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API:System Specific

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Main Page: Category:Guides

Main Page: API:Script Index

Scripts that deal with specific rules of a game system should be listed in a sub-heading here. If the appropriate game system is not listed, feel free to create the appropriate heading. Scripts under each system below may be designed for any use (in other words, had they been system-agnostic, they might fit under any of the sub-headings in the sections above).

It's A Trap! have several game-specific versions.


D&D 5E

Many Mods( beyond the ones listed here) are made with Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition in mind, or have specific commands tailored to work with the popular D&D 5E by Roll20-character sheet. In the one-click menu, most Mods made for 5E should have a name starting with D&D 5E. 5E is the system that have most system-specific Mods by a large margin. Several generic Mods have configuration settings tailored for the 5E sheets, such as GroupInitiative and GroupCheck.

  • Rest & Resource Management
    • 5E Rest in Style -- This script for the "D&D 5E by Roll20" character sheet, solves the error prone task of updating your sheet when resting.
      • Using !long-rest and !short-rest commands will update your sheet, and report to you everything it is doing.
    • Rest and Recovery(Forum) -- Short & Long Rest automation, by Keith
    • ShortRest -- Automating recovery of various resource during Short Rest
    • CashMaster -- for managing you currencies
  • Spells & Special Abilities
    • SpellMaster -- a high-performance total-replacement for the Spells page of the D&D 5E by Roll20-sheet, with several additional key features that go beyond the default spells page.
    • WildShape(Forum) -- Managing Druid Wildshape, changing token image, setting HP and temporary stats, etc.
    • Hunter's Mark
    • 5E Paladin Aura(Forum) -- Managing the proximity bonuses given by Paladins by notifying users in chat when a bonus should be applied.
    • Concentration -- Concentration keeps track of characters concentration, and reminds to do a concentration check.

13th Age

  • 13th Age Official Character Sheet Companion -- Enhances the Official 13th Age Character Sheet with quick Escalation Die tracking, automatic recovery tracking, token setup, and automatic staggered and down icons.


  • RoundMaster -- provides functions to manage tokens and entries in the Turn Order Tracker, and add statuses and effects to tokens, along with additional features such as Area of Effect display. While there are other APIs that are similar, I believe this is currently the only API that has added Effect Macros that can be run when statuses are added or removed from a token, and/or each turn a status in on a token. Each Effect Macro is unique to the status, and multiple Effects can be active on a token or multiple tokens at the same time. The Effect Macros can use all standard Roll20 functions and API calls, and use a unique dynamic attribute management system so that Effects can act on the token and the character sheet it represents even though it may not be the currently selected token.
  • InitiativeMaster -- supports initiative for RPGs using the Turn Order and the Tracker window. The InitiativeMaster API provides functions dealing with all aspects of: managing how initiative is done; rolling for initiative; for "group" and "individual" initiative types providing Character action selection to determine the speed and number of attacks of weapons, the casting time of spells & the usage speed of magic items; supporting initiative for multiple attacks with one or multiple weapons per round; supporting and tracking actions that take multiple rounds; managing the resulting Turn Order; as well as performing the "End of Day" activity. It works very closely with the RoundMaster API to the extent that InitiativeMaster cannot work without RoundMaster (though the reverse is possible). InitiativeMaster also works closely with AttackMaster API and MagicMaster API and uses the data configured on the Character Sheet by these other APIs, although it can use manually completed Character Sheets once correctly configured.
  • AttackMaster -- provides functions to manage weapons, armour & shields, including taking weapons in hand and using them to attack. It uses standard AD&D 2e rules to the full extent, taking into account: ranged weapon ammo management with ranges varying appropriately and range penalties/bonuses applied; Strength & Dexterity bonuses where appropriate; any magic bonuses to attacks that is in effect (if used with RoundMaster API effects); penalties & bonuses for non-proficiency, proficiency, specialisation & mastery; penalties for non-Rangers attacking with two weapons; use of 1-handed, 2-handed or many-handed weapons and restrictions on the number of weapons & shields that can be held at the same time; plus many other features.
  • MagicMaster -- provides functions to manage all types of magic, including Wizard & Priest spell use and effects; Character, NPC & Monster Powers; and discovery, looting, use and cursing of Magic Items. All magical aspects can work with the RoundMaster API to implement token markers that show and measure durations, and produce actual effects that can change character sheet attributes temporarily for the duration of the spell or permanently if so desired. They can also work with the InitiativeMaster API to provide menus of initiative choices and correctly adjust individual initiative rolls, including effects of Haste and Slow and similar spells. Spells can summon weapons to hand via the AttackMaster API and change bonuses on attacks and damage, by weapon or for one or more party members. This API can also interact with the MoneyMaster API (under development) to factor in the passing of time, the cost of spell material use, the cost of accommodation for resting, and the cost of training for leveling up as a spell caster (Wizard, Priest or any other).
  • CommandMaster -- The CommandMaster API is part of the RPGMaster suite of APIs for Roll20, which includes RoundMaster, InitiativeMaster, AttackMaster, MagicMaster and CommandMaster. It manages the initialisation of a Campaign to use the RPGMaster APIs, communication and command syntax updates between the APIs and, most importantly for the DM, easy menu-driven setup of Tokens and Character Sheets to work with the APIs.

Ars Magica

Chronique Oubliées

  • COFantasy -- Combats, Skills and Spells support

Cypher System

  • Cypher System Sheet -- Enables the applying of stat cost, recovery roll advance, auto calculation of PC state and damage track in the Cypher System Sheet, from the roll template or sheet buttons, for both the "English" and "French" versions.
  • Cypher Systems by Roll20 Companion -- Enables the applying to characters of Stats costs and Recovery rolls advancement from the chat roll template, as well as applying Damage to NPCs.

D6 System

The "D6 System" includes a number of games from West End Games which utilize the same (or very similar) game mechanics. Scripts which are more specific to a single game than the system as a whole should be categorized there.

  • Wild Dice -- Implements the Wild Dice rolling mechanic, used in "Star Wars D6", "D6 Adventure", "D6 Fantasy", and "D6 Space"


  • Earthdawn (FASA Official) -- A companion to the Earthdawn (FASA Official) and 1879 (FASA Official) character sheets, this provides many features such as automatically creating token actions and helping with accounting, calculating Target Numbers and checking for number of successes, Etc.



  • Fate Dots -- Provides numbered multi dots for Fate stress boxes.

HERO Systems

This includes Champions, Star HERO, Fantasy HERO, Traveller HERO, etc.



  • Pathfinder Skillbook -- Generate token action to put API buttons for skills in chat window
  • Pathfinder HeroLab Character Import -- Import characters from Hero Lab via XML
  • Pathfinder Companion Script -- The Pathfinder Companion Script automates many of the day to day tasks of playing in and running a pathfinder game. The script is designed for the Neceros Pathfinder Sheet for Roll20

Pathfinder 2nd Edition

Savage Worlds

  • Raise Count -- Counts raises on a roll against a given target number
  • Savage Worlds Raise Roller -- Rolls for extra or wildcard and then shows a list of target numbers that are success or success with raises.
  • DealInit(Forum) -- Deals cards for initiative for Savage Worlds
  • Savage Worlds Status Changer -- This script makes it easy to assign a status to a set of selected tokens.



  • Shadowrun 5th Edition -- API helper for the "Shadowrun 5th Edition"-sheet by Cassie
  • SR-RollExtender -- Deals with Shadowrun specific rules like glitches and extended rolls. For the "Shadowrun: 5th Edition (Advanced)" sheet.
  • SR-NextPass -- GM aid to handle moving on to the next initiative pass

Star Wars

Scripts for the various Star Wars systems.

  • Star Wars: FFG - Dice Roller -- Dice Roller for the Star Wars: FFG (API-Compatible)-character sheet
  • Star Wars: Fantasy Flight Games - Destiny Tracker -- SW FFG Destiny Tracker provides a way to prompt, set and track destiny points for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire (Fantasy Flight Games)
  • Wild Dice -- Implements the Wild Dice rolling mechanic, used in "Star Wars D6", "D6 Adventure", "D6 Fantasy", and "D6 Space"


Trail of Cthulhu

  • GUMSHOE -- A point-spending script for GUMSHOE games. Integrates with supporting character sheets.

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay


  • WFRP 2E Actions (Havoc) -- Functions and Roll Templates in support of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 2E Sheet by Paul "Havoc" Stein


  • WFRP4e -- Oops!, Critical Hit Location, and Critical Hit result support for Warhammer Fantasy 4th Edition.
