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List of common words and abbreviations frequently used with Roll20, that may not be common elsewhere.



Character Sheet Development

Main Page: Building Character Sheets

  • Autouploader - a great char sheet development tool (Google Chrome Extension) that autouploads your code to your Sheet Sandbox each time you save your code locally(like in a text editor)
  • Auto-calc - (Auto-calculated Formula) is the oldest & simplest method to have attributes be calculated based on other attributes in Roll20 character sheets. It's generally recommended to use Sheetworker instead, as Auto-Calc values doesn't interact well with sheetworkers. See Problems with using Auto-Calc
  • Beacon - Beacon Sheet Development Kit - new sheet development system under work
  • CSE - Character Sheet Enhancement
    • the sheet creation framework/method update released in March 2021, with new features and less restrictions than LCS.
    • By default, The Sheet Editor and Sheet Sandbox assumes sheets added are CSE.
  • LCS - Legacy Character Sheets(Legacy Sheet Sanitization) The older format for sheet code with less features/options than CSE
    • refers to the older and more restricted framework/method used for creating custom character sheets.
  • CRP - Custom Roll Parsing - A more advanced method of creating and parsing dice rolls, introduced in 2021
    • method for handling sheet dice rolls and how the result is parsed and displayed for the player
  • Sheetworker - Sheetworker are the javascript code and special functions that can be used for making more advanced sheet features.
    • Sheetworkers are placed in a single <script type="text/worker">-element in the sheet's HTML-file. Not all JavaScript-features are available.
  • Sheet Author - Sheet Authors are the people who have created character sheet that are published in roll20, and have a flair marking it on their roll20 profile.
  • Sheet repo - The Character Sheet code repository is where the code for all community-created sheets, and some publisher-made ones


Main Page: API


  • Stylus - Stylus is a browser extension that can be used to tweak how Roll20 looks with CSS, like hiding things you don't want, adjusting clor or size of boxes, and more.

See Also