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Custom Sheet Sandbox

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Main Article: Building Character Sheets

A Sheet Sandbox game showing the character sheet alongside with the Sandbox Tools menu
The Custom Sheet Sandbox is exactly that -- a trimmed-down "sandbox" for you to test in when creating custom sheets, and is an improvement of the existing Custom Sheet Editor for Sheet Authors.

Direct url to the sandbox: (great to bookmark for sheet authors)

Please Note: You will need to store your custom sheet HTML, CSS, and translation.json-files to your computer in order to use this feature, as you're uploading files, not copy-pasting code.

Many Sheet Authors use text editors aimed at coding, like Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text 3 or Notepad++, to edit these files.

Recommended Plugin: Roll20 Autouploader -- browser plugin that can autoupload & update your sheet code in the sheet sandbox, so you don't have to do it manually each time. Can also do same for API scripts.




Custom Sheet Sandbox games have the following limitations:

  • You are the only player who can access the sandbox. You can't invite others into your sandbox game.
  • There is only one page in the game, and there is no way to create additional pages.
  • There is no Video or Voice chat in the game.
  • You can only have 15 Custom Sheet Sandboxes at any given time.
  • The sandbox cannot be made to remember the location of your file or working folder; that's a security limitation on your web browser, and not something Roll20 can change.
    • However, browsers(at least Firefox) will remember what folder you uploaded from during this session, so after having uploaded the first time, the menu will open up in the same folder subsequent times, making it quicker to update the sheet in the sandbox than using the Sheet Editor
  • This is a
    info subscriber feature only.
  • See Character Sheet Development/Bugs & Quirks for known issues/bugs

Benefits over Normal Sheet Editor


As a Pro user, you will notice a new button called "Custom Sheet Sandbox" at the top of your Homepage when you log in. A similar button (shown below) appears in the My Games-section.


Click the Create New Game button. You'll get a new sandbox game.


Game Default Settings

Customize new pages and tokens to use the settings that best fit your game.

This is a reduced version of what is found on normal games on Game_Settings#Default_Sheet_Settings.

In-Game Compendium

You can manually select which i Compendium the sheet will use(if any), or let it be defined by the sheet.json.

Sheet.json Editor

the Sheet.json editor

You can launch the game right away, or paste in your sheet.json-file if you already have one for your your sheet.

If using Legacy Sheet code, add this to the Sheet.json editor(if you don't have a full Sheet.json):

	"legacy": true

If using Character Sheet Enhancement(CSE) code, add this to the Sheet.json editor(if you don't have a full Sheet.json):

	"legacy": false

How the sheet.json for Stargate RPG shows up.

Scroll down to the page and press Save Changes to save the sheet.json, and the page will be updated to show how the Default Settings for it looks like.

The upload menu for sheet code. Found in-game as a floating popup.

Upload Sheet Code

Once in the game, you'll see there's a floating box with buttons to upload HTML, CSS, and translation files.

Clicking any of these opens a dialog box to upload the relevant file from your hard drive. As soon as the file finishes uploading, all characters in the game will be updated to the new source file. You no longer need to reload the whole VTT to see changes.

If you have your game settings page open in a second browser window, you can upload a new sheet.json file in that window and, from inside the VTT, you can click "Reload Sheet Default Settings" to have that sheet.json-file update, again without reloading the full page.


The Custom Sheet Sandbox does include support for API scripts. Please note, however, that API scripts that interact with elements of the VTT that are disabled (such as having other players, multiple pages, etc.) won't work in these games. However, there is an API sandbox for the game, so you can test out sheet-affecting APIs before using or releasing your sheet.

Video Guide

Roll20 tutorial custom character sheet (Sept 2021)

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