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Pro Subscription

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Pro is the highest subscription tier for Roll20, that gives you access to all Roll20 Features. Some features are exclusive to Pro tier, while other features are upgraded from the Plus tier. The Pro-tier of subscription used to be called Mentor in the early days of Roll20.

Buy Roll20 Subscription (note the "pay once a year" vs. the "pay every month"-options.)

See the Subscription level Comparison & FAQ for a fairly comprehensive list of the subscription tiers, their perks, and Frequently Asked questions. See also the pages for Plus and Free users.

info-Exclusive Features
  • API Scripts - Powerful scripts that can enhance your game in a variety of ways. Use & install existing ones, or create your own.
  • Transmogrifier - Move any content between your games easily
  • Reserve - A monthly marketplace product to claim each month to your account, that will remain permanently yours, even if you temporally suspend your subscription.
  • Using Custom Character Sheets - ability to use & create custom character sheets in your campaigns
  • Custom FX Tool - create your own custom effects
  • Rollback - You can roll back changes in your campaign up to 7 days into the past. Useful if you made a mistake and need to change it back. Roll20 makes one Save for each day, so you have 7 options to roll back to at any given time.
  • Dev Server - Access to test some upcoming feature before they are fully released to Roll20
  • Pro User Subforum(Forum) - Pro subs have an exclusive subforum, where some upcoming features or changes are first posted about, and at times Roll20 have threads detailing their plans for the Quarter/time-of-the-year.
  • Pro Token Sets(Market) - get access to hundreds of great tokens to use in any of your games right away.
  • Early Access You can try out features currently in Beta
info Features(that are upgraded with
  • 8 GB storage (up from 3GB on Plus)
  • Compendium Sharing 5 games / 15 players
  • Looking For Group listings - Highlighted
  • Shared Table Features The features such as Dynamic Lighting or APIs are available to all players in games you've created, and anyone you promoted to GM can use the expanded tools.

info Features
(that stays same with Pro)

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