Character Sheet Development/Complete Examples
From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2022-03-06 |
This is related to Editing(coding) Character Sheets, which require Pro info to be able to use.Main Page: Building Character Sheets |
Main Page: Building Character Sheets
Character Sheet Development
Getting Started
- Using Custom Sheets
- Building Sheets
(Main Page) - Glossary
- Code Restrictions
- Best Practice
- Common Mistakes
- Tutorials
- Examples, Templates
- Pattern Libraries
- HTML & storing data
- CSS & Styling
- Updates & Changelog
- Known Bugs
- Character Sheet Enhancement(CSE)
- Custom Roll Parsing
- Legacy Sheet(LCS)
- Beacon SDK
- Buttons
- Repeating Sections
- Sheetworkers
- Roll Templates
- sheet.json
- Translation
- Auto-Calc
- Advanced
- All SheetDev Pages
Tools & Tips
Here are a couple of examples of code for complete Roll20 character sheets that are worthwhile to inspect and to get an idea what a sheet might contain. Legacy Sheets are noted with "LCS", and sheets made with the newer Character Sheet Enhancement is notes as "CSE".
- Simple:
- CSE SalvageUnion super simple sheet
- CSE notequest super simple sheet
- CSE Sorcerer super simple sheet
- LCS The Kitchensink Example by Roll20, is an older example of a basic Savage Worlds sheet, showing most basic versions of most core Roll20 sheet features. Sheet Layout is done with Roll20's built-in columns & rows, which works, but are harder to style.
- LCS The Quest RPG is a simple sheet using CSS grid for layout, and some sheet styling, but is sparse on features. Includes a simple roll template. sourcecode
- Intermediate:
- LCS Night Witches is a fairly simple sheet that include a short sheetworker and has Translation-tags built in.
- LCS The Feast of Legends-sheet uses some Sheetworkers, and has a more advanced layout using CSS Grid. Also exemplifies image use in layout/styling of sheet.
- CSE Mythic D6 It includes things like NPC sheet, default settings, roll modifier options, skill+attribute rolls where they can be mixed and matched(and custom dice bonus updated by sheetworker), and it uses some of the new CSE-features.
- sourcecode also have associated PUG & SCSS files used for development, but aren't necessary.
- Advanced:
- LCS The GURPS sheet is a good example of a feature-rich sheet, with several contributors. code
- LCS Darkest Dungeons 5E can be a good start for creating a sheet for a D&D 5E-based game.
- LCS Mothership Official is a extremly recent sheet (March 2021) that has both Compendium Integration, & Charactermancer Development features, and developed by one of the Roll20 devs. Built using PUG & SCSS
- CSE Cortex Prime: Hammerheads is among the first sheets to be adjusted to be compatible with CSE, including adjustments for being used with the Mobile app.
- LCS (Example you shouldn't use) The public & outdated code for the D&D 5E by Roll20 sheet D&D5E legacy code-sheet is a Hard/Bad Example with very complex code that have been built over several years, and doesn't reflect best practice if it had been done from scratch today.
- Uses all the advanced sheets features such as Default Settings, Compendium Integration, & Charactermancer Development.
- sourcecode also have associated PUG & SCSS files used for development, but aren't necessary. The HTML, CSS & translation.json are all needed to show the character sheet.
- Note: The sheet code is outdated, and is a massive pile of legacy & spaghetti code,. Even expert Sheet Authors have hard time understanding the sheetworkers, and they are overtly complex
- Character Sheet Templates
Go to the Roll20 Community Character Sheet repo to see the code of all the sheets available. There are many more great sheets, the above is only a short & incomplete selection of examples.
![]() | Do Not Use old sheets using <table> as your template. They are just generally harder to adjust, and roll20 doesn't approve new sheet that contains <table> -elements. |
See Also
- Character Sheet Development/Sheet Templates
- Character Sheet Development/Pattern Libraries
- Character Sheet Repository - code for all the existing character sheets