Forum Voting
From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2021-11-14 |
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On the Roll20 Community Forums, the Suggestion & Ideas Subforum(Forum) use a voting system to help organize and measure support for different ideas. Each community member is given a certain number of votes based on their subscription level on the site, and they can use those votes to add their support to an existing topic, or to create a new topic of their own.
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Suggestion Forum
How many votes will I get?
The number of votes you receive is based on your subscription level and how long you've been with the site.
Pro accounts receive 10 votes
Plus accounts receive 5 votes
In addition to the above, all users Pro, Plus, & Base (Free) receive 1 vote for each year you've been registered as a user with Roll20.
For example, a Plus account holder who has been using Roll20 for two years would receive 7 votes. A Base (Free) user who has just joined will not receive any votes, but will earn one vote after they have been on the site for a year. A Base (Free) user will also not be able to comment on a suggestion thread until they have have "earned" at least one vote.
How do I add my support to an idea?
There is a grey "up arrow" next to the topic name in the forum listing. Just click that arrow to vote for the idea. Likewise, to remove your vote, click the green arrow next to a suggestion you've already voted for. You can change your votes at any time and as often as you'd like. You can add a maximum of one vote per suggestion.
I have an idea. How do I submit a new suggestion?
Just click the Post New Topic button in the forum as usual. Note that this will use one of your votes. If you later remove your vote from your suggestion, and the suggestion falls to a score of 0, then that suggestion will be automatically closed. So at least one person has to vote for an idea for it to stay active.
Your suggestion has 30 days to get at least 10 votes. After day 30, suggestions with less than 10 votes will be closed, and the votes will be refunded. Suggestions that have 10 votes will stay open indefinitely, ready for additional comments,
What happens next?
Posts have 30 days to get at least 10 votes. Otherwise, they are closed and the votes are refunded.
As suggestions near 200 votes, the Development Team will respond and categorize the post. You can expect that suggestions with updates will be posted about once per month.
The best suggestions typically describe the problem you are having as a user, and offer the way you would solve the problem. Tell us how you would use this in your game and with your group. The best suggestion makers are also open to alternative solutions and try to build off of the crowdsourced intelligence.
The Suggestions Forum is a place for conversation with the Roll20 team. We love hearing your suggestions, and that's why the forum exists. However, we aren't promising to do all, some, or any of the suggestions. Sometimes the team will ask questions about potential uses for the suggestion. The team might include surveys. We might explain why we aren't going to put that suggestion into development right away or ever.
What do these labels mean?
Feedback: This is the community's opportunity to add votes, description, needs, and requirements. Tell us how you would use this feature in your game and with your group.
Researching: We’re looking at what it will take to complete, might include a user survey to gather as many use cases as possible.
Obstructed: There are some things that need to be done before we can tackle this idea.
Not Now: Good idea, but it’s not on our radar right now for a few reasons.
Queued: We're on it. the Dev Team is making plans, pulling the levers, writing the code. We have a rough timeline for its expected release. At this point comments and voting may be closed. It may not happen exactly as suggested, but we'll do our best to take the spirit of the suggestion and related comments into account. We may also ask questions in the suggestions thread itself to gather more feedback as we work on the suggestion.
On Dev: This feature is in Beta Testing on the Development Server. It is ready for Pro users to test on the Dev Server, and comments and voting are closed.
Completed: This idea has planned, developed, tested, and launched. You can see it working on the service, and availalb e to the public.
Does this mean you'll finally implement <Feature I Really Want> since it has the most votes?!
Unfortunately, no. We can't promise that a suggestion is even possible. Also, suggestions are just one aspect that we take into account. Vote counts are balanced with several other metrics, including:
- Internal data we gather about how people use Roll20. - Support requests and account administration statistics. - Our overall plan for how to enhance Roll20.
While we can't promise your suggestion will be developed next, as we go through the process outlined above, we should be more clear about which features are coming. Rest assured if a feature is at the top of the list, we're definitely listening and doing what we can to bring it to your game.
If that makes you glum, remember this means that even if a suggestion you like isn't at the very top of the list, or even if it's not listed at all, we may still develop it!
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