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Player API

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Main Page: API

This is a guide listing various API scripts that can be used for expanding or restricting what players normally can do in Roll20. Normally, people in a campaign is either:

  • the GM/Creator, who have full access and visibility to everything in a game, or
  • a player, who can only see and affect a limited number of things, most of which a GM explicitly needs give the player permissions/access to

This base system lacks some granularity and has some frustrations to first-time users(like how a GM needs to create & assign character sheets to players), but there are surprisingly many API that can change that.

Using these APIs you can hand some campaign responsibilities to individual or all players, or to create a "Co-GM" that can do almost as many things as an actual GM, when needed.

Most of these APIs makes the GMs life easier by themselves, even without granting players any access to them.

Expand Permissions

Some GM-only features can be indirectly be granted to players through using different APIs:

  • CharSheet -- A simple and easily customizable script allowing players to create their own character sheets, using the command !charsheet
  • DoorKnocker(Forum) -- Enables players to reveal/hide Dynamic Lighting sections such as doors. The GM can change doors from between locked/unlocked to adjust which doors the players can open. Speeds up DL management for GM as well.
    • can be used for revealing hidden door
    • v1.211 Introduces option to create "windows", sections that stop movement but not sight. sourcecode
  • emas -- Provides player !emas and !as commands. This is equvivalent to the /emas, which is GM-only
  • MapChange -- has option to allow players to move between map pages, and GM can choose which pages are available/visible to them
  • Observer(Forum) -- handy way to add/remove players as "Observer", who can see & control all player characters.
  • PublicSheet(Forum) — create public, read-only versions of character sheets
  • Roll20 Audio Master (aka. Roll20AM) -- API commands to manage the u Jukebox, GM can grant selective access to individual players/tracks
  • Teleport -- provides a way for GMs or players to teleport tokens within,or between, map pages
  • TokenMod -- For managing token properties with chat commands. Usually players have limited control of their token settings, apart from editing the three bubbles.
    • Includes setting that enables players to target tokens they don't control

Restrict Permissions

There are also API that can be used to restrict players more that normal:

  • DryErase(Forum) – An API that can stop players from drawing on the map, deleting any drawing instantly.
  • TokenLock – Allows GMs to selectively lock the movement of Player Tokens. - Useful for when you want to pause the situation and prevent players from accidentally revealing too much.

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