From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2024-06-09 |
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List of common words and abbreviations frequently used with Roll20, that may not be common elsewhere.
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- GM - Game Master, can access all tools in a Roll20 game. (in some game systems this role is called things like Dungeon Master/DM, Storyteller, Referee, Guide)
- Explorer Mode - setting in Dynamic Lighting that leaves map revealed for players when their character no longer sees an area directly
- DL - Dynamic Lighting, a feature available to Plus and Pro subscribers
- UDL - Updated Dynamic Lighting
- LDL - (Legacy) Dynamic Lighting
- Charactermancer (or Charmancer) - The optional character creation & level-up tool integrated into some Roll20 Character sheets, such as D&D 5E by Roll20 & Burn Bryte
- FoW - Fog of War, a free feature to obscure player's vision
- AFoW - Advanced Fog of War, a feature of the Legacy Dynamic Lighting. The equivalent tool in UDL is
Darkness Tool
- AFoW - Advanced Fog of War, a feature of the Legacy Dynamic Lighting. The equivalent tool in UDL is
- Multi-Sided Token - a token that has a roll table linked to it, enabling the token to easily switch between which to show.
- OGL 5E - refers to the D&D 5E by Roll20 character sheet (was it's old name)
- SRD Compendium - The free i Compendium for D&D 5E by Roll20 in Roll20, which contains everything from the 5E SRD
- The content not the same content as in the 5E Basic Rules. You need to by Player's Handbook (PHB)(Market) and the others to get access to those parts in your compendium
- Transmogrifier/Transmog - An Proinfo feature that enables you to copy Pages, characters, Decks, playlists, macros form one game to another
- Token
- Link Token - When new characters are created, they need to be assigned tokens. Link Token for details
- Default Token - the token attached to a character that appears when you drag the character from the N Journal to the map.
- Roll Template - template for roll outputs, where each game system have their own versions built into their character sheets
- Character Sheet
- Repeating Section - part of sheets that works a bit differently
- A&A -tab - refers to Attributes & Abilities Tab that all Characters have, the two other being Bio & Info-tab and (not always) Character Sheet tab.
Character Sheet Development
Main Page: Building Character Sheets
- Autouploader - a great char sheet development tool (Google Chrome Extension) that autouploads your code to your Sheet Sandbox each time you save your code locally(like in a text editor)
- Auto-calc - (Auto-calculated Formula) is the oldest & simplest method to have attributes be calculated based on other attributes in Roll20 character sheets. It's generally recommended to use Sheetworker instead, as Auto-Calc values doesn't interact well with sheetworkers. See Problems with using Auto-Calc
- Beacon - Beacon Sheet Development Kit - new sheet development system under work
- CSE - Character Sheet Enhancement
- the sheet creation framework/method update released in March 2021, with new features and less restrictions than LCS.
- By default, The Sheet Editor and Sheet Sandbox assumes sheets added are CSE.
- LCS - Legacy Character Sheets(Legacy Sheet Sanitization) The older format for sheet code with less features/options than CSE
- refers to the older and more restricted framework/method used for creating custom character sheets.
- CRP - Custom Roll Parsing - A more advanced method of creating and parsing dice rolls, introduced in 2021
- method for handling sheet dice rolls and how the result is parsed and displayed for the player
- Sheetworker - Sheetworker are the javascript code and special functions that can be used for making more advanced sheet features.
- Sheetworkers are placed in a single
<script type="text/worker">
-element in the sheet's HTML-file. Not all JavaScript-features are available.
- Sheetworkers are placed in a single
- Sheet Author - Sheet Authors are the people who have created character sheet that are published in roll20, and have a flair marking it on their roll20 profile.
- Sheet repo - The Character Sheet code repository is where the code for all community-created sheets, and some publisher-made ones
- can be found:
This section is about a Roll20 feature exclusive to Pro-subscribers (and often to players in a Game created by a Pro-subscriber). If you'd like to use this feature, consider upgrading your account. |
Main Page: API
- CRL - Script:Customizable Roll Listener
- GroupInit - Script:Group Initiative
- Roll20AM - Script:Roll20 Audio Master
- TM could refer to TokenMod or TurnMarker
- Stylus - Stylus is a browser extension that can be used to tweak how Roll20 looks with CSS, like hiding things you don't want, adjusting clor or size of boxes, and more.