April 2020)
- How to play D&D5E on Roll20 - by Hollow Tale (12 min) (May 2019)
- How to create a character with the Charactermancer - 10min, by Scratticus Academy (Nov 2019)
- Using Roll20 for Players - 30min, (Dec 2018)
- DM
- Roll20 Crash Course: D&D 5e Combat for DMs by Silver Dragon Academy (March 2020)
- NPC Tokens -How they work by /u/crashgem (9min) (March 2020)
- Roll20 Prepping a game - 35min, by Edwin Burns, timestamps (May 2019)
- Roll20 running combat Tutorial - 30min, by Edwin Burns, timestamps (Jul 2019)
Videos & guides dedicated to specific features of Roll20.
- Six Roll20 Tips That Saved My Life March 2021
- Linking Tokens by keithcurtis (Sept 2018)
- Invisible Tokens in Roll20, by Nick Olivo (July 2019)
Macros and Dice
- Roll20 Macros, 7min, by Roll20 (Oct 2021)
- Roll20 Chat: Advanced Tricks and Basic Features 5min, (Sep 2021)
- Roll20 Dice Roller: Basic to Advanced Features 4min (Sep. 2021)
- Creating Macros in Roll20 29min, by Nick Olivo, (May 2020)
- Making More Macros in Roll20 18min, by Nick Olivo, (March 2021)
- Roll20: Useful Macros, Updated Edition 21min, by Game Master's Dungeon (Nov 2020)
- Roll20 for Players - In-line Macros and Queries! 15min, (May 2020)
- Creating Your Own Interactive World Map, 9 min, by Grasen Jobsent (April 2020)
- Converting D&D Maps to Isometric for Roll20, 6 videos (~45min total), by azathought (2020)
- Creating Evocative Handouts 6min, (Oct. 2020)
- 3 Clever Tricks to Create Incredible Handouts 9min, by Grasen Jobsent (2020)
- Running Commands from Handouts 8min (April 2021)
- Automatically Generating Handouts in Roll20 30min, (Jan 2021)
- Requires API access
Dynamic Lighting
This section is about a Roll20 feature exclusive to Plus & Pro-subscribers, or to players in a Game created by a Plus/Pro-subscriber. If you'd like to use this feature, consider upgrading your account. |
Most youtube guide for Dynamic Lighting created prior to 2021 are likely made for Legacy Dynamic Lighting
(Updated) Dynamic Lighting is being updated constantly, so searching for the newest guides so you don't miss out on info about newer features.
- Setting Up Dynamic Lighting in Roll20 16 min, by Nick Olivo (Jul 2021)
- part 2 9 min
- Updated Dynamic Lighting Tutorial 2021 32min, by knightsaberZ42 (Jun 2021)
- Tutorial #4 - Dynamic Lighting 16min, by DoctorDuckButter (Aug 2021)
- Using Updated Dynamic Lighting 11min, by Insight Check (May 2021)
Legacy Dynamic Lighting
How the (soon-to-be discontinued) Legacy DL works.
- Dynamically Light your Dungeon (Legacy), 26min video, by CrashGem (March 2020)
- How to Use Dynamic Lighting, Darkvision and Initiative , 9min video, by Alchemist's Fire (Nov 2019)
This section is about a Roll20 feature exclusive to Pro-subscribers (and often to players in a Game created by a Pro-subscriber). If you'd like to use this feature, consider upgrading your account. |
- How To Make Your Roll20 Game Better (Top 5 APIs for Roll20), Part 2 by SEB DM (Jan 2020)
- Top 5 Roll20 APIs that will improve the way you play by Dm Dango (April 2019)
- Easily Moving Between Maps via the Map Change API, 15min, by Nick Olivo (made Feb 2020)
- EncounterHelper API, 9min, by Kurt Jaegers
- DoorKnocker API, 14min, by Kurohyou Studios
- Summoning a Spiritual Weapon: API Script Creation Tutorial, 35min, by Nick Olivo (made July 2020)
- Livestreaming & Recording Roll20 games
- DNDBeyond & Roll20 -using the Beyond20 browser plugin, 14min, by azathought ( March 2020)