Keyboard Shortcuts
From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2024-08-27 |
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![]() | The list below features keyboard shortcuts that are available by default in every Roll20 game. There are more shortcuts available, but they must be activated from y My Settings-Tab. See Advanced Shortcuts for more info. |
Over 25 Roll20 Keyboard Shortcuts(Oct. 2021)
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- Ctrl/Cmd+M: Switch to @ Map/Background layer
- Ctrl/Cmd+O: Switch to b Object/Token layer
- Ctrl/Cmd+K: Switch to E GM Info layer
- Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+M: Move selected object to @ Map/Background layer
- Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+O: Move selected object to b Object/Token layer
- Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+K: Move selected object to E GM Info layer
- Ctrl/Cmd+C: Copy selected object(s)
- Ctrl/Cmd+V: Paste copied object(s)
- Ctrl/Cmd+Z: Undo previous action
- Ctrl/Cmd+A: Select everything on current layer
- Backspace or Delete: Delete selected object(s)
- Ctrl/Cmd+S: w Select and Pan Tool
- Ctrl/Cmd+F: i Freehand Drawing Tool
- Ctrl/Cmd+G: q Text tool
- Ctrl/Cmd+U: Add selected object(s) to t Turn Tracker
- Q or Right Mouse Button while measuring will add a waypoint to your measurement line.
- Shift while measuring will keep the measurement line visible until you dismiss with secondary click or by making a new measurement
- X will recall your last measurement line after it has been dismissed
Drawing Tools
- Shift+Draw: Draw snapped to grid (straight lines, polygon tool points on edges, squares, etc.)
Moving, Rotation and Resizing
- Alt+Mouse Wheel: Zoom
- Alt+Resize: Ignore grid snapping
- Alt+Move: Ignore grid snapping
- ←, →, ↑ or ↓: Moves a selected token one grid unit in the specified direction
- Alt+(←, →, ↑ or ↓): Moves a selected token three pixel in the specified direction
- E+Mouse Wheel: Rotates a selected token by 45-degree or 30-degree increments, depending on your grid type
- Alt+E+Mouse Wheel: Rotates a selected token by 1 degree at a time
- Right Mouse Button+Drag: Pan
- Pressing Ctrl/Cmd+L:
- as Player: lets you see the character's "Line of Sight" as player, if you have two or more characters at your possession.
- As GM: shows the selected token's "line of sight" it would have when Dynamic Lighting is enabled on the current page. Doesn't display player's view exactly! Use either a Dummy Account, or re-join the game as player, to make sure how it looks on the player's side.
- Pressing Z with an object selected shows a larger version of that object in a model popup
- Holding Shift and Double Clicking a token will open the Character Sheet (if there is one) that the token represents.
- Holding Shift and click on a macro button (macro bar or l Collections-tab) or a Token Action, you open up the editor for the macro or ability macro/token action
- Holding down Alt while performing a multi-select (dragging a box around objects) will select ONLY objects classified as drawings.
GM Only
- Pressing Shift+Z shows all players the larger version of that object. Note that only players and GMs that are on the same page as the selected token will see the model pop-up.
- While holding down Shift, hold down your Left Mouse Button upon a point on the tabletop. This will center everyone's field of vision about that point. This is known as "shift-pinging". This cannot be done Dynamic Lighting or GM layers, only in Map and Object layers.
- Pressing Ctrl+T makes you "Rejoin as Player"
- If you then drag a handout from the N Journal to the players name at the bottom of the screen, it will pop up that handout for just that player (and also give them view permissions on it).
- If you drag a player to a map, the player will move to that map (this is the way to Split the Party)