D&D5E without Character Sheet
From Roll20 Wiki
D&D5E is the fifth edition of the popular Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game series, currently produced and published by Wizards of the Coast. With less reliance on a variety of modifiers and conditions in 5E, Roll20 over previous editions, it can easily accommodate both "Theater of the Mind" and "Tactical Combat" gaming styles.
This is a generic guide for running D&D5E without a preset character sheet and instead using the "Attributes & Abilities"-tab to manually create the attributes & macros wanted for a game.The guide was originally created in 2015, before character sheets were available. It can still be suitable for those who want to play with a simplified experience.
If you prefer to use one of the existing character sheets in your game, Check the 5E page that summarize the available ones and their general features.
Contents[hide] |
Attributes, Abilities, & Macros
Attributes are a variable that can be added to a journal entry. Each attribute has a name, a current value, and an optional maximum value. Any players that you give permission to control or edit the journal will also be able to edit the attributes. Attributes can be used as variables in both Macros and Abilities. In D&D Next, a common set of attributes for monster character sheets would be the following:
- HP
- ATK Bonus
- STR Mod
- DEX Mod
- CON Mod
- INT Mod
- WIS Mod
- CHA Mod
Attribute modifications are labeled as follows in the 5e character sheet:
- strength_mod
- dexterity_mod
- constitution_mod
- intelligence_mod
- wisdom_mod
- charisma_mod
Abilities & Macros
Abilities are journal specific macros and hereafter will be referred to as macros. Macros are a pre-written command or set of commands using any of the same commands you can use in the chat window.
Generic Attack Macros
The following three macros take advantage of a new roll query feature available on both the live and dev servers. The roll query will pop up a window and ask for a description of the attack. This can be left blank. Then it will ask for any additional modifiers to the attack roll. Finally, it will ask for your damage roll. Just enter this in like you would as if you were typing /roll XdY+Z in the chat window. The use of roll queries make these macros most useful for Dungeon Masters™, but any player can find use for them as a starting point for their own macros as described in the next section.
Attack (Disadvantage)
/em ?{Description} Attack w/Disadvantage [[{2d20KL1}+?{Modifiers|0}]] to hit [[?{Damage Roll}]] damage
Attack (Standard)
/em ?{Description} [[1d20+?{Modifiers|0}]] to hit [[?{Damage Roll}]] damage
Attack (Advantage)
/em ?{Description} Attack w/Advantage [[{2d20KH1}+?{Modifiers|0}]] to hit [[?{Damage Roll}]] damage
Generic Macros Using @{selected|}
These macros are for use with tokens that are linked to a journal entry. They make use of the attributes as shown above (ATK Bonus, STR Mod, et al). They will not work unless the token is linked to a character sheet / journal entry and has those attributes on that journal entry. One way to save time is to create a blank journal entry, add the attributes, and save it. Then you can duplicate that sheet any time you need to add a new monster. The macro below does two unmodified attack rolls, asks for any miscellaneous modifiers, and then asks for the damage roll. If the attack is at an advantage, take the highest of the two rolls. If it's at a disadvantage, take the lowest of the two rolls. If it is neither at an advantage or disadvantage, take the first roll.
/em rolls some dice. Initiative [[1d20 + @{selected|initiative_bonus} [Initiative Bonus] &{tracker}]]
/em rolls some dice. Attack (Std | Adv/Dis) [[1d20 + @{selected|ATK Bonus} [Attack Bonus] ]] | [[1d20 + @{selected|ATK Bonus} [Attack Bonus] ]] + [[?{Miscellaneous Modifiers|0}]] (Misc. Mods) [[?{Damage Roll|1d4}]] damage
Strength Check
/em rolls some dice. Strength Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{selected|STR Mod} [Strength Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{selected|STR Mod} [Strength Mod] ]]
Dexterity Check
/em rolls some dice. Dexterity Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{selected|DEX Mod} [Dexterity Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{selected|DEX Mod} [Dexterity Mod] ]]
Constitution Check
/em rolls some dice. Constitution Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{selected|CON Mod} [Constitution Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{selected|CON Mod} [Constitution Mod] ]]
Intelligence Check
/em rolls some dice. Intelligence Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{selected|INT Mod} [Intelligence Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{selected|INT Mod} [Intelligence Mod] ]]
Wisdom Check
/em rolls some dice. Wisdom Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{selected|WIS Mod} [Wisdom Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{selected|WIS Mod} [Wisdom Mod] ]]
Charisma Check
/em rolls some dice. Charisma Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{selected|CHA Mod} [Charisma Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{selected|CHA Mod} [Charisma Mod] ]]
More Examples
These examples are for a cleric in DND next. You can use them as a reference for building your own specific macros.
Channel divinity
The almighty Pelor has deemed you worthy and has graced Hagen with [[5 * @{selected|cleric_level}]] HP to distribute amongst you.
Spell Save DC
My spell save DC is [[8 + @{selected|PB} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]]
/me casts Bane The target must make a Charisma save: DC [[8 + @{selected|PB} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]]. Failure: Subtract [[1d4]] from attack rolls or saving throws for the duration of the spell. Concentration, up to 1 minute
/me casts Bless Whenever @{target|Target1|character_name}, @{target|Target2|character_name}, or @{target|Target3|character_name} make an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw. Concentration, up to 1 minute
Cure wounds
/me casts Cure Wounds Heals [[1d8+2+ @{selected|PB} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]] HP from @{target|character_name}
Guiding Bolt
/me casts Guiding Bolt If [[8 + @{selected|PB} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]] succeeds against the target's AC, target takes [[4d6]] radiant damage, and the next attack roll made against the target before the end of your next turn has advantage, thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then.
Healing Word
/me casts Healing Word as a bonus action Heal [[1d4+2+ @{selected|PB} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]] HP for @{target|character_name}
Inflict Wounds
/me casts Inflict Wounds If the melee spell attack of [[8 + @{selected|PB} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]] succeeds against the target's AC, Hagen inflict [[3d10]] necrotic damage on the target.
/me casts Sanctuary @{target|character_name} is warded for 1 minute. Any creature that attacks or a casts a harmful spell against @{target|character_name} must first make a Wisdom saving throw, DC [[8 + @{selected|PB} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]]. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. If @{target|character_name} makes an attack or casts a spell that affects an enemy creature, this spell ends.
Shield of faith
/me casts Shield of Faith A shimmering field appears and surrounds @{target|character_name} whose AC is now [[@{target|AC} + 2]]. Concentration, up to 10 minutes.
/me has an AC of [[@{selected|AC} + @{selected|AC_no_armour}]]
Crossbow attack
/me attacks with his @{selected|rangedweaponname1} [[1d20 + @{selected|dexterity_mod} + @{selected|PB}]] to hit, for [[1d8 + @{selected|rangeddmgtype1}]] damage.
Mace attack
/me attacks with his @{selected|meleeweaponname1} [[1d20 + @{selected|strength_mod} + @{selected|PB}]] to hit for [[1d6 + @{selected|strength_mod}]] @{selected|meleedmgtype1} damage, if crit add an extra [[1d6]] damage (savage attacks). <---I add this last crit info because I'm playing a half-orc.
Resistance Cantrip
/me casts Cantrip: Resistance Once, before the spell ends, @{target|character_name} can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to one saving throw of his choice. The roll can be made before or after making the saving throw. The spell then ends. Concentration, up to 1 minute
Sacred Flame Cantrip
/me casts Cantrip: Sacred Flame @{target|character_name} must succeed on a DEX save DC [[8 + @{selected|PB} + @{selected|wisdom_mod}]] or take [[1d8]] radiant damage. Target cannot benefit from from cover because of the magnificence of Pelor.
Spare the Dying Cantrip
/me casts Spare the dying /me touches @{target|character_name} and speaks softly of the magnificence of Pelor. @{target|character_name} becomes stable.
/me 's initiative is [[1d20 + @{selected|initiative_bonus}&{tracker}]]
Creating Character Specific Macros (Abilities)
Please note, these macros only work when they are created as an ability on a specific character's journal entry. These macros will not work if you try to use them as a macro created in the settings tab. You can use these macros via the chat window by type %{CharacterName|AbilityName} and hitting enter or simply typing % and then using the up and down arrow keys to navigate the pop-up list and hitting enter once you find the macro you want to use.
NOTE: The initiative macro requires you to select the token due to the &{tracker} portion of the macro.
/em rolls some dice. Initiative [[1d20 + @{DEX Mod} [Dexterity Mod] &{tracker}]]
Strength Check
/em rolls some dice. Strength Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{STR Mod} [Strength Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{STR Mod} [Strength Mod] ]]
Dexterity Check
/em rolls some dice. Dexterity Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{DEX Mod} [Dexterity Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{DEX Mod} [Dexterity Mod] ]]
Constitution Check
/em rolls some dice. Constitution Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{CON Mod} [Constitution Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{CON Mod} [Constitution Mod] ]]
Intelligence Check
/em rolls some dice. Intelligence Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{INT Mod} [Intelligence Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{INT Mod} [Intelligence Mod] ]]
Wisdom Check
/em rolls some dice. Wisdom Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{WIS Mod} [Wisdom Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{WIS Mod} [Wisdom Mod] ]]
Charisma Check
/em rolls some dice. Charisma Check [Std | Advantage/Disadvantage] [[1d20 + @{CHA Mod} [Charisma Mod] ]] | [[1d20 + @{CHA Mod} [Charisma Mod] ]]
Dynamic Lighting
You can find a breakdown of specific vision and lighting examples in the Dynamic Lighting Style Guide.
Character Sheets
Character Sheets are a new feature in Roll20 which allow you to use a digital sheet that's similar to a traditional paper character sheet while playing your game. The creator of a game can choose a character sheet template when setting up the game, and all characters in the game will use that sheet template. Use the guides below for specific versions of available character sheets.
- D&D 5E by Roll20 (AKA. "5th Edition OGL"), the Official 5E character sheet which includes the Charactermancer, and is by far the most used 5e sheet.
- D&D 5E (Shaped) - The second most popular 5E character sheet on Roll20
- 5E - Lists the other D&D5E character sheets available on Roll20.