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Macro Tutorials Series

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Roll20 Macro Tutorial Series

Welcome to this Roll20 Macro Tutorial Series. The tutorials are arranged in roughly increasing order of difficulty, but by the end of the various series you should be able to confidently create, edit, and use macros as both a player and GM.



The macros in this collection are phrased in the language of D20 games (Pathfinder, 4e, 5e, and 13th Age) because that's what the original author play, but the basics of creating macros are system agnostic.

Additionally, with a few exceptions, this series does not (yet) refer to the use of Character Sheets; there are too many character sheets for me to cover how to interact with each and every one of them so the guide's macros use user-created attributes (Don't worry, this section will make more sense later!)

Player Tutorials

GM Tutorials



suggestions for more entries in the series.

  • Roll Queries
    • maybe wait until nested query-updated is implemented, so the html escape character stuff can be avoided
  • How to use "selected" & "target", and referencing token bar values
  • Initiative + turn tracker, referencing turn tracker values
  • sections of Dice Syntax page
  • math functions & aritmethic
  • Roll Template, using the default roll template
  • improve Chat Menus-page


Notes regarding this tutorial series:

  • Originally created & updated by GenKitty (talk) during 2015
  • In Nov 2021, Andreas J. did some cleanup & updates, and listed suggestions on more

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