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(Examples: more examples)
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===Color Light dropdown===
===Color Light dropdown===
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|Clear, --set lightColor#transparent|}
|Clear, --set lightColor#transparent|}
===Move dead to map layer===
===Move dead to map layer===

Revision as of 18:57, 7 December 2021

Main Page: API:Script Index

TokenMod provides an interface to setting almost all changeable properties of a token. Players can also use it to edit tokens they control, with option to edit/target other's tokens.

It's among the most popular APIs, and is quickly updated every time Roll20 makes new API keys accessible.

API ScriptAuthor: Aaron C. M.
Code: TokenMod
Dependencies: None
Conflicts: None
  • Update v0.8.69 June 2021(Forum) -- Support for Token Bar Location, Compact Token Bars, Light Sensitivity Multiplier (UDL), and Night Vision Effect (UDL)
  • Update 0.8.71 (Forum) -- includes support for lightColor

!token-mod <--help|--ignore-selected|--config|--on|--off|--flip|--set> <parameter> [<parameter> ...] ... [ --ids <token id> [<token id> ...]]

Full user documentation can be found in the Help: TokenMod-Handout in-game, or by running the command !token-mod --help.



Enable players to target/edit tokens they don't control(is also a button in the config menu):

!token-mod --config players-can-ids|on


!token-mod <--help|--ignore-selected|--config|--on|--off|--flip|--set> <parameter> [<parameter> ...] ... [ --ids <token id> [<token id> ...]]

This command takes a list of modifications and applies them to the selected tokens (or tokens specified with --ids by a GM or Player depending on configuration).

  • --help -- Displays the help documentation
  • --ignore-selected -- Prevents modifications to the selected tokens (only modifies tokens passed with --ids).
  • --current-page -- Only modifies tokens on the calling player's current page. This is particularly useful when passing character_ids to --ids.
  • --active-pages -- Only modifies tokens on pages where there is a player or the GM. This is particularly useful when passing character_ids to --ids.
  • --api-as <playerid> -- Sets the player id to use as the player when the API is calling the script.
  • --config -- Sets Config options.
  • on/off/flip (See "Boolean Arguments"-section in handout for more details)
    • --on -- Turns on any of the specified parameters.
    • --off -- Turns off any of the specified parameters.
    • --flip -- Flips the value of any of the specified parameters.
  • --set -- Each parameter is treated as a key and value, divided by a | character. Sets the key to the value. If the value has spaces, you must enclose it ' or ". See below for specific value handling logic.
  • --move -- Moves each token in a direction and distance based on its facing.
  • --order -- Changes the ordering of tokens. Specify one of:
    • tofront, front, f, top to bring something to the front
    • toback, back, b, bottom to push it to the back.
  • --report -- Displays a report of what changed for each token.
  • --ids -- Each parameter is a Token ID, usually supplied with something like @{target|Target 1|token_id}. By default, only a GM can use this argument.
    • You can enable players to use it as well with --config players-can-ids|on.

Full user documentation can be found in the Help: TokenMod-Handout in-game, or by running the command !token-mod --help.


Note: Each --option can be specified multiple times and in any order.

Note: If you are using multiple @{target|token_id} calls in a macro, and need to adjust fewer than the supplied number of token ids, simply select the same token several times. The duplicates will be removed.

Note: Anywhere you use |, you can use # instead. Sometimes this makes macros easier.

Note: You can use the {{ and }} to span multiple lines with your command for easier clarity and editing:

!token-mod {{
    name|"My bright token"


Some examples of !token-mod commands, with possible explanations. Examples are taken from the forum thread or in-game documentation.

!token-mod --on showname            // show nameplate
!token-mod --off showname --ids -MqL6-o4cFq5-9Z5_W8K
!token-mod --set layer|gmlayer      // move to gmlayer
!token-mod --set bar1_value|-3      // decrease value of bar 3 by 3
!token-mod --set name|"Sir Thomas" bar1_value|23      //Setting a token's name to "Sir Thomas" and bar1 value to 23
!token-mod --set represents|@{Bob|character_id} defaulttoken      // sets the default token for that character, a quick way to update the default token
!token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue|broken-shield       //adds the 2 status markers to the token
!token-mod --move 3g                // move token 3 grids in the current facing(up being default)
!token-mod --move =90|2u           // moves 2 grids to the right(ignoring current facing)

//Various examples
!token-mod --on showplayers_aura1 --set aura1_radius|35 aura1_color|0000ff //Turning on aura1 for players, setting it's radius to 35, setting it's color to blue
!token-mod --set bar[[1d3]]_value|X statusmarkers|blue:[[1d9]]|green:[[1d9]] name:"[[1t[randomName]]]"     // use inline rolls to set values
!token-mod --set width|25s height|35s     // 's' represent the unit of measurement for the page
!token-mod --set scale|*2
!token-mod --set imgsrc|        // change token image 

//Sidenumber Multi-sided tokens
!token-mod --set currentside|2
!token-mod --set currentside|+      //shift side by 1
!token-mod --set currentside|*      //set random side

//Controlled by
!token-mod --set controlledby|bob
!token-mod --set controlledby|+susan|+tommy        //add susan & tommy to list
!token-mod --set controlledby|=@{target|token_id}   //copy controlled by from other token
!token-mod --set controlledby|                      //nobody
!token-mod --set controlledby|all                   //all players

//Updated DL Examples
!token-mod --on emits_bright emits_low --set bright_distance|40 low_distance|20
!token-mod --flip emits_bright emits_low                          //Toggles on/off emitted light for the token
!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|20 low_light_distance|20 light_angle|360             //selected token emits light as a standard 5E Torch

//Legacy DL Example
!token-mod --set light_radius|40 light_dimradius|20 adv_fow_view_distance|30

//Chaining multiple TokenMod commands
!token-mod {{

Set Default Token

If you have a token selected, which is set to represent a character, you can do the following command and the Character's default token will be updated. This is much quicker than the Link Token method.

!token-mod --set defaulttoken

Character-Specific Command

Toggles on/off Darkvision for tokens representing the character named "Wizard", and only on the current map page. Doesn't apply the changes to any selected characters.

Great example of fairly fool-proof command that can be given to a players as a macro, which they can active for their own character for the quickbar or a macro, without the risk of accidentally affecting other tokens than the one currently played by the player.

!token-mod {{
  --ids @{Wizard|character_id}

Color Light dropdown

"a macro to change the light colour emitted by a token. Included are the basic colours and a collection of some others that I thought would be interesting." - source(Forum)

!token-mod ?{Colour|Black, --set lightColor#000000|Silver, --set lightColor#c0c0c0|Gray, --set lightColor#808080|White, --set lightColor#ffffff|Maroon, --set lightColor#800000|Red, --set lightColor#ff0000|Purple, --set lightColor#800080|Fuchsia, --set lightColor#9900ff|Pink, --set lightColor#ffc0cb|Green, --set lightColor#008000|Lime, --set lightColor#00ff00|Olive, --set lightColor#808000|Yellow, --set lightColor#ffff00|Navy, --set lightColor#000080|Blue, --set lightColor#0000ff|Teal, --set lightColor#008080|Aqua, --set lightColor#00ffff|Orange, --set lightColor#ffa500|-,
|Aquamarine, --set lightColor#7fffd4|Coral, --set lightColor#ff7f50|Cornflowerblue, --set lightColor#6495ed|Crimson, --set lightColor#dc143c|Darkcyan, --set lightColor#008b8b|Darkgreen, --set lightColor#006400|Darkseagreen, --set lightColor#8fbc8f|Deeppink, --set lightColor#ff1493|Firebrick, --set lightColor#b22222|Gold, --set lightColor#ffd700|Goldenrod, --set lightColor#daa520|Lavender, --set lightColor#e6e6fa|Orangered, --set lightColor#ff4500|Saddlebrown, --set lightColor#8b4513|Salmon, --set lightColor#fa8072|Seagreen, --set lightColor#2e8b57|Skyblue, --set lightColor#87ceeb|Violet, --set lightColor#ee82ee|Wheat, --set lightColor#f5deb3|-,
|Clear, --set lightColor#transparent|}

Move dead to map layer

by Jarren(Forum)

use to move dead NPCs between the object layer and map layer (so that I don't keep clicking on them accidentally, but they stay visible for the players).

!?{Dead or Alive?|Dead,--order tofront --set layer#map --report gm#"{name} is dead"|Alive,--order tofront --set layer#objects --report gm#"{name} is alive"}
!token-mod ?{Dead or Alive?|Dead|Alive}


TokenMod for WildShape

API command:

/w gm Quill wills himself to transform!
!token-mod {{
    ?{Choose Form|Giant Toad,currentside#1 represents#@{Giant Toad|character_id} width#[[2*70]] height#[[2*70]]
      |Giant Hyena,currentside#2 represents#@{Giant Hyena|character_id} width#[[2*70]] height#[[2*70]]
      |Dire Wolf,currentside#3 represents#@{Dire Wolf|character_id} width#[[2*70]] height#[[2*70]]
      |Reef Shark,currentside#4 represents#@{Reef Shark|character_id} width#[[2*70]] height#[[2*70]]
      |Quill,currentside#5 represents#@{Quill|character_id} width#[[70]] height#[[70]]
    bar1_link|speed bar2_link|hp

Dynamic Lighting

Token Menu

macro by keith

for UDL

Used with D&D 5E by Roll20
Character   Sheet
, creating a Chat Menus to change selected tokens' Dynamic Lighting settings. Quick way to set torches or some common Light spells.
/w gm &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Vision and Light}}{{description=**Vision**
[On](!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on light_angle|360) | [Off](!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|off has_night_vision|off light_angle|360) | [GM](!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on night_vision_distance|10 light_angle|360)
[Touch](!token-mod --set  has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on night_vision_distance|5 light_angle|360) | [Blindfighting](!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on night_vision_distance|10 light_angle|360)
[Darkvision](!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on night_vision_distance|60 light_angle|360 night_vision_effect|nocturnal) | [DV90](!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on night_vision_distance|90 light_angle|360 night_vision_effect|nocturnal) | [DV120](!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|on night_vision_distance|120 light_angle|360 night_vision_effect|nocturnal) | [DV off](!token-mod --set has_bright_light_vision|on has_night_vision|off night_vision_distance|0 light_angle|360)
[Off](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|off emits_low_light|off light_angle|360) | [On](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on light_angle|360) | [Spot](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on bright_light_distance|5 low_light_distance|0 light_angle|360) | 
 [Candle](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|2 low_light_distance|5 light_angle|360) | [Lamp](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|15 low_light_distance|15 light_angle|360) | [Torch](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|20 low_light_distance|20 light_angle|360)
[Hooded Lantern](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|30 low_light_distance|30 light_angle|360) | [Bullseye Lantern](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|60 low_light_distance|60 light_angle|90)
[*Light*](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|20 low_light_distance|20 light_angle|360) | [*Daylight*](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|60 low_light_distance|60 light_angle|360) | [*Dancing*](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|off emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|0 low_light_distance|10 light_angle|360) | [*Faerie Fire*](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|off emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|0 low_light_distance|10 statusmarkers|purple light_angle|360)
[*Gem of Brightness*](!token-mod --set emits_bright_light|on emits_low_light|on bright_light_distance|30 low_light_distance|30 light_angle|360)}}

Set Vision

by Klaus(Forum)

for UDL

Players can set Vision for themselves easily:

  • On, Off, Blindfighting, Darkvision 60/90/120/300/Off, Devils Sight 120
!token-mod --set ?{Vision|On, has_bright_light_vision#on has_night_vision#on light_angle#360|Off, has_bright_light_vision#off has_night_vision#off light_angle#360|Blindfighting, has_bright_light_vision#on has_night_vision#on night_vision_distance#10 light_angle#360|Darkvision 60, has_bright_light_vision#on has_night_vision#on night_vision_distance#60 light_angle#360 night_vision_effect#nocturnal|Darkvision 90, has_bright_light_vision#on has_night_vision#on night_vision_distance#90 light_angle#360 night_vision_effect#nocturnal|Darkvision 120, has_bright_light_vision#on has_night_vision#on night_vision_distance#120 light_angle#360 night_vision_effect#nocturnal|Darkvision 300, has_bright_light_vision#on has_night_vision#on night_vision_distance#300 light_angle#360 night_vision_effect#nocturnal|Darkvision Off, has_bright_light_vision#on has_night_vision#off night_vision_distance#0 light_angle#360|Devils Sight 120, has_bright_light_vision#on has_night_vision#on night_vision_distance#120 light_angle#360 night_vision_effect#nocturnal}

Set Light Source

by Klaus(Forum)

Player can set light source

On, Off,Spot, Candle, Lamp, Torch, Hooded Lantern, Bullseye Lantern, Light Cantrip, Dancing Lights, Daylight Spell, Faerie Fire, Gem of Brightness, Crown of 4+/1-3 Stars, Sunblade 10/10,15/15, 20/20, 25/25, 30/30

!token-mod --set ?{Light|On, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on light_angle#360|Off, emits_bright_light#off emits_low_light#off light_angle#360|Spot 5ft, emits_bright_light#on bright_light_distance#5 low_light_distance#0 light_angle#360|Candle, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#2 low_light_distance#5 light_angle#360|Lamp, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#15 low_light_distance#15 light_angle#360|Torch, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#20 low_light_distance#20 light_angle#360|Hooded Lantern, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#30 low_light_distance#30 light_angle#360|Bullseye Lantern, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#60 low_light_distance#60 light_angle#90|Light Cantrip, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#20 low_light_distance#20 light_angle#360|Dancing Lights, emits_bright_light#off emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#0 low_light_distance#10 light_angle#360|Daylight Spell, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#60 low_light_distance#60 light_angle#360|Faerie Fire, emits_bright_light#off emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#0 low_light_distance#10 light_angle#360|Gem of Brightness, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#30 low_light_distance#30 light_angle#360|Crown of 4+ Stars, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#30 low_light_distance#30 light_angle#360|Crown of 1-3 Stars, emits_bright_light#off emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#0 low_light_distance#30 light_angle#360|Sunblade 10/10, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#10 low_light_distance#10 light_angle#360|Sunblade (1st)15/15, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#15 low_light_distance#15 light_angle#360|Sunblade 20/20, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#20 low_light_distance#20 light_angle#360|Sunblade 25/25, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#25 low_light_distance#25 light_angle#360|Sunblade 30/30, emits_bright_light#on emits_low_light#on bright_light_distance#30 low_light_distance#30 light_angle#360}

See Also