Character Sheet Development/Feature Updates
From Roll20 Wiki
Page Updated: 2024-06-11 |
This is related to Editing(coding) Character Sheets, which require Pro info to be able to use.Main Page: Building Character Sheets |
This is a curated Changelog on updates to the system for creating & editing Roll20 Character Sheets, curated from the official Changelog, the forums, and other sources.
Character Sheet Development
Getting Started
- Using Custom Sheets
- Building Sheets
(Main Page) - Glossary
- Code Restrictions
- Best Practice
- Common Mistakes
- Tutorials
- Examples, Templates
- Pattern Libraries
- HTML & storing data
- CSS & Styling
- Updates & Changelog
- Known Bugs
- Character Sheet Enhancement(CSE)
- Custom Roll Parsing
- Legacy Sheet(LCS)
- Beacon SDK
- Buttons
- Repeating Sections
- Sheetworkers
- Roll Templates
- sheet.json
- Translation
- Auto-Calc
- Advanced
- All SheetDev Pages
Tools & Tips
See also the Character Sheet Development/Bugs page for know bugs in the Roll20 sheet creation system.
Contents[hide] |
Planned Updates
Beacon SDK is a new version of sheet development under work, which as of April 2024 is fast approaching to be available for closed beta testing.It would enable devs to use features previously limited to mods, and to more easily integrate modern webdev frameworks like Vue & React in sheet development.
- Use of external fonts is disabled due to potential security issue. The standard websafe fonts available in Roll20 & use of Google Fonts is not impacted. - June 4th
Going forward, when making a sheet in legacy sanitization(LCS), you will only be able to use fonts that are served up by the Google API. This will leave you with 2 options: (1) You can switch to non-legacy sanitization(CSE) and update the sheet from there, or (2) use Google Fonts for your sheet instead.
– Roll20 Dev, quote from private message, June 2024
- roll20 devs forces an "reload" on some of the sheets in the repo by adding few empty lines to them.(maybe related to the font issue) - June 3rd, #PR 12975
- Unwanted Inline Styles sanitization(Forum) - Uploading new sheets to roll20 causes any inline CSS in the HTML to no longer work, and this isn't seen in Sheet Sandbox. - May 2024
- Roll20 said they worked out a fix
- Roll20 made manual code changes to a bunch of character sheets with the "CSC-2533" reference(assumed to be internal ticket name for the bug)
- Mod Update 2024 - Beta feature: Mod Scripts can now use the
for jQuery, improving interoperability between Mods and Character Sheets - April 25th
- Jumpgate - Beta was launched: Large changes in how Roll20 works, which also impacts character sheets to a degree. - March 27th
- Sheet-related bugfixes for Jumpgate beta gets released here and there
- The Dune: Adventures in Imperium - character sheet is now live
- Character Sheet Translation thru CrowdIn was made available again, on
- Announcing the New Character Sheet for D&D 2024(Forum) - Feb 12th
- Community Preview: Pathfinder Second Edition Remaster by Roll20 was released.
- Various fixes and changes to the official Character Sheets throughout the year (Fallout, Pathfinder 2E, CoC 7th, VtM etc.)
- Candela Obscura is Live - Dec 14th
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug where using the Apply Default Token button on a character sheet could sometimes unlink the token from the sheet. - Dec. 18th
- Roll20 Characters is live in Beta. Not you can see 11 of the top character sheets outside of the VTT. Check it out now or Learn More(Blog) Nov 15th
- Feature: Best-Guess Initiative Rolling, no longer need to select token. - Aug. 28th
- If you have a token on the current page that you control that is linked to that character, the platform assume you meant to select it and add/update the turn for that token.
- Bugfix: players could sometimes not add turns to the t Turn Tracker when rolling Initiative from character sheets. - Aug. 23rd
- Added a link to the character sheet from the token context menu. Now when you right-click on a token that is linked to a character sheet, you can easily open up that character sheet from the token. - Aug. 9th
- Launch of the updated Character Vault, enabling some character creation in the vault. - Aug. 2nd
- Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game by Roll20 is the first sheet released using the upcoming Beacon SDK. - Aug. 2nd
- Fixed a bug where tokens will reappear after being deleted or move unexpectedly when the character sheet is updated. You can again delete these tokens with confidence. - July 31st
- GMs have the ability to allow players to create their own character sheets in a game. - June 8th
- a new sheetworker function,
, to help you to dynamically create options in selects or data-lists elements. Developer description & Examples - April 10th
Community Updates
- Roll20 Sheet Author Guide at, breaking it down by topic. Articles are simple & approachable. by GiGs
- Roll20 Autouploader - Chrome plugin for sheet development, by Scott C.
- K-Scaffold-sheet framework developed by Scott C.
- Print functionality made available to community sheet authors. Help Center documentation has been updated with styling tips on how to make sheets print-ready and how to enable the print button on sheets
- D&D 5e official character sheet has been made print-ready. To print your sheet you can use the new print button located in the top left corner of the sheet window (next to the pop-out option).
- When opening a character in the VTT, the character sheet will be the first tab, instead of Bio tab.
- Adjusted styling for "Custom Sheet Sandbox" and "Access the Dev Server" on the "My Games" page while in dark mode.
- CSS & Styling of the site was updated, which caused styling issues for a small number of community sheets.
- PR #10902 was caused by this. Official Savage Worlds also had CSS issues but they where resolved on Roll20's side.
- Fixed a roll macros issue where computed rows displayed in
if a property wasn't named.
- Dev Server testing: fix for the roll macros issue where computed rows displayed in allProps if a property wasn't named-bug - March 28th
- Test feedback thread On Dev Server: Roll Macros Bug Fix
- Character sheet attributes now load when needed in-game rather than all at once on game load, increasing initial load speed and reducing initial memory usage.
- conceptually some form of "lazy loading" implementation
- Dark Mode in roll templates fixed, easier for sheet devs to implement
- Dark Mode fixes for the Default Roll Template
- Translation for Finnish added
- Dark Mode released, along with options to integrate to char sheets. See Character Sheet Development/Dark Mode
- D&D 5E by Roll20Character Sheetwas released with Dark Mode.
- D&D 5E by Roll20
- Character sheet jQuery events now support the ⌘(Command/Metakey)-key on MacOS devices.
- Dark Mode for Character Sheets (on Dev Server)
- Computed values are now working correctly for any argument of a roll template function.
- External Tools:
- Roll20 Macros (v.1.1.1) extension for VS Code released
- Roll20 Sheet Dev (v.0.3.1) extension for VS Code released
- Finnish is now available on Crowdin for community translators. Not yet integrated to use with Roll20.
- Computed roll functions(CRP ) can now handle more than 10 rolls.
- The RollTotal roll template function now works correctly with computed values.
- New feature: Display character avatars & tokens within character sheets now possible. - Oct. 20th
- wiki page: Image_use_in_character_sheets#Avatar_.26_Token
- old thread: Dev Server: Image Attributes(Forum)
- New feature: Added limited DOM interactions for character sheet authors via jQuery - 20th
- old thread: Dev Server testing: jQuery(Forum)
Bugfix: Resolved a bug that required the use of special characters in nested roll queries. - 20throlled back- old thread: Dev Server testing: Roll Query Improvements - nesting(Forum)
- Mobile App update
- Added support for jQuery functions in character sheets - Sept. 7th
- Character Sheets - Add pseudo-variable to allow Sheet Authors to scope roll templates. August 17, 2021(Forum)
- Character Sheets - Added Environment Variables for Sheet Authors to scope sheetworkers.
- Dev Server testing: jQuery for character sheets(Forum) - July 21
- Dev Server testing: Roll Query Improvements - nesting(Forum) - July 21
- will remove the need of using HTML replacement characters in macros to make nesting and complex rolls to work.
- Custom Roll Parsing: Character sheets can now combine the functionality of roll buttons and action buttons to allow for roll parsing. - july 13th
- Official Documentation: Custom Roll Parsing for Character Sheets.
- first sheetworker that uses Promise MDN Docs
- bugfix for a sheetworker/ API interaction. A fix had been on the dev server since Feb but was only much later rolled out live.
- mention(Forum)
- Now on Dev Server: Image Attributes(Forum) - 26th
- making it possible to dynamically change images shown on the sheet from custom urls, changing background-images, and ability to show character avatar & tokens directly on the sheet.
- fixed issues with
Release Note for April 27, 2021(Forum)-
if a @import exists, it seems it might result in roll20 ignoring the first instance of the next css class in the file, workaround is to add an empty, "sacrificial" version of the class first that will be eaten up, and the one after will work normally
- Most initial bugs with Character Sheet Enhancement have be fixed and the framework is now stable, and better than LCS.
Character Sheet Enhancement(CSE) sheet update was fully released, expanding the html & css things that can be done with character sheets. This includes more options to make char sheets look good on the Roll20 Mobile app.
Before the release of CSE, the Char Sheet System changed so rarely there wasn't a big need to separately keep track of changes, but starting from CSE there where number of changes that never ended up in the official Changelog, so this page got started.
- Google fonts can now be used with char sheets: CSS_Wizardry#Google_Fonts - 21st
- Custom Sheet Sandbox was released, an improved tool for developing & editing char sheets. 18th
Bugs & Quirks
See Character Sheet Development/Bugs & Quirks. Any fixed bugs should be removed from the page and mentioned on this page's changelog.
See Also
- Roll20 Changelog
- Changelog on the Help Center contains the current Changelog (Summer 2019 and later)
- Changelog - Mobile App
- Changelog (2013-2019) - the older Roll20 changelog
- Category:New features released by year - catching up on what features by year of release
- Category:Unreleased/Highly Requested features