From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2021-10-18 |
![]() | This page contains info of an Early Access Feature, so things are subject to change.Andreas J. (talk) Oct. 2021 |
Contents |
- Roll20 Companion App Is In Open Beta for All Users!(Forum) (Oct. 8th, 2021)
- Mobile App Beta
- Mobile App Production Board - lists Current, Worked-on, Planned & considered features of the app
The Mobile App is intended to be a companion app to Roll20, having parts of the platform easily accessible on your phone & tablet.
- Browse Campaigns
- View your Roll20 Character Sheets
- Roll and interact with sheets optimized for use on the Mobile BETA app
The beta have a focus on Roll20 re-implementing the D&D 5E sheet for mobile first, and eventually start optimize other "by Roll20" sheets.
Community- & Publishers-created sheets are independently being updated for mobile, but their lac
and the ability to make some of the core rolls like
Next it's intended to add options for rolling attacks, spells and other things for the 5E sheet, along with general testing.
This is intended to be extended to other character sheets eventually.- See Mobile App Beta for details
5E Mobile Sheet
- Official documentation
- Ability, Skill, & Save Checks rolled and displayed on mobile
- Roll Initiative(show on phone)
- result isn't added to t Turn Tracker
- Roll Attacks(Weapons & Spells) - doesn't show results on phone
- Spells
- track spell slot use (seems to be delay)
- Traits & Feats
- See names & source for each(open/close description might not work)
- send feature or trait's description to VTT chat
- Resources & Tools Tab
- Contains Resources, Tool Proficiencies, Custom Skills, Other Proficiencies, and Languages.
- Health and Death Tab
- Contains Hit Points, Hit Dice, and Death Saves.
- Inventory Tab
- Contains Money and Equipment
Current Limitations
- current build allows users to see the character sheets assigned to them, and send rolls to the q Text Chat from the app only. It is not an alternative to the browser-based virtual tabletop (VTT).
- players and GM have the same views on the app! GMs will not automatically see all the character sheets as they would on the VTT. Characters must be assigned to a user to be viewable to the user on the app.
- sheets other than D&D 5E by Roll20 will experience visual and/or technical issues if they are not formatted for mobile viewing on the app.
To access the Beta, go to
Character Sheet Creation - Optimize for Mobile
BCS/Mobile is the main page for Character Sheet development aimed at Roll20 mobile app.
See also:
- Building Character Sheets - main page
- CSE - The Sheet Update that expanded Sheet Author tools
- BCS/Updates latest updates on sheet development tools, general & mobile
- BCS/Bugs - known bugs & quirks in roll20 sheet development
Development History
In early 2020, on one of the Community Roundtables(Jan, Feb or March?) it was first mentioned by Roll20 that they were working on a new mobile app, but at the time described features that were intended for the first release, were considerably different from what was announced During Roll20Con 2020.
The development of the app was de-prioritized in favor of focusing on general infrastructure and stability upgrades, when the massive increase of users started due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
During Roll20Con 2021, a teaser trailer for the app was released, along with a blogpost Oct. 24th(Blog, Archived):
- "And, of course, we showed off some of the in-progress work on Roll20 Mobile, an upcoming companion app for Android and iPhone from Roll20. We’re currently working on Character Sheet integration and mobile dice rolls that go straight from the app to the VTT. We’re in the internal testing stages, with a closed beta coming soon and a more open beta after that. We’re very excited about the future of Roll20 Mobile, and we can’t wait to show you what we’ve cooked up. We’ll have more news on it soon."
In December 2020, the Closed Beta got started. The first Closed Beta testers got access to the app in Late December 2020/Early January 2021. Participants where required to sign a NDA.
On Jan 28th, Roll20 tweeted about the Closed Beta being underway, and that the Open Beta would be available "soon". tweet
In March 2021, the Beta became available to all Pro users. Same month Roll20 also released the Character Sheet Enhancement-update, which made it possible for all sheet creators to more easily make their own sheets mobile-friendly. In October 2021, the Beta was made available to all users.Related pages
See Also
- Roll20 Mobile is Now in Beta for Pro Users(Blog, Archived) (March 23rd,2021)
- Mobile App Beta now available for Pro users!(Forum)(Pro Forum thread) - March 18th 2021
- Roll20 Community Roundtable - Feb 2021