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{{revdate}}{{HCbox| {{hc|articles/360037256774-API-Utility-Functions Here}} }}
Utility functions are provided to help you work with the Roll20 game space consistently. You can call a utility function from anywhere in your scripts (inside any event callback, for example).
Utility functions are provided to help you work with the Roll20 game space consistently. You can call a utility function from anywhere in your scripts (inside any event callback, for example).
You have access to the Underscore.js library (via the <code>_</code> global object) to help make things easier. Underscore provides helper functions for things like <code>_.each</code> (to iterate through an array of objects). Check out the [ Underscore documentation] for more information.  
You have access to the '''Underscore.js''' library (via the <code>_</code> global object) to help make things easier. Underscore provides helper functions for things like <code>_.each</code> (to iterate through an array of objects). Check out the [ Underscore documentation] for more information.  
Line 10: Line 11:
You can use this function to log output to the API console on the Script Editor page. Useful for debugging your scripts and getting a better handle on what's going on inside the API sandbox.
You can use this function to log output to the [[API:Use_Guide#The_API_Console|API console]] on the Script Editor page. Useful for debugging your scripts and getting a better handle on what's going on inside the API sandbox.
<pre data-language="javascript">
<pre data-language="javascript" style="overflow:auto;white-space:pre-wrap;">
on("change:graphic", function(obj) {     
on("change:graphic", function(obj) {     
   log("Heard change for object ID: " +;
   log("Heard change for object ID: " +;
Line 22: Line 23:
'''toFront(obj)''' and '''toBack(obj)'''
'''toFront(obj)''' and '''toBack(obj)'''
These two functions will move an object on the tabletop to the front (or back) of layer it is currently on. Note that you must pass in an actual object, such as one you receive in an event callback or by calling <code>getObj</code> or <code>findObjs</code>.
These two functions will move an object on the tabletop to the front (or back) of [[layer]] it is currently on. Note that you must pass in an actual object, such as one you receive in an event callback or by calling <code>getObj</code> or <code>findObjs</code>.
Line 29: Line 30:
'''Use This Function For Dice!''' This function accounts for [[wikipedia:Fisher–Yates_shuffle#Modulo_bias|Modulo Bias]] which ensures that the resulting random numbers are also evenly distributed between 1 and MAX.
Returns a random integer, with the lowest value being 1, and the highest value being <code>max</code>. This is the same functionality that Roll20 uses to power its dice rolls, and these numbers have been statistically and rigorously proven to be random.
Returns a random integer, with the lowest value being 1, and the highest value being <code>max</code>. This is the same functionality that Roll20 uses to power its dice rolls, and these numbers have been statistically and rigorously proven to be random.
You can call Math.random() like normal in your API scripts, trusting that the results will be random, because the "default" Math.random() in Javascript has been replaced with the cryptographically-secure PRNG that powers Roll20. So existing scripts that use Math.random() can be used with knowing that the results really are as close to random as it's possible to get on a computer.
You can call <code>Math.random()</code> like normal in your API scripts, trusting that the results will be random, because the "default" Math.random() in Javascript has been replaced with the cryptographically-secure PRNG that powers Roll20, [[QuantumRoll]]. So existing scripts that use Math.random() can be used with knowing that the results really are as close to random as it's possible to get on a computer.
==Distance Functions==
Do not use Math.random() if even distribution of numbers in a range are desired. While Math.random() gives you as good of a random number as Roll20 can manage, the math to turn that random number into a range with even distribution (like a dice roll) is not as straight forward as multiplication with a modulo or a floor call. Use '''randomInteger(max)''' for those cases.
'''A Note on Distances and Grids in Roll20'''
==Player Is GM==
In Roll20, a "unit" is always 70 pixels on the screen. The "unit" is the building block that distance and the grid are built on top of. By default:
The '''<code>playerIsGM()</code>''' function returns a boolean response on whether a [[player]] in the game is a [[GM]] or not. The function will always return the correct answer depending on the current moment, so even if a GM chooses to re-join as a player or a player is promoted to a GM mid-game, <code>playerIsGM()</code> will respond accordingly without any need to clear a cache or restart the API sandbox.
* 1 unit = 5 ft
* 1 unit = 1 grid square
* Therefore, 5 ft = 1 unit = 1 square
== Character ==
However, the GM can change both the size of the grid, as well as the scale of the distance. 1 unit is always 70 pixels, but the GM could change the settings such that 1 unit is now 10ft (meaning 70 pixels = 10ft), or that each grid space is 2 units (meaning each grid space is now 140 pixels). So it's important to use conversion functions (provided below) to make sure that you're respecting the game's settings.
'''setDefaultTokenForCharacter( character, token )'''
'''distanceToPixels(distance)''' (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
Sets the [[Journal#Default_Token|default token]] for the supplied Character Object to the details of the supplied [[Token]] Object.  Both objects must already exist.  This will overwrite any default token currently associated with the [[Journal#Character_Tabs|character]].
returns: Number of pixels (e.g. 70)
== Special Effects (FX) ==
This function will take in a distance and convert it to pixels based on the currently active page's settings for scale. It's easiest to think of distance in terms of feet, which is the default distance type. So if you pass in 5 for the <code>distance</code> parameter, the function would return the number of pixels in 5 feet based on the scale settings (by default this would be 70 pixels).
'''spawnFx(x, y, type, pageid)'''
<pre data-language="javascript">
Spawns a brief effect at the location at x,y of type. If you omit the <code>pageid</code> or pass <code>'undefined'</code>, then the page the [[players]] are currently on ('playerpageid' in the Campaign object) will be used by default.
distanceToPixels(5);//returns 70
distanceToPixels(1);//returns 14
//If the scale is 1 unit = 10ft
distanceToPixels(5)//returns 35
'''pixelsToDistance(pixels)''' (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
For built-in effects type should be a string and be one of the following:<code>beam-color</code>, <code>bomb-color</code>, <code>breath-color</code>, <code>bubbling-color</code>, <code>burn-color</code>, <code>burst-color</code>, <code>explode-color</code>, <code>glow-color</code>, <code>missile-color</code>, <code>nova-color</code>, <code>splatter-color</code>
returns: Number of distance (e.g. 5)
Where "color" in the above is one of:  <code>acid</code>, <code>blood</code>, <code>charm</code>, <code>death</code>, <code>fire</code>, <code>frost</code>, <code>holy</code>, <code>magic</code>, <code>slime</code>, <code>smoke</code>, <code>water</code>
This function is the opposite of distanceToPixels, and will take in a number of pixels and tell you the distance that those pixels are based on the scale.
For custom effects, type should be the ID of the <code>custfx</code> object for the custom effect.
<pre data-language="javascript">
'''spawnFxBetweenPoints(point1, point2, type, pageid)'''
on("change:graphic", function(obj, prev) {   
  var pixels_moved_left = obj.get("left") - prev["left"]   
  //How much distance is that?   
  var distance_moved_left = pixelsToDistance(pixels_moved_x);   
  //And what type of distance?   
  getObj("page", Campaign().playerpageid).get("scale_units"); // "ft", "m", "km", etc.
'''distanceToUnits(distance)''' (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
Works the same as <code>spawnFx</code>, but instead of a single point you pass in two points, in the format <code>{x: 100, y: 100}</code>.
returns: Number of units (e.g. 1)
<pre  data-language="javascript" style="overflow:auto;white-space:pre-wrap;">spawnFxBetweenPoints({x: 100, y: 100}, {x: 400, y: 400}, "beam-acid")</pre>
You could use distanceToPixels and do some simple math to figure the number of units (remember: 1 unit is always 70 pixels), but this convenience function is here to help make your life easier.
The effect will "travel" between the two points for effects that support that (the same ones that allow agency on the client side).
<pre data-language="javascript">
The following effect types must always use spawnFxBetweenPoints instead of spawnFx: <code>beam-color</code>, <code>breath-color</code>, <code>splatter-color</code>
//Default scale of 1 unit = 5ft
distanceToUnits(5);//returns 1
'''spawnFxWithDefinition(x, y, definitionJSON, pageid)'''
//Modified scale of 1 unit = 10ft
distanceToUnits(5);//returns 0.50
Spawns an ad-hoc custom effect using the JSON for some effect definition at the location x,y. If you omit the pageid or pass 'undefined', then the page the players are currently on ('playerpageid' in the Campaign object) will be used by default.
<code>definitionJSON</code> is a javascript object following the JSON specification for [[Custom FX|Custom FX]].
==Jukebox Playlists==
[ "In Regards to SoundCloud"]
'''Note:''' Using SoundCloud functions will not throw errors, but they no longer do anything.
The play function takes in the Folder ID (get it from the "_jukeboxfolder" property in the Campaign object) of the playlist, and will begin playing that playlist for everyone in the game.
The stop function does not require any arguments, and will stop any playlist that is currently playing.
== Miscellaneous ==
'''sendPing(left, top, pageid, (optional) playerid, (optional) moveAll, (optional) visibleTo)'''
Sends a "ping" the tabletop (the same as if a player holds down their mouse button). You must specify the top/left coordinates, and the pageid of the page to be pinged. You can optionally specify the ID of a player who performed the ping -- if you don't "api" will be assumed and the ping will be yellow.
You can pass in "true" for the moveAll option if you want to move the players' views to that location as well.
You can set the player IDs in visibleTo for the players who can see or be moved by the ping. This is presented as a single player ID, an array, or a comma-delimited string.
<pre data-language="javascript" style="overflow:auto;white-space:pre-wrap;">
on("chat:message", function(msg) {
  // Enter "!pingtest" into the chat to run the test
  if(msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!pingtest") !== -1) {
    // to get a specific player, use findObjs({_type: "player"})[i].id instead of null for the 3rd parameter
    players = findObjs({_type: "player"});
    player1 = players[1].id;
    player2 = players[2].id;
    // Create an array of all player's IDs
    var allPlayerIDs = {
      return player['id'];
    // Ping everyone on this page to the same location.
    sendPing(300, 300, Campaign().get('playerpageid'), null, true);
    setTimeout(function() {
        // Ping everyone on this page to the same location
        sendPing(1500, 500, Campaign().get('playerpageid'), msg.playerid, true, "");
    }, 1000);
    setTimeout(function() {
        // Ping only the specified player to this location
        sendPing(1200, 500, Campaign().get('playerpageid'), null, true, player1);
    }, 2000);
    setTimeout(function() {
        // Ping an array of player IDs (player 1 and 2) to this location
        sendPing(900, 100, Campaign().get('playerpageid'), player2, true, [player1, player2]);
    }, 3000);
    setTimeout(function() {
        // Ping a comma-separated list supplied as a string to this location
        sendPing(300, 300, Campaign().get('playerpageid'), player1, true, allPlayerIDs.join());
    }, 4000);
'''unitsToDistance(units)''' (NOT YET IMPLEMENTED)
==A Note on Distances and Grids in Roll20==
In Roll20, a "unit" is always 70 pixels on the screen. The "unit" is the building block that distance and the grid are built on top of. By default:
* 1 unit = 5 ft
* 1 unit = 1 grid square
* Therefore, 5 ft = 1 unit = 1 square
returns: Number of distance (e.g. 5)
However, the [[GM]] can change both the size of the grid, as well as the scale of the distance. 1 unit is always 70 pixels, but the GM could change the settings such that 1 unit is now 10ft (meaning 70 pixels = 10ft), or that each grid space is 2 units (meaning each grid space is now 140 pixels).
Opposite of distanceToUnits.
[[Category:API Development]]

Latest revision as of 06:38, 9 June 2024

Attention: This page is community-maintained. For the official Roll20 version of this article, see the Help Center for assistance: Here .

Utility functions are provided to help you work with the Roll20 game space consistently. You can call a utility function from anywhere in your scripts (inside any event callback, for example).


[edit] Underscore.js

You have access to the Underscore.js library (via the _ global object) to help make things easier. Underscore provides helper functions for things like _.each (to iterate through an array of objects). Check out the Underscore documentation for more information.

[edit] Logging


You can use this function to log output to the API console on the Script Editor page. Useful for debugging your scripts and getting a better handle on what's going on inside the API sandbox.

on("change:graphic", function(obj) {    
  log("Heard change for object ID: " +;

[edit] Object Ordering

toFront(obj) and toBack(obj)

These two functions will move an object on the tabletop to the front (or back) of layer it is currently on. Note that you must pass in an actual object, such as one you receive in an event callback or by calling getObj or findObjs.

[edit] Random Numbers


Use This Function For Dice! This function accounts for Modulo Bias which ensures that the resulting random numbers are also evenly distributed between 1 and MAX.

Returns a random integer, with the lowest value being 1, and the highest value being max. This is the same functionality that Roll20 uses to power its dice rolls, and these numbers have been statistically and rigorously proven to be random.


You can call Math.random() like normal in your API scripts, trusting that the results will be random, because the "default" Math.random() in Javascript has been replaced with the cryptographically-secure PRNG that powers Roll20, QuantumRoll. So existing scripts that use Math.random() can be used with knowing that the results really are as close to random as it's possible to get on a computer.

Do not use Math.random() if even distribution of numbers in a range are desired. While Math.random() gives you as good of a random number as Roll20 can manage, the math to turn that random number into a range with even distribution (like a dice roll) is not as straight forward as multiplication with a modulo or a floor call. Use randomInteger(max) for those cases.

[edit] Player Is GM


The playerIsGM() function returns a boolean response on whether a player in the game is a GM or not. The function will always return the correct answer depending on the current moment, so even if a GM chooses to re-join as a player or a player is promoted to a GM mid-game, playerIsGM() will respond accordingly without any need to clear a cache or restart the API sandbox.

[edit] Character

setDefaultTokenForCharacter( character, token )

Sets the default token for the supplied Character Object to the details of the supplied Token Object. Both objects must already exist. This will overwrite any default token currently associated with the character.

[edit] Special Effects (FX)

spawnFx(x, y, type, pageid)

Spawns a brief effect at the location at x,y of type. If you omit the pageid or pass 'undefined', then the page the players are currently on ('playerpageid' in the Campaign object) will be used by default.

For built-in effects type should be a string and be one of the following:beam-color, bomb-color, breath-color, bubbling-color, burn-color, burst-color, explode-color, glow-color, missile-color, nova-color, splatter-color

Where "color" in the above is one of: acid, blood, charm, death, fire, frost, holy, magic, slime, smoke, water

For custom effects, type should be the ID of the custfx object for the custom effect.

spawnFxBetweenPoints(point1, point2, type, pageid)

Works the same as spawnFx, but instead of a single point you pass in two points, in the format {x: 100, y: 100}.


spawnFxBetweenPoints({x: 100, y: 100}, {x: 400, y: 400}, "beam-acid")

The effect will "travel" between the two points for effects that support that (the same ones that allow agency on the client side).

The following effect types must always use spawnFxBetweenPoints instead of spawnFx: beam-color, breath-color, splatter-color

spawnFxWithDefinition(x, y, definitionJSON, pageid)

Spawns an ad-hoc custom effect using the JSON for some effect definition at the location x,y. If you omit the pageid or pass 'undefined', then the page the players are currently on ('playerpageid' in the Campaign object) will be used by default.

definitionJSON is a javascript object following the JSON specification for Custom FX.

[edit] Jukebox Playlists

u Jukebox


"In Regards to SoundCloud"

Note: Using SoundCloud functions will not throw errors, but they no longer do anything.


The play function takes in the Folder ID (get it from the "_jukeboxfolder" property in the Campaign object) of the playlist, and will begin playing that playlist for everyone in the game.


The stop function does not require any arguments, and will stop any playlist that is currently playing.

[edit] Miscellaneous

sendPing(left, top, pageid, (optional) playerid, (optional) moveAll, (optional) visibleTo)

Sends a "ping" the tabletop (the same as if a player holds down their mouse button). You must specify the top/left coordinates, and the pageid of the page to be pinged. You can optionally specify the ID of a player who performed the ping -- if you don't "api" will be assumed and the ping will be yellow.

You can pass in "true" for the moveAll option if you want to move the players' views to that location as well.

You can set the player IDs in visibleTo for the players who can see or be moved by the ping. This is presented as a single player ID, an array, or a comma-delimited string.

on("chat:message", function(msg) {
  // Enter "!pingtest" into the chat to run the test
  if(msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!pingtest") !== -1) {
    // to get a specific player, use findObjs({_type: "player"})[i].id instead of null for the 3rd parameter
    players = findObjs({_type: "player"});
    player1 = players[1].id;
    player2 = players[2].id;
    // Create an array of all player's IDs
    var allPlayerIDs = {
      return player['id'];
    // Ping everyone on this page to the same location.
    sendPing(300, 300, Campaign().get('playerpageid'), null, true);
    setTimeout(function() {
        // Ping everyone on this page to the same location
        sendPing(1500, 500, Campaign().get('playerpageid'), msg.playerid, true, "");
    }, 1000);
    setTimeout(function() {
        // Ping only the specified player to this location
        sendPing(1200, 500, Campaign().get('playerpageid'), null, true, player1);
    }, 2000);
    setTimeout(function() {
        // Ping an array of player IDs (player 1 and 2) to this location
        sendPing(900, 100, Campaign().get('playerpageid'), player2, true, [player1, player2]);
    }, 3000);
    setTimeout(function() {
        // Ping a comma-separated list supplied as a string to this location
        sendPing(300, 300, Campaign().get('playerpageid'), player1, true, allPlayerIDs.join());
    }, 4000);

[edit] A Note on Distances and Grids in Roll20

In Roll20, a "unit" is always 70 pixels on the screen. The "unit" is the building block that distance and the grid are built on top of. By default:

  • 1 unit = 5 ft
  • 1 unit = 1 grid square
  • Therefore, 5 ft = 1 unit = 1 square

However, the GM can change both the size of the grid, as well as the scale of the distance. 1 unit is always 70 pixels, but the GM could change the settings such that 1 unit is now 10ft (meaning 70 pixels = 10ft), or that each grid space is 2 units (meaning each grid space is now 140 pixels).